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韩培生,1946年生于浙江省余姚市。1964年考入浙江美术学院附中。1980年加入中国美术家协会。前后 担任奉化文明 馆馆长、文广局副局长、党委副书记,文明 局局长、党委书记兼文联主席,宁波市艺术研讨 所所长兼宁波市表演 公司总经理,曾兼任浙江省油画家协会副主席。
韩培生,副研讨 馆员,现为浙江省油画家协会副主席,浙江人与自然油画院副院长。
1946年生于浙江省余姚市,1954年,8岁的韩培生随着家人从余姚老家1 同来到了上海,与身为银行高级职员的父亲团聚定居。在上海,他开发各种爱好,既可以游泳,可以动手做本身 喜欢的船模,后来又在表哥的影响下喜欢上了画画,开始拿起了画笔。韩培生说:“那个时候,就是考附中之前,每天放学当前 几毛钱买1 个大饼,没有到家里去,就到上海图书馆,本来 的老美术馆,如今 南京路与黄陂路相交的地方。去图书馆去看国外的1 些画册,特别是看契斯恰科夫的教学体系。我不断的临摹,大概有两三年时间,等到后来我在少年宫跟随韩厚平老师学时,那时的素描很好了。”
1964年,在上海两千多画友当中,他成为了被美院附中录取的10人之1 。上世纪60年代初,在浙江美院附中内,当第1 次看到了从苏联带回来的油画时,韩培生至今还记得当时的那种震动 。后来,浙美附中与列宾美院附中开始经常展开交流活动,他们先生 的作品经常到中国展览,而韩培生他们的作品也去俄国展览。当时,韩培生的同班同学中有潘公凯董小明等如今艺术界的大腕,而他是班上的专业课代表。韩培生说:“那个时候我们经常下乡,1 年当中 差不多有半年在外面,每个学期有两三个月下农村。当时的口号是‘我们艺术要面对理想 生活,到农村去,到边疆去,到火热的阶级斗争当中去,到人民的生活当中去。’可是等到毕业时,1968年,文明 大革命,把我们全赶走了。”
在众多的同学当中 ,他去了奉化——那个当时没有人情愿 去的“阶级斗争异常复杂”的蒋介石的老家。这1 呆就是30年。
1972年,当韩培生铺开12张1 开的沿化纸画出了参加浙江省美展的作品《出海》时,他已 跑遍了奉化象山港沿岸的下陈、桐照、栖枫渔业大队。渔村的规模、渔船的数量、渔村的造船厂、冷冻厂、网厂、渔业大队的年产量,还有渔村的家底他都了如指掌。在许多人的家里,至今还保留着他当年为老人们画下的数千张作为遗像的素描人像。在当年他辅导过的农民当中,有许多人日后都成了画家,作品被众多的藏家争相收藏,奉化也被中国文明 部评为“农民画之乡”。韩培生说:“没有哪个领导要你画,我除了参加了两个工作组以外 ,其余的全部都是我本身 去的。1 个是农民的水库里面,给他们去劳动,还有1 个是渔民家。当地有三个渔村,我就本身 去跟他们商量,吃住都在他们家,与他们1 同出海,他们都情愿 。”
1993年,韩培生成为奉化文明 局局长。为了改变当地文明 设施差的现状,他与香港人谈判,把本来 党委不要的房子卖掉。卖掉的钱除了建造办公大楼,他还用其中1 部分用于合作建房,解决了奉化市全部 文明 零碎 的住房成绩 。这座文明 馆被核定为特级文明 馆,后来又被文明 部核定为标准文明 馆。他也被评为“全国先进文明 馆长”。韩培生说:“虽然行政工作占去了我许多的时间,画画只是专业 的,但我还是像之前 1 样不断地深入生活,画了许多的油画。像《初阳》、《江南风光》、《渔村小店》都是那个时候画的。”两年以后 ,就在他与毛文佐在马来西亚吉隆坡举办的双人联展上,他展出的《满载而归》等17幅作品都被藏家1 抢而光。
。画面是塔形的构图,肖像画的情势 。有人对之评论道:“作品凝聚了韩培生30余年深入渔村直面生活的感念,迸发着他对渔民兄弟的敬爱。表现出对象不同的性情 、1 样的心气,和 那个时代的质感。”对此,韩培生说我对渔民确实很有感情,但是如今的渔民已 失去了渔民的特征,走在大街上你再也认不出来了。已 成为宁波艺术研讨 所所长的韩培生开始策划和参与许多全国性的大型美术展览。其中他创办的宁波市每年的“文明 月”活动至今还为市民们所称道,而其兼任经理的逸夫剧院也开始不断有世界级的交响乐团与各类知名艺术家前来表演 ,每年创收数百万,赡养 了几十号人。
1999年,韩培生画下了1 幅这样的作品:在1 片干枯的海滩上,两只帆船正搁浅停留,但却丝毫不见破败,那两艘帆船反倒都保持昂扬的气势,仿佛随时预备 着扬帆出海。这是他所熟悉的题材,也仍然 保持着韩氏那种激越而苍劲的情绪。在画完以后 ,韩培生将之取名为《潮涨之前》。随后,在1 个艺术博览会上,它被一名 藏家当场买走。“这幅画买去的时候是十多年之前了,藏家是1 个开发地产的商人,那个时候正是房地产低潮的时候。他不想干了,但是看到这幅画觉得很有道理,有低潮也就有退潮 了,后来就坚持了上去 。结果前年他来找我,打听来打听去,听说在宁波,就问到电话给我联系,问我还画不画。我说画的。他说我之前 买了你1 幅画发财了。我说那好啊,听了以后 我也很高兴。”不久,这位藏家专程接韩培生去看他的公司,看他公司开发的楼盘,并向韩培生订制了十几幅画,全部都是金灿灿的俄罗斯风味。
