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长时间 从事美术出版工作,曾任山东美术出版社社长兼总编辑。现任山东出版集团出版业务部主任、编审、山东省编辑协会副会长兼秘书长。是中国美术家协会会员、山东省美术家协会副主席、山东油画学会副主席。
姜衍波创作的油画作品多次入选全国和省级各类画展并在数家报刊上发表。他策划或编辑的《名家点评大师佳作》《特列恰科夫国家画廓藏画》《中国当代油画典藏》《中国历代小品画》《黄宾虹全集》《20世纪中国美术》等多种图书获“5 个1 工程”奖、国家图书奖、中国出版政府奖、中国图书奖等国家级重要奖项。他策划的《菲钦》《雅勃隆斯卡娅》《特卡乔夫兄弟》等几十种俄罗斯油画系列画册在国内外美术界引发 了广泛影响。
由于其在编辑出版工作中的突出贡献,2001年荣获“全国百佳出版工作者”称号,2003年荣获“中国出版韬奋奖”称号,2009年被旧事 出版总署授予“改革开放30年突出贡献个人”称号。由于在中俄文明 交流方面做出的出色贡献,被俄罗斯政府授予“普希金文明 奖”,俄罗斯列宾美术学院授予“名誉教授”称号。

Introduction to the artist

Jiang Yanbo, was born at Shandong Qingdao in April 1955. Took an examination of Zhejiang academy of fine arts 1978 (show Chinese academy of fine arts) canvas is, division draws a gentleman such as entire mountain stone from famous oil.
Be engaged in art for a long time publishing the job, ever held the post of president of Shandong art publishing house to hold an editor in chief concurrently. Currently hold the post ofShandong to publish a group to publish business department head, read and edit, vice-chairman of association of Shandong province editor holds secretary-general concurrently. It is Chinese artist academician, Shandong canvas of vice-chairman of province artist association, Shandong learns a vice-chairman.
The canvas work that Jiang Yanbo creates for many times selected whole nation and provincial and of all kinds art exhibition are counting the home publish on the press. He is engineered or editorial " a person of academic or artistic distinction comments on Great Master an excellent work " " list Qiakefu especially national picture outline hides a picture " " allusion of Chinese contemporary canvas hides " " essay of Chinese past dynasties is drawn " " Huang Binhong complete works " " art of 20 centuries China " etc a variety of. He engineers " phenanthrene admire " " elegant Bolongsikaya " " Tekaqiaofu brother " waited for an album of paintings of series of canvas of a few kinds of Russia to cause extensive effect in group of domestic and international art.
Because its are editing the outstanding contribution in publication job, had the honor to win 2001 " 100 beautiful of countrywide publish worker " title, had the honor to win 2003 " China publishs award of act vigorously sheathing or bow case " title, was awarded by total arrange of new scent edition 2009 " reforming and opening highlights contributive individual 30 years " title. Because be in in the outstanding contribution that Russian culture communicates a respect to make, be awarded by Russia government " prize of Pu Xijin culture " , the academy of fine arts awards Russia row guest " reputation is taught " title.

