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卢淦5 岁时,父亲在北京找到个小职员的差事,他便随父迁居北平。中学时,他对绘画产生了浓厚的兴味 ,在美术老师的培养下,他的绘画成绩良好 ,1927年中学毕业后曾在南开大学预科及京华美专就读,翌年考入北平大学艺术学院绘画系,开始了他渴望已久的绘画艺术的学习。在校期间,他除了学习美术,还爱好戏剧,在课余时间,经常参加爱美剧社的戏剧表演 活动,为他后来从事戏剧活动打下了基础。然而,合理 他醉心于美术学习时,意想不到的打击降临在他头上:父亲失了业,家庭的经济来源骤告中缀 。对本身 儿子寄于莫大希望的双亲,忍痛卖掉了河北家乡祖上留下的几间茅草房,总算使卢淦读完了四年大学。卢淦在学习上十分刻苦,是学校的高材生。他满以为毕业后寻觅 职业不成成绩 。可是,旧社会,大学毕业即失业,美好的欲望 成了泡影,他不得不自谋出路。
挫折衷 学习
从1933年大学毕业到1937年的四年里,他到处奔波,没有固定的职业,当中还两度失业。他在山东省立第二师范学校当过美术教师;又在济南省立剧院当过美术教员兼编译员,为该院的《舞台艺术》刊物任美术编辑,还为表演 的新歌剧《岳飞》作过安装 助理工作。在此期间,他渐渐对电影美术发生了兴味 。1935年7月他到山西太原,加入了东南 影业公司,任置景师。曾担任《千秋万岁》、《无穷 生涯》两部影片的美术设计,但均因没法 拍摄而中缀 。然而这短暂的艺术实践使他对电影美术有所了解。平常他积极参加东南 影业公司的1 些专业 表演 活动。他曾在田汉编剧、宋1 舟导演、田方主演的话剧《分歧 》中饰演配角并兼任该剧的美术和服装设计。尽管东南 影业公司的历史是短暂的,但他有幸与田方、宋之的、王苹、吕班等1 些电影工作者相识,从他们那里学到了不少东西,对他当前 从事电影工作有必然 帮助。
抗日和平 爆发后,他到长沙参加了中华平民教育促进会,任戏剧委员会干事。而后随该会熊佛西、杨村彬所组织的抗战剧团入四川,从事抗日宣扬 活动。在《1 片爱国心》、《放下你的鞭子》和 大型儿童剧《儿童世界》和历史剧《吴越春秋》等戏剧中担任美术和服装设计工作。后来中华平民教育促进会解散,他到四川省立戏剧教育实验学院任美术导师兼教具课长,除任教外,还为该院实验剧团表演 的《秦良玉》等剧担任舞台美术和服装设计。
1939年因该院清洗裁减1 些具有抗日思想的平民教育促进会的成员,卢淦也被解雇。1939年8月,他出于对电影美术的爱好,几经周折,由在中国电影制片厂的进步电影工作者王瑞麟的介绍进入该厂,先任美工员,后升为制景师。从1940年至1948年,他前后 在阳翰笙编剧、应云卫导演的故事片《塞上风云》,郑君里编导的纪录片《民族万岁》和孙瑜编导的故事片《武训传》等影片中任美术或服装设计。此期间,使他难以忘却的是拍摄《塞上风云》那段很成心 义的生活。他与应云卫等同志去拍外景时,路过延安,亲眼目睹了革命圣地的火热斗争生活和艰苦朴素、奋发向上的革命精神,深深地感染了他,教育了他,使他看到了光明和希望,对革命的最初 胜利充满了决心 。他更加靠近进步电影工作者,并在中国万岁剧团、中华剧艺社等进步剧社组织表演 的《天国春秋》、《虎符》、《草莽英雄》、《清宫外史》、《黄金万两》等话剧中,担任美术和服装设计。解放和平 时期,他随中国电影制片厂迁往南京,后又到上海。上海解放时,在地下党的影响下,他参加了护厂活动。上海解放后,他是电影厂工作推动委员会和临时管理委员会成员,积极参加了上海电影制片厂的恢复和建设工作。

次要 作品
1949年8月,他申请报名奔赴东北,参加了东北电影制片厂的建设工作。从此,开始了他簇新 的电影艺术生活。从1950年起,卢淦前后 在《钢铁兵士 》、《白毛女》、《丰收》、《沙家店粮站》、《秦香莲》、《画中人》、《5 朵金花》、《甲午风云》、《满意不满意》、《节振国》、《蝶恋花》、《药》等近二十部影片中担任美术设计工作。其中,不少影片的抽象 鲜明生动,意境颇具特色,深受广大观众的爱好 。

