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马振西,陕西省西安市人,1976年毕业于西安美术学院油画系,师承武德祖、刘文西教授,兼擅中国油画人物的研讨 ,并创作了较有影响的美术作品《礼佛图》、《卖炭翁》、《沙乡驼铃》、《关云长》、壁画《丝绸之路》等。
七十年代研临敦煌壁画300余幅。老1 辈国画大师李可染曾对其壁画作品《千手观音》题词:“吾观此画气宇轩宏杰作惊天”;石鲁大师对其壁画作品《张议潮统军出征图》题词:“笔精艺妙”。
现为中国美术家协会会员、国家1 级美术师、陕西省文史馆研讨 员、陕西省壁画研讨 会理事、陕西书画协会理事,陕西省秦汉绘画研讨 院院长,中国艺术普及促进会国家文明 网聘为国家西部艺术教育顾问,甘肃润通实业投资集团无限 公司艺术顾问。

Introduction to the artist

Ma Zhenxi, shaanxi saves Xi'an city person, was graduated from department of canvas of Xi'an academy of fine arts 1976, master bear Wu Dezu, Liu Wen is taught on the west, hold the research of character of canvas of China of arrogate to oneself concurrently, created more influential art work " ceremony Buddha pursues " , " old man selling charcoal " , " bell of sanded countryside camel " , " Guan Yun is long " , mural " the Silk Road " etc.
Grind seventies face Dunhuang mural more than 300. Great Master Li Ke catchs older generation traditional Chinese painting to ever was opposite its mural work " 1000 hands avalokitesvara " epigraph: "I watchs this to draw the Xuan Hongjie that enrage eaves to make Jing day " ; Shi Lu's Great Master is right its mural work " Zhang Yi is wet all army go out for a battle pursues " epigraph: "Sum art of essence of life is clever " .
Work " wife and mother watchs the tube " enter the throughout the country 76 years two celebrate the United States to exhibit bear the palm and publish on the People's Daily.
Create comic 78 years " small white elephant dies write down " the bear the palm in art exhibition of popular science interlink, comic is saved in Shaanxi " Chen Hua becomes mouth of ensanguined Wu Song " publish by Shaanxi art publishing house.
Will hold art exhibition at Singapore country museum on invitation 91 years in December.

Published 2003 " Zhong Dao brings blessing to do obeisance to good year " calendar series.
Was in 2006 the country is artistic kind of core periodical " artistic market " publish work of series of 10 great creative work more than 30.
In recent years many work is collected by global friend and provincial state unit, work and biography brief are typed " dictionary of Chinese-English of calligrapher of Chinese contemporary artist " .
It is Chinese artist academician, country now director of association of painting and calligraphy of director of seminar of mural of province of researcher of Rearch Institute of Culture and History of province of division of one class art, Shaanxi, Shaanxi, Shaanxi, shaanxi saves dean of academy of brushwork of Chinese of the Qin Dynasty, chinese art popularizes net of culture of stimulative meeting country to hire for the country western artistic education is advisory, gansu Province embellish tells adviser of art of limited company of industrial investment group.

