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2022-03-11 17:43:17 3899




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雕塑作品《丰收的喜悦》入选第七届全国美展。《射手》入选第四届全国体育美展。《惊蛰》获黑龙江省文艺精品工程三等奖,入选第九届全国美展。《垒球手》入选第5 届全国体育美展。 《举重》被选为第八届全国运动会主会场雕塑。雕塑作品《最初 的萨满》于2004年获得“第十届全国美展”优秀作品奖,被中国美术馆收藏。雕塑作品《兴安岭的传说》获“第十1 届全国美展”优秀奖。
《歌唱重生 活》获黑龙江省主题文艺系列活动美术书法摄影大赛二等奖。


English Introduction

 Li Xiangyu, from Heilongjiang Province, was born in Harbin in 1959. In 1987, he graduated from the Department of Sculpture, Shenyang Luxun Academy of Fine Arts and received a bachelor's degree. He is a sculptor and a second-level national artist. His works have been selected into the National Art Exhibition and the National Sports Art Exhibition for many times. He was a creator of Heilongjiang Artists Association.

He is currently the vice-chairman of Heilongjiang Artists Association, a full-time painter of Heilongjiang Art Museum and a member of China Artists Association. In October 2017, Li Xiangyu was elected Vice President of Heilongjiang Artists Association at the Sixth Congress of Heilongjiang Artists Association.

The sculpture "The Joy of Harvest" was selected in the 7th National Art Exhibition. "Sagittarius" was selected in the 4th National Sports Exhibition. "Insects" won the third prize of Heilongjiang Province Literature and Art Excellent Project and was selected into the Ninth National Art Exhibition. Softball Player was selected in the Fifth National Sports Exhibition. Weightlifting was selected as the main venue sculpture of the 8th National Games. The sculpture "The Last Shaman" won the award of Excellent Works in the 10th National Art Exhibition in 2004 and was collected by the Chinese Art Museum. The sculpture Legend of Xing'an Mountains won the Excellent Award of the 11th National Art Exhibition.

"Singing a New Life" won the second prize of Heilongjiang Province Theme Literature and Art Series Activity Art Calligraphy Photography Competition.