1933年毕业于北平大学西洋画系。曾任山东剧院舞台美术教员、东南 影业公司置景师、中国电影制片厂置景师兼技术课副课长。担任《塞上风云》等影片的美术设计。建国后,历任东北电影制片厂置景师,长春电影制片厂美术师、总美术师,中国影协第三、四届理事,中国美协吉林分会副主席。中国民主同盟盟员。曾担任《钢铁兵士 》、《白毛女》、《5 朵金花》、《甲午风云》等影片的美术设计。1981年,他又为故事片《药》进行美术设计。他说他最大的快乐,就是为电影事业付出血汗 。
他始终遵守 理想 主义的创作准绳 。他说:“艺术家离不开生活,生活是我的创作源泉。”
1950年他参加拍摄《白毛女》时,随摄制组到河北省平山县体验生活。这里恰好离他家乡不远,他对这里的山水花草、农家的风俗 都比较熟悉。特别是他小时候见到的村镇的大财主家的富丽堂皇,财主的穷凶极恶和村民们在死亡线上挣扎的情景,和 在村镇做木工活的祖父受尽财主欺压的情景,都深深地留在他的记忆里,这些,对他处理好《白毛女》的美术设计有很大的启发。从而使整部影片的布景设计都十分真实,添加 了影片的艺术感染力。通过实践,他认识到寻求 生活的真实和不断地提炼生活,这对于电影美术创作是十分重要的。
他始终坚持深入生活、并到生活中去挖掘美好的意境,热情地去歌颂重生 活。在拍摄《5 朵金花》时,他深入到云南大理的苍山、洱海,亲临其境,观察、领略这1 地区的娟秀 风光和少数民族那丰富多彩的生活,然后力求达到典型化的自然环境和情景交融的艺术效果。例如:“蝴蝶泉边”这场景,就是理想 生活中“蝴蝶泉”的再创造。原蝴蝶泉是水泥修的池子,四周 也不那么美。
而卢淦在摄影棚里设计出的“蝴蝶泉”却另有1 番天地。在设计中,他用云南浅黄色的山茶花代替了理想 中的1 些杂花,这样既避免了色彩的堆砌、芜杂 ,又突出了蝴蝶泉边的优美 。出现了“鸟鸣山更幽,花香心更甜”的动人意境,表现出5 对青年男女的高尚情操和心灵美,收到了“寓情于景”、“借物抒情”的艺术效果。
卢淦的创作态度是很严肃认真的。每1 部影片的场景设计,都是经过精心设计的。他首先根据 题材、结构、抽象 塑造,进行反复构思。每部戏都有全体 设计,每场景都有详细制造 图样,包括平面图、立体图和建筑解剖制造 图。画面构图、色调和人物抽象 处理都别具匠心。他常应用 “缘物寄情”、“借物言志”、“状物抒怀”等艺术手法,为表达影片的主题思想服务。甚至对1 块匾额、1 副对联、1 条标语,他都煞费苦心编写。如《白毛女》中,黄世仁家大门口用“德贯千顷”,与佛堂里“大慈大悲”两块横匾,《甲午风云》中李鸿章的“议事厅”里用“柔远安迩”的横匾,都生动地反衬出了统治阶级的伪善面孔和反动本质。
卢淦在他全部 艺术生活中是勤奋的,善于探索的。他喜欢中国古典绘画和诗词,对考古、文物和建筑、民间艺术也颇有研讨 。他广泛涉猎电影、戏剧、绘画等艺术理论,悉心研讨 和借鉴各种风格流派的艺术特色,为创造电影美术的民族风格,不断地进行探索和创新。比如,在拍摄《甲午风云》时,他考察、研讨 了中国古典建筑结构,认为对柱子的设置,应当 有象诗歌1 样的节奏感。在影片美术设计中,柱子设置的数量要精确 、适当。少了,形不成节奏感;太多了,又容易使人物情绪受到干扰,失去表演重心。因而 ,他在《甲午风云》的“环廊”1 场景中,根据 主人公邓世昌心胸 积愤、急步闯进丁汝昌签押房的那场戏里,就采用了多层次廊柱,显得节奏感很强,充分表现出了邓世昌当时的内心激情,使“景”与“情”交融在一同 ,产生了强烈的艺术效果,给观众留下了深刻印象。

