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叶惠玲 - 叶惠玲专访:第十一届全国美展

2022-03-11 17:35:15




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叶惠玲出生于广东省韶关市,2009年毕业于广州美术学院油画系,获学士学位;2013年毕业于广州美术学院油画系,获硕士学位;现为广州画院青苗画家,中国美术家协会会员。她创作颇丰,作品曾入选第三届全国青年美展,入选第十1 届全国美术作品展览,入选第四、5 届广东当代油画艺术展等。前后 获“第三届全国青年美展”优秀奖(最高奖项)、“第四届广东当代油画艺术展”作品奖(最高奖项)、美国“百人会英才奖(艺术)”、国家奖学金、罗中立奖学金等。请看图片报道:

Introduction to the artist

Xie Huiling is born in Guangdong to save beautiful to shut city, was graduated from department of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts 2009, obtain bachelor's degree; Was graduated from department of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts 2013, obtain master's degree; It is young crops of Guangzhou imperial art academy now painter, chinese artist academician. She is created quite abundant, work ever selected beauty of youth of the 3rd whole nation is exhibited, selected eleventh exhibition of countrywide art work, selected the 4th, art of 5 Guangdong contemporary canvas is exhibited etc. Obtain early or late " beauty of youth of the 3rd whole nation is exhibited " outstanding award (top prize) , " art of contemporary canvas of the 4th Guangdong is exhibited " work reward (top prize) , the United States " 100 people are met award of person of outstanding ability (art) " , national fellowship, Luo Zhongli. See picture story please:

