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汪文斌,男,1974年出生于浙江余杭。现为中国美术家协会会员、浙江省美术家协会理事、浙江省油画家协会理事、杭州市美术家协会理事。民进地方 开明画院画师、浙江开明画院院务委员、浙江当代油画院副秘书长。2007—2008年在中国美术学院油画系学习。2003年荣获杭州市第七届精神文明建设“5 个1 工程”奖。2010年随浙江省油画家协会考察团赴俄罗斯进行为期半月的艺术考察。汪文斌的油画手法细腻,笔调抒情,题材独特,画风写实,恬静高雅 的人物,沧桑凝重的静物,诗情画意的风景,无不体现了他对家乡的热爱和眷恋。在普普通通的人和景物中,他寻觅 着属于他的那份感动,用心描绘着那份真诚 的情感,构成 了个性鲜明,风格独特的绘画作品。
2004年,第四届中日“人与自然”绘画作品展获主题奖(独一 金奖),作品被日方收藏。(杭州、日本)
2008年,与著名油画家潘鸿海合作完成“浙江省严重 题材美术创作工程”大型油画《玉磬良渚》获优秀奖,被浙江美术馆收藏。(杭州)
2008年,参加“人文江南”——迎世博长三角油画约请 展。(上海)
2011年,入选“人文江南”——吾土吾民系列油画约请 展。(杭州)
2011年,浙江省第5 届青年美展获优秀奖(最高奖)。(台州)
2012年,参加中国西班牙油画家西溪湿地写生创作作品展暨中西文明 论坛。(杭州)
2012年,参加“画忆江南”第二届中国长三角油画名家约请 展。(上海、合肥、南京)
2013年,参加“美丽青岛”白1 美术馆名家写生行作品展。(青岛)
2013年,参加“秋之硕果”——浙江油画名家约请 展。(杭州)
《玉磬良渚》、《玉葬》、《青铜时代》、《标尺历史系列—良渚玉器》、《青春系列之1 》等

Introduction to the artist

Wang Wenbin, male, was born in Zhejiang Yu Hang 1974. Save artist association director, Zhejiang to save director of association of artist of city of director of canvas home association, Hangzhou for Chinese artist academician, Zhejiang now. Civilian enter painter of central enlightened imperial art academy, Zhejiang committee member of Wu of courtyard of enlightened imperial art academy, Zhejiang is oily now deputy secretary-general of imperial art academy. 2007, study was fastened in canvas of Chinese academy of fine arts 2008. Had the honor to win the 7th cultural and ideological progress of Hangzhou city 2003 " 5 one project " award. Saved investigation group of canvas home association to go to Russia to undertake half-moon art inspects by a definite date along with Zhejiang 2010. Canvas gimmick of Wang Wenbin is exquisite, tone is lyric, subject matter is distinctive, picture wind realistically, the character with cultured peaceful, the still life of dignified of vicissitudes of life, poetics paints the view of meaning, all without exception reflected his passion to home town and be sentimentally attached to. In everyday person and scenery, he is being searched belong to him then the portion is touched, describing that true feeling attentively, formed individual character bright, the paint with distinctive color.
Show experience
2003, zhejiang saves work of art of the 3rd youth to exhibit the award that obtain silver. (Hangzhou)
2004, the 4th Sino-Japanese " person and nature " paint is exhibited win thematic award (only gold prize) , work just is collected by day. (Hangzhou, Japan)
2005, "The month mirrors tide of short for Zhejiang Province -- 2005 Zhejiang canvas is exhibited greatly " win outstanding award. (Ning Bo)
2006, "Get together new Hangzhou of Chinese ink of colour of · of the Grant Canal " art work is exhibited win a gold prize. (Hangzhou)
2007, zhejiang saves work of art of the 4th youth to exhibit the award that obtain copper. (Ning Bo)
2008, with sea of grand of Pan of home of famous oil painting collaboration is finished " Zhejiang saves major theme art to write a project " large canvas " fine of jade chime stone smalls piece of land surrounded by water " win outstanding award, be collected by Zhejiang art gallery. (Hangzhou)
2008, attend Chinese article couplet to sponsor " communication of work of the 6th Oriental artist is exhibited " . (Japanese Tokyo)
2008, attend " humanitarian Changjiang Delta " -- horny canvas invites the Bo Changsan that receive a life exhibit. (Shanghai)
2008, first " nomination of 2008 youths artist is exhibited " win outstanding award. (Beijing)
2009, zhejiang province is dozenth work exhibits a painting win outstanding award. (Hangzhou)
2009, selected work of art of sports of the 7th whole nation is exhibited. (Shandong Jinan)
2009, the 6th Zhejiang saves sports art work to exhibit the award that obtain silver. (Hangzhou)
2009, "Bright the land of country " Zhejiang province canvas is exhibited greatly win outstanding award (top prize) . (Ning Bo)
2010, "Times cup " Chinese youth realistically art is exhibited greatly win outstanding award. (Beijing)
2011, attend " inheritance is classical " -- 12 people oily art exhibition. (Hangzhou)
2011, selected " forefront " -- congratulatory Chinese Communist establishs Zhejiang province 90 years
Character work
Character work (2 pieces)
Art work is exhibited. (Hangzhou)
2011, selected " humanitarian Changjiang Delta " -- my earth I civilian series canvas invites exhibit. (Hangzhou)
2011, selected " artistic phoenix " work of contemporary youth canvas is exhibited. (Beijing)
2011, zhejiang saves beauty of the 5th youth to exhibit win outstanding award (top prize) . (stage city)
2012, attend Xi Xi of home of Chinese Spain canvas wet sketchy creation work is exhibited and forum of culture of Chinese and Western. (Hangzhou)
2012, attend " times spirit " canvas a person of academic or artistic distinction walks into creation of the Jinggang Mountains to exhibit. (Hangzhou)
2012, attend " the picture recalls Changjiang Delta " a person of academic or artistic distinction of canvas of long triangle of the 2nd China invites exhibit. (Shanghai, Hefei, Nanjing)
2012, selected the 3rd " mining · discovers " -- Chinese canvas new personality is exhibited and win outstanding work. (Beijing)
2013, attend " beautiful Qingdao " travel work prolongs paint from life of a person of academic or artistic distinction of house of Bai Yimei art. (Qingdao)
2013, attend " Qiu Zhishuo fruit " -- Zhejiang canvas a person of academic or artistic distinction invites exhibit. (Hangzhou)
Represent work
" fine of jade chime stone smalls piece of land surrounded by water " , " jade bury " , " the Bronze Age " , " series of rear sight history, fine Zhu Yuqi " , " one of green series " etc