2000年,韩培生在“浙江油画家协会第四次代表大会”中当选为浙江省油画家协会副主席,开始为浙江油画界而奔走工作。在众多的美协会员与知名艺术家的眼中,他的豪爽与真诚1 如他的油画:刚健而纯朴,浓郁而纯真。他的老友潘鸿海更是印象深刻,他总是说,我十分庆幸,在当今我们的画坛上有着这位纯真的油画艺术家。
韩培生至今还记得本身 的作品《暮年 》参加全国美展时所面临的遭受 :“那个时候他们不给我展览,当时是1979年,我就介绍了1 下(《暮年 》的创作动机)。为何 要画这幅画,渔民,他们暮年 在看码头上的风光,这批人都是‘两头 人物’。这个是支部书记,这个是商人,退休了当前 如今 支部书记拍商人的马屁,谈生意经。这个是很犟强的老头,这1 个是吸过雅片 什么的。这个人当时画的时候他还在。这个人是做小生意的,这个是瞎子,他的儿子对他老好了。这个人到处走来走去、打听音讯 ,这个人是做会计,关心国家大事……就是这么1 批两头 人物,人家说你个这都是‘地富反坏右’,在这里聊着************,不能送北京。唉,那个时候是很荒唐的。”后来这幅作品经过展览,被美术杂志看到,说这是1 个好作品,拿去发表了,被评为优秀作品,并被编入了《中国艺术大系》当中 。
2012年,“百花沃土美术作品特展”在浙江省美术馆开展,韩培生画作的《老搭档》入选。作为呈现70年来浙江美术界的创作实绩的文献总结性大展,韩培生对本身 的作品能够入选显得非常高兴
已退休在家的韩培生迎来了他作为画家最为美好的时候。他的画室就是他的书房,里面摆满了各种各样的书籍。他就在这里支上画架,沉浸于本身 的世界当中 。他可以画他所宠爱 的四明山的春夏秋冬,画浙东大地金秋中灿烂的收获,画他枯藤老树人家的喜怒哀乐。在浙江油画界以快手而出名 的韩培生,已经是 渐入佳境。也曾经有艺评家这样总结过他的创作:“老牛,老树,老人。三老!他所寻求 的是1 种土得掉渣的感觉。作为宁波的代表性画家,他不断 就是浙东画家中的扛鼎人物。”听后,韩培生总是会心1 笑:“我的个性之前 比较喜欢强烈的东西,理论上来说就是强化感情,强化对象,还原色彩本来面貌。比如我这个《老搭当》就把手指画得很大。就是渔民的这个手很无力 量,拉网的。脚也是很无力 量,所以他的脚指头都是分开的。但是如今 又开始有1 点1 点地回来了,由于 如今 想寻求 1 种完全 的东西,完善 的东西。”
次要 作品有:1975年《海上大学》参加全国水彩水粉画展,1978年《三代船老大》《梦海中的金海》《林子里新开的小路》入选华东六省1 市人物画展与风景静物画展。其余作品有:1979年《暮年 》,1980年《故乡》,1984年《水乡春》,1993年《初阳》,1994年《江南风光》,1998年《老搭档》,2001年《四明堡垒》等。作品曾八次参加全国美展并有作品获奖。

Introduction to the artist

Han Peisheng, was born at Zhejiang to visit town of more than Yao 1946. Checked attached middle school of Zhejiang academy of fine arts 1964. Joined Chinese artist consortium 1980. Hold the position of Feng Huawen to change vice secretary of deputy director general of wide bureau of house curator, article, Party committee early or late, secretary of culture bureau director, Party committee holds article couplet chairman concurrently, director of artistic institute of peaceful wave city holds general manager of company of performance of peaceful wave city concurrently, ceng Jian holds the post of Zhejiang to save vice-chairman of canvas home association.
Han Peisheng, the deputy member that study a house, save vice-chairman of canvas home association for Zhejiang now, zhejiang person draws courtyard assistant dean with natural oil.
