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薛行彪,1944年生于福建省福清县,1965年毕业于福建师范学院艺术系美术专业,1979年毕业于浙江美术学院油画进修班,现为福建省画院1 级美术师,名誉院长、中国油画学会理事,福建省美术家协会顾问,曾任福建师范大学美术系主任,教授,日本名古屋艺术大学客座研讨 员,福建省画院常务副院长,福建省美术家协会副主席,福建省美术专业高级职称评委会副主任。
1964年至今,作品连续入选第四届至第十届全国美展、1 、三届中国油画展、首届中国油画年展、中国绘画艺术特展、中国油画写生作品汇展等,《字里行间》获第八届全国美展优秀作品奖,《顶风 》获中国油画写生作品汇展凤凰奖。并曾应邀于日本、美国、德国举办个人画展。出版《行彪写意》等专集三部。

Introduction to the artist

Was born at clear county of Fujian Province blessing 1944, was graduated from art of institute of Fujian normal school to fasten art major 1965, was graduated from class of attend in a advanced studies of canvas of Zhejiang academy of fine arts 1979, it is Fujian Province imperial art academy now division of one class art, canvas of reputation dean, China learns director, association of Fujian Province artist is advisory, ceng Renfu builds Normal University art to fasten a director, professor, researcher of guest of university of art of Japanese name ancient house, fujian Province imperial art academy is standing assistant dean, vice-chairman of association of Fujian Province artist, advanced title commissioner meets major of Fujian Province art vice director.
 1964 up to now, work is successive and selected the 4th is exhibited to beauty of the 10th whole nation, one, canvas of first 3 China oily art exhibition, China year exhibit, China draws art spy is exhibited, work of Chinese canvas paint from life is collected exhibit etc, " between the lines " obtain beauty of the 8th whole nation to exhibit outstanding work reward, " with the wind " obtain work of Chinese canvas paint from life to collect exhibit phoenix award. Ever held individual art exhibition at Japan, United States, Germany on invitation. Publish " travel young tiger is enjoyable " etc only collect 3.

