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1984年起从事服装设计工作至今19年,曾为电影、电视、舞台掌管 人、演员进行服装设计,并掌管 国内外服装及家纺品牌设计工作、大型文艺晚会策划及总设计师。
1987年起作品多次赴欧、亚、美、澳次要 国家和地区20余展演,并多次参加香港、慕尼黑、杜塞尔多夫时装节动、静态展现 (前苏联、捷克、匈牙利、保加利亚等)。
1992年作品《远古情怀》获全国首届服装设计绘画艺术大赛1 等奖。  
1993年作品《鼎盛时代》获首届中国国际青年服装设计师大赛独一 金奖。 
1995年被日本朝日周刊誉为中国“5 佳”服装设计师之首。
1997年评为中国首届“金榜”设计师第二名、旧事 排行榜第一位 。 
1999年作为中国服装设计师优秀代表携作品参加联合国教科文组织等举办的“99巴黎·中国文明 周”中华服饰文明 展演专场。
1999年被国家文明 部评为优秀专家称号。  
2000年获上海国际服装文明 节颁发的设计成就奖。
2000年在北京成立了以本身 名字命名的“北京吴海燕服装设计无限 公司”,公司共设有六个工作室:分别为:“名媛男仕”抽象 设计,“为服装品牌设计”,“纹样设计”,“服装流行趋势研讨 ”,“家用纺织品设计”,“大型活动策划与设计”。 
2001年获上海国际服装文明 节颁发的杰出设计成就奖。 
2001年12月“中国国际时装周”期间,在比京706兵工厂举行的“观点2002”时装专场,获中国服装协会、中国服装设计师协会颁发的独一 设计师“金顶”奖。 
2002年4月获中国国际青年服装设计师作品大赛组委会、日本兄弟工业株式会社特颁发继“兄弟杯”大赛以后 的事业成就奖。 
2006年10月为"天下河坊"大型主题时装展演设计120套以杭州丝绸为主体的创意服装,归纳 "东方丝国"的极致魅力。
截至2012年,吴海燕任北京吴海燕纺织服装(设计)无限 公司总裁,艺术总监,中国美术学院学术委员会委员、设计艺术学院常务副院长,设计学部主任、教授,博士生导师,中国服装设计师协会副主席、理事、艺术委员、评审委员,杭州市服装设计师协会名誉副会长,亚洲室内纺织品协会成员。
发表论文《服饰基础教学之浅见》、《服装设计中的文明 要素》。出版专著《吴海燕时装精款》等。
吴海燕的作品,弥漫 着的浓郁“民族情结”。她对民族文明 的热爱可以追溯到她的先生 时代。读大三的那年夏天,她来到了敦煌。大漠尽头,1 幅幅敦煌壁画所展现 的中华民族绚丽多彩的服饰艺术让吴海燕深受震动 ,她觉得找到了艺术生命的源头:“我们的服装设计只要 传递出中华文明 的精粹,才能在世界舞台上散发迷人的魅力。”吴海燕开始无意识 地“积累”中国传统服饰元素。飞起1 跃的亮相,是1993年的首届中国国际青年服装设计师作品大赛。她创作的以当代时装结构和时尚色彩,再现盛唐灿烂文明 的作品《鼎盛时代》,获得了大赛唯一 金奖,并被中国服饰艺术博物馆收藏。

Introduction to the artist

(1958.4, ) female, shanghai person. Be good at catching knit design with dress. Worked in Chinese academy of fine arts 1984 up to now. Was graduated from Chinese academy of fine arts 1984 (former Zhejiang academy of fine arts) craft is. Stay school teach up to now education works 19 years.  
Dress is engaged in designing the job since 1984 up to now 19 years, ever undertook for compere of the film, TV, arena, actor dress is designed, chair domestic and international dress and home to spin a brand to design plan of large and the job, literary evening party and total stylist.
The work since 1987 goes to Europe for many times, inferior, beautiful, bay main country and area 20 Yu Zhan acts, attend section of fashionable dress of much husband of Er of Hong Kong, Munich, Du Sai to move for many times, the static state is revealed (before Russia, Czech, Hungarian, Bulgaria) .
