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郭绍纲 - “赤子诚心 春华秋实”简述郭绍纲从

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 郭绍纲,1932年生于北京昌平。油画家、艺术教育家,兼擅长书法。曾用名:享邑。1949年考入国立北平艺专。1953年毕业于北京地方 美术学院绘画系,并任教于武汉中南美专。1955年至1960年由国家选派赴苏联列宾美术学院留学,专攻油画。1960年至今任教于广州美术学院,历任油画系副主任、美术教育系主任、副院长、院长。1985年起任教授,并出席中国美术家协会第四次全国代表大会,当选为理事。1986年起历任国家教育部艺术教育委员会第1 、第二及第三届委员、专家讲学团成员。1992年被聘为国务院学位委员会艺术学科评议组成员。1996年被聘为国际美术家联合会名誉副主席。1999年获俄罗斯列宾美术学院荣誉教授衔和俄罗斯政府文明 部授予普希金奖章。

1960年起前后 在穗、汉、津、深、港、澳等地举办个人油画、书法作品展览三十余次,油画、粉画、书法作品均多次参加全国性的大型展览,部分作品曾参加出国展览、刊行于国内外出版物,书法作品刻石于多处碑林和名胜古迹风景区。作品、编著、论文、教学均曾获奖。坚持艺术源于生活,以服务社会、雅俗共赏为主旨 。传略及作品入编国内外多部典籍。



 我在绍纲的油画风景中,尤如在他的素描、速写、油画人物和书法作品中看到的1 样,是他的为人的稳健和耿直 ,是他感情的朴实和真诚 ,是他对待人生和艺术的投入和虔诚.绍纲的才智不弱,可是他不夸耀 本身 的才能.绍纲有很好的艺术技巧,可是他从不卖弄技巧.他在描绘普通的自然景色中,抒发他的襟怀 .从取景角度和表面绘画效果看绍纲的画,或许 不那样夺目,但他的画有1 种内在的厚重美,有1 种力美,所以经得起看,耐人寻味.在中国画论中,把不之外 形取胜而之内 质予人精神和心灵感染的艺术,称之为"内美",我以为,绍纲的油画风景正是属于内美的艺术.目前,我国油画界以致 艺术界,都在谈论如何提高艺术创作的精神性的这个成绩 .艺术中的所谓精神性,是绝对 物资 性、技巧性、和外表情势 而言的,是指艺术中能够振奋人们精神世界的那些东西.决定艺术作品中精神性强弱的要素 很多,但最根本的是艺术家的人格力量和精神素质.艺术在某种意义上是1 种"道".从事艺术事业的人,当然要学习技巧,学手艺,研讨 情势 言语,任何轻视技巧、手艺、情势 言语的想法,都是错误的,但重要的是艺术家要"修身",要在生活和艺术实践中不断磨练本身 ,提高本身 的精神素质,完善本身 的人格力量.只要 这两者完善 的结合,艺术作品才能达到必然 的精神境界.我想,有心人在玩味绍纲的油画技巧,欣赏他的质朴自然油画言语 的同时,定能得到1 种人生的体悟和思想的启迪.这便是绍纲的写实而无情 韵的油画言语 的精神力量所在。


美质中藏 ―――郭绍纲的艺术风格 迟轲 清代沈宗骞曾说:“华以外 现者博浮誉于1 时,质当中 藏者得赏音于千古。”外表的浮华漂亮易于讨好,却不能令人经久地品味赏玩。真正派 得起时间考验,令人反复叹赏的作品,大多是内涵丰富,蕴藉而深沉的。郭绍纲教授油画风格特色,正可以用“美质中藏”四个字描述 。

他的画,初看上去,似只觉得其稳妥严谨,无懈可击;然细加欣赏,方显出光彩诱人的韵致悠远。可以称得上是1 种不尚哗众取宠不屑卖弄技巧的“大家风范”。

郭绍纲由北平艺专而入地方 美术学院,毕业后赴苏联列宾美术学院进行5 年深造,在绘画技巧和涵养 方面,奠定了十分坚实的基础,这类 方法,继承了西欧数百年来写实主义的优秀传统,善于深入事物的本质,保持画家的新颖 感受和独自的个性,因此 有别于学院派末流的公式主义。

试看他画的牡丹花,明艳中显出厚硕,愈觉其仪态万方。他画粤北山林或海边林带,辽远苍茫中表现出非常奥妙 的色彩变化。他画早春时巨树上吐出的嫩枝,弥漫 着无穷 的生气……

郭绍纲对于传统的中国画有丰富的知识和鉴赏力。在书法上很有成就 ,他的书体,严正中具有豪健的气概。这些素养,不但使他所作的油画,在情趣上含有中国的民族气魄,而且还常常表现出遒劲的笔法之美。

郭绍纲教授近些年来不断 担任广州美术学院院长之职,文版劳形之余,从未放松绘画艺术的研讨 与创作,此次,“郭绍纲油画展”在香港展出,除三件作品以外 ,都是1981年至1991年间,近十年的作品,这十年正是他在领导和教学工作最繁忙的时期,许多较大幅的绘作,都是根据 小幅的速写重新创作而成,虽有若干实景的参照,而更多地则可以说是出自“胸中丘壑”。故能表达出更多的自在 抒写和更高的创造精神。其中不少佳作既能制造 精严又能天然浑成。

