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金高 - 竞拍巴斯奎特作品保证金高达3000万

2022-03-11 17:35:04 3492




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金高,北京人。著名油画家,教授。1948年入北平国立艺专(现北京地方 美术学院)至1952年毕业。同年赴内蒙古工作至1983年。前后 从事过美术编辑、记者、内蒙古师范大学美术系教师、专业画家等职业。历任《内蒙古画报》社美术编辑、内蒙古博物馆美术干部、中国美术家协会内蒙古分会专业画家、副主席。期间曾任内蒙古美术家协会副主席(1978年~1988年)。曾为中国美术家协会会员,美国女画家协会会员。生平传略收入英国版《世界女名人录》。

Introduction to the artist

Gold is high, peking Man. Home of famous oil painting, professor. Made the same score into north 1948 national art only (show Beijing central academy of fine arts) come to graduated 1952. Of the same age goes to Inner Mongolia job to come 1983. Been engaged in art of Normal University of art editor, reporter, Inner Mongolia early or late is the profession such as teacher, professional painter. Have successively held the posts of " Inner Mongolia pictorial " painter of major of branch of Inner Mongolia of association of artist of cadre of art of museum of company art editor, Inner Mongolia, China, vice-chairman. Vice-chairman of association of Inner Mongolia artist ever held the post of during (1978 ~1988 year) . Ever was Chinese artist academician, american paintress academician. Edition of England of income of life biography brief " world female blue book " .