1992 work " ancient feelings " obtain first dress of countrywide to design first prize of painterly and artistic contest.   
1993 work " times of at the height of power and splendour " win contest of stylist of dress of youth of first China International only gold prize.  
Judged 1995 head a 10 beautiful dress stylist of Chinese.   
1995 by weekly of Japanese morning sun praise for China " 5 beautiful " first of dress stylist.
10 beautiful of the 2nd China took be reappointed consecutively 1997 outfit stylist.   
Judged 1997 for China first " Jin Bang " stylist pop chart of the 2nd name, news the first.  
Answered 1998 of the State Council invite Korea president Mrs. Jin Dazhong that visits our country to follow to design formal attire.
1999 work " introduction " obtain beauty of the 9th whole nation to exhibit design craft kind gold prize.
1999 work > obtain beauty of the 9th whole nation to exhibit design craft kind gold prize.
Regarded Chinese dress stylist as outstanding delegate 1999 carry work to attend U.N. Educational to wait hold " week of culture of China of 99 Paris · " China dress culture is exhibited perform special performance.
Was judged to be outstanding expert title by national culture ministry 1999.   
The design that obtained Cultural Festival of Shanghai international dress to issue 2000 makes award.
Held water to name with him name in Beijing 2000 " Beijing Wu Haiyan dress designs limited company " , the company sets 6 studio in all: It is respectively: "Renown Yuan male be an official " figure design, "Design for dress brand " , "Grain appearance is designed " , "The trend studies dress popularity " , "Family expenses textile is designed " , "Large activity plan and design " .  
The excellent design that obtained Cultural Festival of Shanghai international dress to issue 2001 makes award.  
Was signed up for by Chinese economy daily 2001 trade group " dress times " the stylist title that the company grants 2000 year to have talent most.   
In December 2001 " week of China International fashionable dress " during, be in what than Beijing 706 armory hold " viewpoint 2002 " fashionable dress special performance, the exclusive stylist that obtains association of Chinese clothing association, Chinese dress stylist to issue " Jin Ding " award.  
Obtained company limited of industry of brother of organizing committee of contest of work of stylist of dress of China International youth, Japan to issue afterwards especially in April 2002 " brotherly cup " the career after the contest makes award.  
For " of lane of river of " the world large theme fashionable dress was exhibited in October 2006 perform the originality dress that the design gives priority to body 120 sets with Hangzhou silk, deduce country of " Oriental silk the acme glamour of " .
Up to 2012, wu Haiyan holds the post of dress of Beijing Wu Haiyan spin (design) limited company president, artistic chief inspector, institute of art of committee member of committee of learning of Chinese academy of fine arts, design is standing assistant dean, the design learns department head, professor, doctoral student adviser, vice-chairman of association of Chinese dress stylist, director, artistic committee member, evaluation committee member, hangzhou city takes vice-chairman of reputation of outfit stylist institute, member of association of Asian indoor textile.
Publish a paper " the superficial view of dress foundation education " , " the culture element in dress design " . Publication monograph " money of seed of Wu Haiyan fashionable dress " wait.
Wu Haiyan's work, those who be permeated with is full-bodied " ethical complex " . She is OK to the passion of ethical culture restrospect to her student times. Read big that year of summer of 3, she came to Dunhuang. At big desert, a dress art with a gorgeous the Chinese nation that Dunhuang mural place reveals lets Wu Haiyan shake, she felt to find the source of artistic life: "What our dress design passes a China culture only is pithy, the glamour of ecstasize person just comes loose on arena of can alive bound. " Wu Haiyan begins conciously " accumulate " element of Chinese traditional dress. Fly very quickly appear, the youth of first China International that was 1993 takes contest of outfit stylist work. She creates with structure of contemporary fashionable dress and fashionable colour, the work that emersion fills Tang Can sodden culture " times of at the height of power and splendour " , won contest only gold prize, be collected by museum of Chinese dress art.