庄子说:“既雕既琢,复归于朴”。不管 对画品或人品来说,质朴都是非常可贵的。

English Introduction

 Guo Shaogang was born in Changping, Beijing, in 1932. Oil painter, art educator, and good at calligraphy. Once used the name: Henyi. He was admitted to the National Peiping Arts College in 1949. He graduated from the Painting Department of Beijing Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1953 and taught at Wuhan Central and South American College. From 1955 to 1960, he was selected by the state to study in the Lebin Academy of Fine Arts of the Soviet Union, specializing in oil painting. Since 1960, he has been teaching in Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. He has been deputy director of the Department of Oil Painting, chairman, Deputy Dean and Dean of the Department of Fine Arts Education. He has been a professor since 1985 and was elected to the Fourth National Congress of the Chinese Artists Association. Since 1986, he has been a member of the first, second and third sessions of the Art Education Committee of the Ministry of Education and a member of the expert lecture group. In 1992, he was employed as a member of the Art Discipline Review Group of the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council. He was appointed Honorary Vice-Chairman of the International Federation of Artists in 1996. In 1999, he was awarded the honorary professor title of the Russian Lebin Academy of Fine Arts and the Pushkin Medal by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Government.

Since 1960, more than 30 exhibitions of personal oil paintings and calligraphy have been held in Sui, Han, Jin, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao. Oil paintings, pastel paintings and calligraphy works have participated in large-scale national exhibitions many times. Some of them have participated in overseas exhibitions and published in domestic and foreign publications, and calligraphy works have been carved in many stele forests and monuments. Scenic Spot. Works, writings, papers and teaching have all won awards. Adhere to the principle that art originates from life and serves the society and appreciates both refined and popular arts. Biographies and works are included in many books at home and abroad.

In Shaogang's oil painting scenery, especially in his sketches, sketches, oil paintings and calligraphy works, I can see that his stability and integrity, his simple and sincere feelings, his devotion and devotion to life and art. Shaogang's intelligence is not weak, but he does not show off his talent. He has good artistic skills, but he never shows off his skills. He expresses his mind in describing ordinary natural scenery. From the perspective of view-taking and surface painting effect, Shaogang's paintings may not be so eye-catching, but his paintings have a kind of intrinsic beauty, a kind of strength, so they can stand and be thought-provoking. In the theory of traditional Chinese painting, the art of giving people spiritual and spiritual infection instead of exterior victory is called "inner beauty". I think that Shaogang's oil painting scenery belongs to the art of inner beauty. At present, the oil painting circles and even the art circles in China are all talking about how to improve the spirituality of artistic creation. Spirituality refers to those things in art that can inspire people's spiritual world. There are many factors determining the spiritual strength of artistic works, but the most fundamental one is the artist's personality and spiritual quality. Art is in a sense a kind of "Tao" engaged in art. Of course, it is wrong for a career person to learn skills, to learn crafts, to study formal language, and to belittle skills, crafts and formal language. But it is important for an artist to "cultivate himself", to constantly hone himself in life and artistic practice, to improve his spiritual quality and to perfect his personality. The perfect combination of the two will enable the works of art to reach a certain spiritual realm. I think that while people with a mind enjoy Shao Gang's oil painting skills and appreciate his simple natural oil painting language, they will surely get a kind of life experience and thought enlightenment. This is the spiritual power of Shao Gang's realistic and emotional oil painting language. Yes.

The artistic style of Guo Shaogang, a fine Tibetan, is later than that of Shen Zongqian in the Qing Dynasty. He once said, "The present outside China is well known for a time, and the Tibetan in quality is appreciated for thousands of years." Beautiful appearance is easy to please, but it can't be appreciated for a long time. Most of the works that really stand the test of time and are admired repeatedly are rich in connotation and deep in implication. Professor Guo Shaogang's oil painting style and characteristics can be described by the four words "Beautiful Chinese Tibet".

His paintings, at first glance, seem to only feel safe and rigorous and impeccable; however, when appreciated carefully, they show a charming and lasting charm. It can be said to be a kind of "everybody's demeanor" that does not advocate sensationalism and disdains flaunting skills.

Guo Shaogang went to the Central Academy of Fine Arts from Peiping Art College. After graduation, he went to the Liebin Academy of Fine Arts of the Soviet Union for five years to further his studies. He laid a solid foundation for his painting skills and accomplishments. This method inherited the fine tradition of realism in Western Europe for hundreds of years and was good at penetrating into the essence of things and keeping the painters fresh. Feeling and individuality are different from the last-class formulism of the academic school.

Look at the peony flowers he painted. They are rich and magnificent in brightness, and they are more and more graceful. He painted mountain forests or seaside forest belts in northern Guangdong, showing very subtle color changes in the vast expanse. He painted the tender branches from the giant trees in early spring, filled with infinite vitality...

Guo Shaogang has rich knowledge and appreciation of traditional Chinese painting. He is very accomplished in calligraphy. His style is rigorous and vigorous. These qualities not only make his oil paintings contain Chinese national spirit in taste, but also often show the beauty of vigorous brushwork.

Professor Guo Shaogang has been the dean of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in recent years. He has never relaxed the research and creation of painting art in the past ten years. This "Guo Shaogang Oil Painting Exhibition" is exhibited in Hong Kong. Except for three works, all of them are works from 1981 to 1991. This decade is his leadership and teaching. During the busiest period of work, many large-scale paintings were re-created on the basis of small sketches. Although there are some real scenes for reference, more of them can be said to come from "the hills in the chest". Therefore, it can express more freedom of expression and higher creative spirit. Many of these masterpieces can be made precisely and naturally.

Chuang Tzu said, "Both carving and polishing, return to the simple". Whether for painting or character, simplicity is very valuable.

