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诸涵(1929.10—)别名大声,1929年生于杭州。1947年毕业于湖州中学,1948年入杭州国立艺术学校,1954年毕业于地方 美术学院。前后 任教于武汉水运工程学院、湖南大学、华南工学院建筑系、广州美院,中国美术学院副教授。幼承家学随父诸乐三学习书画,后师从王个簃,入美术院校后又受到严厉 的西画训练,并得黄宾虹潘天寿徐悲鸿等人指授。书法初学欧阳询、李邕,后习钟鼎、石鼓,所作浑穆遒劲,端庄流丽。1982年应邀在深圳美术馆举办“诸涵周昌谷书画联展”,1988年应邀在香港举办个人书画篆刻展览,为博物馆纪念馆艺术馆收藏或被碑刻。亦擅国画,以花鸟见长。
作品有《驿站》、《杜鹃花红艳艳》、《初春风格》及《三秋景色》镜心、《水果》、《岁寒三友》镜心、《茶花》立轴、《篆书》镜心、《梅花》镜心、1978年《紫藤双燕》立轴、《绣花女》立轴(与周昌谷合作)、己未(1979)年作《葡萄》镜心、《紫藤》立轴、1981年作《蜜蜂紫藤》镜心、《花卉》立轴(与张立辰合作)、《花卉》镜心、《韵乐明珠》镜心、《葡萄》立轴、《墨梅图》镜心、《红梅》镜心、《墨竹》立轴、《花果》立轴等。出版有《绘画理论与技法》。现为中国书法家协会会员,中国美术家协会会员,西泠印社社员,西泠书画院特聘书画师,浙江华夏书画学会常务副会长,安阳殷墟笔会会员,安吉吴昌硕书画研讨 会顾问,浙江美术学院中国画系副教授。

Introduction to the artist

Zhu Han (1929.1, ) alias is loud, was born at Hangzhou 1929. Was graduated from lake state middle school 1947, entered school of Hangzhou state-maintaineding art 1948, was graduated from central academy of fine arts 1954. Teach early or late at Wuhan the engineering college builds university of waterborne project institute, Hunan, Hua Na beautiful courtyard of department, Guangzhou, associate professor of Chinese academy of fine arts. Young bear the home learns the Zhu Le that follow father 3 study painting and calligraphy, hind master from king Ha , after entering art school, get again strict the picture trains on the west, get the Huang Binhong, Pan Tianshou, person such as Xu Beihong to point to award. Ou Yangxun of calligraphy begin to learn, Li Yong, xi Zhongding, stone is roused after, what make interest of muddy Mu Qiu, dignified flow beautiful. Held in Shenzhen art gallery on invitation 1982 " couplet of painting and calligraphy exhibits Zhu Han, Zhou Changgu " , held seal cutting of individual painting and calligraphy to exhibit in Hong Kong on invitation 1988, for art of museum memorial hall the house is collected or be engraved by tablet. Also traditional Chinese painting of arrogate to oneself, with be good at of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style.
Zhu Han, word Gui Qiao, alias is loud, zhejiang brings auspicious person. Be good at Chinese picture, canvas.
Work has " dak " , " azalea brilliant red " , " early spring style " reach " 3 autumnal scenery are lubricious " lens heart, " fruit " , " year old cold 3 friend " lens heart, " camellia " vertical scroll of painting or calligraphy, " seal character " lens. Publish have " painterly theory and ability law " . It is Chinese calligrapher academician now, chinese artist academician, xi Ling imprints company commune member, courtyard of Ling painting and calligraphy hires division of painting and calligraphy especially on the west, painting and calligraphy of Zhejiang an ancient name for China learns standing vice-chairman, pen of the Yin Dynasty ruins that install this world is met member, seminar of painting and calligraphy of the Wu Changshuo that install auspicious is advisory, the traditional Chinese painting in Zhejiang academy of fine arts fastens an associate professor. 