Was born at Zhejiang to visit town of more than Yao 1946, 1954, han Peisheng of 8 years old came to Shanghai together from native place of more than Yao as family, with as the bank the father of senior staff member reunites resident. Be in Shanghai, he develops all sorts of interests, can swim already, can start work the boat model that makes oneself like, liked to go up to draw below the influence of the cousin again later, began to take paintbrush. Han Peisheng says: "At that time, before checking attached middle school namely, after classessing are over everyday, money of a few wool buys a flat bread, did not arrive home in go, go to Shanghai library, original old art gallery, the place that Nanjing road and yellow Bei road intersect now. Go to the library see a few an album of paintings of abroad, view the education system of husband of division of agree Si Qia especially. My ceaseless copy, have two 3 years probably time, when I follow in Children's Palace later class hour of Mr. Han Houping, the sketch in those days is very good. The sketch in those days is very good..
1964, it is among more than 2000 picture friend of Shanghai, he became one of 10 people that are recruited by beautiful courtyard attached middle school. Go up century at the beginning of 60 time, inside attached middle school of Zhejiang beautiful courtyard, when seeing the canvas that brings back from Russia for the first time, han Peisheng still remembers the sort of shock at that time up to now. Later, beautiful attached middle school of short for Zhejiang Province and attached middle school of courtyard of the beauty that list guest begin to often develop communication activity, the work of their student often goes to China to exhibit, and their work also goes Han Peisheng Russian exhibition. At that time, there is Pan Gongkai in Han Peisheng's classfellow, the big wrist of the artistic nowadays bound such as Dong Xiaoming, and he is the professional class on the class delegate. Han Peisheng says: "At that time we often go to the countryside, one year in have half an year almost outside, every semester has the country below 3 two months. The catchword at that time is ' our art should face real life, go to the country, go to border area, arrive among fervent class struggle, arrive among people's life. ' but when when graduation, 1968, the Great Cultural Revolution, drove away us completely. Drove away us completely..
