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徐芒耀 - 徐芒耀:写实画派需要吸纳新生力量

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徐芒耀,中国当代著名油画家。1945年出生,上海人,本籍 浙江侗乡市崇福镇。1978年考入中国美术学院(原浙江美术学院)油画系研讨 生班(文革后第1 界艺术类研讨 生),从师王德威全山石教授。1980年毕业后留油画系任教。
1984年由国家文明 部与中国美术学院选派赴法国巴黎国家高等美术学院深造。入皮埃尔·伽洪教授(Prof·PierreCARRON)工作室研习古代 具像油画。1991年11月至1993年1月,以访问学者的身份赴法国,在巴黎国家装潢 艺术学院进行学术交流。1997年12月至1998年3月应法国CYAL色彩协会之邀前往进行学术研讨活动。1998年调离中国美术学院,任上海师范大学美术学院教授、院长。2001年应欧洲色彩协会诚邀出席色彩研讨活动。2002年8月,加入联合国教科文组织属国际外型 艺术协会会员和世界华人外型 艺术协会秘书长。曾在法、美、英、比等国及港澳地区与国内举办个人画展和联展,部分作品被博物馆和收藏家收藏。

1978年考入中国美术学院(原浙江美术学院)油画系研讨 生班(文革后第1 界艺术类研讨 生),从师王德威全山石教授。
1980年油画家徐芒耀毕业于中国美术学院油画系研讨 生班;油画家徐芒耀参加“全国第二届青年美展”,获银奖。
1990年油画家徐芒耀参加美国《芝加哥国际画廊约请 展》。
1991年至1993年油画家徐芒耀作为访问学者受邀赴巴黎国家高等装潢 艺术学研修。
1995年油画家徐芒耀参加比利时《中国当代写实与後古代 主义油画展》。
2002年8月油画家徐芒耀加入联合国教科文组织属国际外型 艺术协会会员和世界华人外型 艺术协会秘书长。
2004年油画家徐芒耀受聘为中国艺术研讨 院,中国美术创作院特聘研讨 员。
2006年油画家徐芒耀出版《徐芒耀素描精品集》;油画家徐芒耀作品参加第三届中国写实画派油画展为《精神与品格——中国当代写实油画研讨 展》评委,油画作品《开模》参展为《全国小幅油画》评委。
2007年5月油画家徐芒耀与由中共地方 宣扬 部副部长李从军为主任的“国家严重 历史题材美术创作工程”艺术委员会签约,开始题为《新四军》的历史画(油画)创作。

Introduction to the artist

Xu Mang boasts, china is contemporary and famous canvas home. Was born 1945, shanghai person, city of country of Dong of ancestral home Zhejiang esteems blessing town. Took an examination of Chinese academy of fine arts 1978 (former Zhejiang academy of fine arts) canvas is graduate student class (the first bound after Culture Revolution is artistic kind of graduate student) , from division Wang Dewei and entire mountain stone are taught. Graduation hind left canvas department to teach 1980.
Went to French Paris country by national culture ministry and select of Chinese academy of fine arts 1984 advanced academy of fine arts takes advanced courses. The Aier Ga that enter a skin big professor (atelier of Prof · PierreCARRON) is studied contemporary like canvas. Came in November 1991 in January 1993, go to France in order to visit scholastic identity, in Parisian country adornment artistic institute has academic communication. Came to answered in March 1998 in December 1997 of association of French CYAL colour before inviting, go to have academic delibrate activity. Transferred Chinese academy of fine arts 1998, hold the post of professor of academy of fine arts of Shanghai Normal University, dean. Answered 2001 European colour association is invited sincerely attend colour delibrate activity. In August 2002, join U.N. Educational to belong to secretary-general of association of academician of international plastic arts and world Chinese plastic arts. Ceng Zaifa, beautiful, flower, hold individual art exhibition and couplet to exhibit than waiting for country and area of HongKong and Macow and home, partial work is collected by museum and collector.

Boast of awn of Xu of oily 1945 painter is born in Chinese Shanghai.
Boast of awn of Xu of oily 1966 painter is graduated from attached middle school of Chinese academy of fine arts.
Took an examination of Chinese academy of fine arts 1978 (former Zhejiang academy of fine arts) canvas is graduate student class (the first bound after Culture Revolution is artistic kind of graduate student) , from division Wang Dewei and entire mountain stone are taught.
Boast of awn of Xu of oily 1980 painter is graduated from canvas of Chinese academy of fine arts to fasten graduate student class; Boast of awn of canvas home Xu attends " beauty of the 2nd youth of countrywide is exhibited " , win silver-colored award.
To Xu Mang of oily 1986 painter boast went to French Paris country 1984 attend in a advanced studies of advanced academy of fine arts.
Boast of awn of Xu of oily 1987 painter attends " first China canvas is exhibited " , win a gold prize.
Work of Xu awn boast " my dream "
Boast of awn of Xu of oily 1990 painter attends the United States " Chicago international gallery invites exhibit " .
Boasted to Xu Mang of oily 1993 painter as the visit the scholar suffers 1991 invite go to Parisian country advanced adornment art learns to grind long.
Boast of awn of Xu of oily 1995 painter attends Belgium " China is contemporary realistically as modernistic as after oily art exhibition " .
Answered to boast of awn of Xu of oily in March 1998 painter in December 1997 of association of French CYAL colour before inviting, go to have academic delibrate activity.
Boast of awn of Xu of oily 1998 painter transfers Chinese academy of fine arts, hold the post of professor of academy of fine arts of Shanghai Normal University, dean.
Xu Mang of oily 2001 painter boasts should European colour association is invited sincerely attend colour delibrate activity.
Boast of awn of Xu of oily in August 2002 painter joins U.N. Educational to belong to secretary-general of association of academician of international plastic arts and world Chinese plastic arts.
Boast of awn of Xu of oily 2004 painter suffers hire for Chinese artistic academy, chinese art creates a courtyard to hire a researcher especially.
Boast of awn of Xu of oily 2005 painter joins China to draw a clique to create a group realistically, work attends country of the 2nd be placed in the middle to draw clique art exhibition realistically.
Boast of awn of Xu of oily 2006 painter is published " collect of high-quality goods of sketch of Xu awn boast " ; Work of boast of awn of canvas home Xu attends the 3rd China to draw the art exhibition that send oil to be realistically " spirit and character and morals -- China is contemporary realistically canvas considers to exhibit " commissioner, canvas work " fly a model " ginseng exhibit for " the throughout the country is small canvas " commissioner.
Boast of awn of Xu of oily in May 2007 painter and be a director by Li Congjun of undersecretary of department of propaganda of Central Committee of Communist Party of China " art of great history subject matter creates the state project " countersign of artistic committee member is made an appointment with,
Boast of awn of Xu of oily 2008 painter participates in China to be drawn realistically the group is large justice of relieve the people in disaster is patted " warm blood May · 2008 " gigantic a canvas creation.
Boast of awn of Xu of oily in December 2010 painter attends 2010 China to draw the group is small paint to exhibit realistically.