In numerous classmate, he went acting according to change -- be willing to go without the person that at that time " class struggle is unusually complex " Jiang Jieshi's native place. This stays is 30 years.
1972, the work that rolls out 12 pieces of edges to changed paper picture to go out to attend Zhejiang to save the United States to exhibit when Han Peisheng " go to sea " when, he had been gone around act according to harbor of the hill that change an elephant to fall coastally old, tung is illuminated, group of dwell maple fishery. Year of crop of group of factory of the dockyard of the amount of the dimensions of fishing village, fisher, fishing village, cold storage plant, net, fishery, the family property accumulated over a long time that still has fishing village he know sth like the palm of one's hand. In the home of a lot of people, thousands of pieces when still withholding him to be drawn for old people in those days up to now regard the sketch of the portrait of the deceased as figure. Be in in those days among the farmer that he has coached, a lot of people became an artist in the future, work is contended for by numerous Tibetan home collect, act according to change also be judged to be by Chinese culture ministry " the country that the farmer draws " . Han Peisheng says: "The leader wants you to draw without which, I besides joined two working groups besides, of the others entirely myself goes. Inside a reservoir that is a farmer, go working to them, still having is piscatorial home. Place has 3 fishing village, I discuss with them with respect to oneself, eat to be in their home, go to sea together with them, they are willing. They are willing..
1993, han Peisheng becomes Feng Huawen to change bureau director. To change the current situation with local culture poor establishment, he and sweet Hongkong's person negotiate, the house that does not want original Party committee sells. The fund that sells besides build office building, he still is used use at cooperating to build a house partly among them, solved give the housing issue that changes system of city whole culture. This culture house is by check and ratify fancy culture house, be by culture ministry check and ratify again later standard culture house. He also is judged to be " curator of countrywide advanced culture " . Han Peisheng says: "Although clerical work is occupied,went I a lot of time, painting a picture is amateurish only, but I or live deep ceaselessly like before, painted a lot of oil painting. Resemble " Chu Yang " , " Changjiang Delta scene " , " fishing village small shop " draw at that time. " after two years, the two-men couplet that holds in Malaysia kuala lumpur in he and Mao Wenzun is exhibited on, he exhibits " come back with fruitful results " wait for 17 work to be hidden the home is grabbed and smooth.
1998, he from act according to change mix toward Ning Bo, the picture fell to still be by a lot of person up to now " old partner "
. The picture is the composition of a picture of tower form, the form of portraiture. The comment with right somebody: "Work condensed Han Peisheng the recall with deep emotion with straight vivid look unfamiliar of fishing village of development of 30 one's remaining years, bursting forth his adoration to piscatorial brother. The nature that shows an object to differ, same heart is angry, and the simple sense of that times. " to this, han Peisheng says I am right fisherman really very sentient, but the feature that the fisherman nowadays had lost a fisherman, go on the ave you also admit not to come out again. The Han Peisheng that has made strong point of institute of peaceful wave art begins to engineer and participate in a lot of national large painting to exhibit. Among them the peaceful wave city that he establishs is annual " culture month " the activity still is citizens up to now place commend, and what the ease husband theater that its hold a manager part-time also begins to have world-class ceaselessly is philharmonic come round with of all kinds and famous artist show, achieve every year receive millions, fed a few people.
1999, han Peisheng drew a such work: On a sere beach, two caique are staying aground, but however a bit disappears dilapidated, instead of those two caique maintains high-spirited momentum, as if to preparing to set sail at any time. This is the subject matter that he is familiar with, still also carrying Han the sort of intense and vigrous mood. After the picture is over, han Peisheng will entitle " before tide goes up " . Subsequently, on an artistic exposition, it is bought by field of family belongs of a Tibet. "When this picture is bought, be more than 10 years before, hiding the home is a businessman that develops real estate, at that time is estate low ebb when. He did not want to work, but see this picture feels very reasonable, low ebb also has flow, insisted to come down later. He comes to result the year before last year look for me, ask to ask to go, hear in Ning Bo, ask about a phone to give me connection, ask I return a picture to be not drawn. I say a picture. He said to your picture was bought to get rich before me. I say good ah, I am very glad also after listening. " before long, this Tibet home receives Han Peisheng to see his company on a special trip, the building that sees his company development dish, order to Han Peisheng made ten pictures, it is golden Russia gust entirely.
2000, han Peisheng is in " association of Zhejiang canvas home the 4th congress " in be elected to save vice-chairman of canvas home association for Zhejiang, begin to run for Zhejiang canvas bound the job. Be in numerous beauty assist in the eye of member and famous artist, his canvas that is like him with sincerity nobly: Energetic and honest, full-bodied and pure. Sea of his lad Pan grand is more impressive, he always says, I very rejoice, in there is this pure canvas artist now on our picture altar.
The work that Han Peisheng still remembers him up to now " old age " the lot that when attending countrywide beauty to exhibit, faces: "They do not give me the exhibition at that time, at that time is 1979, I introduced (" old age " creation motive) . Why to want to paint this picture, fisherman, their old age is watching the scene on dock, this batch of people are ' bagman content ' . This is branch secretary, this is a businessman, after retiring the equestrian wind that branch secretary takes a trader now, talk about knack of doing business. This is very the old man with strong stubborn, this one is to had sucked opium of what. When this individual is drawn at that time, he still is in. This person is dicker, this is a blind person, his son is old to him good. This person everywhere to-and-fro, ask about a message, this person is to become a treasurer, care the affairs of state... namely so a batch of bagman content, the someone says you this is ' the ground is rich turn over bad right ' , talking about ************ here, cannot send Beijing. Alas, at that time is very absurd. " this work passes an exhibition later, be seen by art magazine, say this is a good work, go off with was published, be judged to be outstanding work, was enrolled " Chinese art is greatly " in.
2012, "Work of art of 100 beautiful fertile soil is exhibited especially " in Zhejiang province art gallery is begun, han Peisheng draws " old partner " selected. As appear 70 years to come to Zhejiang the document summary sex of the creation gain of art group is exhibited greatly, han Peisheng is right oneself work can selected appear very glad.
Already retired to greet him to regard as in domestic Han Peisheng when the painter is most good. His atelier is his study, inside filled up with various books. He is raised here on easel, in the world that is enmeshed at oneself. He can draw the Chun Xiaqiu winter of the 4 bright hill that he dotes on, picture short for Zhejiang Province east the earth is harvested aglitter in fall, draw him the feeling that withered cane often cultivates a family. In the Han Peisheng with Zhejiang canvas famed with quick worker bound, already was to enter the most pleasant stage gradually. Once also had art the creative work that reviews the home to had summed up him so: "Old ox, old tree, old person. 3 old! What what he goes after is the feeling that a kind of earth must drop broken bits. As representative painter of Ning Bo, he is short for Zhejiang Province all the time east the character carrying a vessel in the painter. " after listening, han Peisheng always is understanding laughs: "My individual character prefers intense thing before, theory comes up saying is aggrandizement feeling, aggrandizement object, reductive colour is original appearance. For instance I this " often build when " draw finger very greatly. This hand that is a fisherman has power very much, help a network. The foot also is very strong volume, so his toe is apart. But begin to the bit by bit comes back again now, because want to pursue a kind of whole thing now, ideal thing. Ideal thing..
Main work has: 1975 " maritime university " enter art exhibition of countrywide watercolour soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes, 1978 " 3 acting boatman " " the Jin Hai in dream sea " " alley of the new-blown in grove " selected Hua Dongliu saves art exhibition of one city character and art exhibition of scenery still life. The others work has: 1979 " old age " , 1980 " birthplace " , 1984 " spring of a region of rivers and lakes " , 1993 " Chu Yang " , 1994 " Changjiang Delta scene " , 1998 " old partner " , 2001 " 4 bright fort " wait. Work ever attended countrywide beauty 8 times to exhibit and have work bear the palm.