Introduction to the artist

Lu Gan, division of Chinese film art. Straight be subordinate to (today Heibei) Wen Anren. Ceng Ren grows division of picture works total art, jilin saves people delegate, jilin saves art society vice-chairman.
 Teenager period
 When Lu Gan is 5 years old, father finds the assignment of a young staff member in Beijing, he is made the same score along with north of father change one's dwelling house. When the middle school, he generated strong interest to brushwork, below the education of art teacher, his painterly achievement is admirable, the Ceng Zaina after the middle school graduated 1927 opens university preparatory and capital beauty to be read only, next year take an examination of north to make the same score university art academic brushwork is, began him to yearn for the study of long already painterly art. During school, he besides study art, still love good fun play, in after school time, often enter the theatrics activity of company of opera love the United States, was engaged in Thespian activity laying a foundation later for him. However, when just when he is bent on art,learning, the blow advent that expect is less than is on his head: Father lost job, economic origin of the family is accused suddenly interrupt. Deposit the father and mother that Yumodaxi visits to him son, sold ancestors of Heibei home town the thatched cottage of a few cogongrass that stay very reluctantly, make Lu Gan was read 4 years at long last university. Lu Gan is very assiduous on study, it is the brilliant student of the school. He thinks to the profession is searched after graduation completely unchallenged. But, old society, the university graduates namely unemployed, good will became a visionary hope, he must plan an outlet oneself.
Defeat learns eclectically
 From 1933 the university graduates in, he rushs about everywhere, without fixed profession, return in the center for two times unemployed. He is in Shandong provincial the 2nd training school has become art teacher; In Jinan provincial theater has become art teacher to hold the member that compile concurrently, be this courtyard " arena is artistic " the journal holds the post of art editor, the new opera that still is a show " Yue Fei " had made device assistant work. During this, he produced interest to film art gradually. He arrived in July 1935 Shanxi Taiyuan, joined company of northwest movie estate, hold the post of place situation division. Ever held the position of " banzai of a thousand years " , " infinite career " the artistic design of two film, but all interrupt because of cannot filming. However this brief artistic practice makes he understands film art somewhat. Common the activity of a few spare shows that he joins company of northwest movie estate actively. He ever was in the modern drama that cropland Chinese playwrite, Song Yizhou's director, Tian Fang acts the leading role " consistent " in the art that personate costar holds this drama part-time and dress design. Although the history of company of northwest movie estate is brief, but he has favour and Tian Fang, Song Zhi, the worker of a few films such as Wang Ping, Lv Ban is acquainted, from many things were acquired over there them, to the film pursueing after him the job has certain help.
 Combat day of conduct propaganda
 After the War of Resistance Against Japan erupts, he attended China civilian to teach stimulative meeting to Changsha, assume Thespian commission person in charge of something. Follow this can ursine Buddha after that on the west, the theatrical company of war of resistance against aggression that Yang Cunbin organizes enters Sichuan, be engaged in combatting day of propaganda. In " a patriotic heart " , " the lash that puts down you " and large children drama " children world " with historical drama " Wuyue age " etc Thespian in hold the position of art kimono furnish plan works. China civilian teachs stimulative meeting to disband later, he to Sichuan institute of experiment of provincial and Thespian education holds the post of art adviser to hold realia class concurrently to grow, divide outside teaching, still be show of theatrical company of this courtyard test " Qin Liangyu " wait for drama to hold the position of arena art kimono to install a design.
Devote into the job
Purged the member that cuts down a few civilian that have the idea that fight day teach stimulative meeting because of this courtyard 1939, lu Gan Ye gets the air. In August 1939, he stems from the hobby of pair of film art, after many setbacks, by the ascensive film worker in Chinese film studio Wang Ruilin's introduction enters this plant, hold the post of the beautiful member that be versed in first, rise after to make scene division. Come from 1940 1948, the feature film that he writings brush in this world sheng playwrite, Ying Yunwei is directed early or late " the wind and cloud on a place of strategic importance " , the newsreel that writes and direct in Zheng Jun " ethical banzai " the feature film that He Sunyu writes and direct " Wu Xunchuan " art or dress design hold the post of in waiting for film. During this, those who make he is forgotten hard is to film " the wind and cloud on a place of strategic importance " that paragraph of very significant life. When the comrade such as he and Ying Yunwei goes taking outer door scene, transient Yan'an, the fiery fight that saw with one's own eyes witnessed revolutionary bethel lives and difficult and simple, strenuous up revolutionary spirit, affected him deeply, taught him, make he saw light and hope, was full of confidence to last victory of revolution. He more stand by ascensive film worker, be in China the ascensive opera company such as art company organizes theatrical work of banzai troupe, China of the show " celestial age " , " a tiger-shaped tally issued to generals as imperial authorisation for troop movement in ancient China " , " wilderness hero " , " outside clear palace history " , " gold ten thousand and two " in waiting for a modern drama, hold the position of art and dress design. Period of war of liberation, he goes to Nanjing along with change of Chinese film studio, shanghai arrives again after. When Shanghai is liberated, below the influence of subterranean party, he attended to protect factory activity. After Shanghai is liberated, he is film factory job is driven committee and manage committee member temporarily, the refreshment that entered Shanghai film studio actively and construction work.

Main work
 In August 1949, he applies for to sign up hurry off to northeast, the construction that entered northeast film studio works. From now on, began his brand-new cinematics life. Since 1950, lu Gan is in early or late " steely soldier " , " white Mao Nv " , " bumper harvest " , " grain supply center of sanded home store " , " Qin Xianglian " , " picture go-between " , " 5 gold are beautiful " , " Jia Wufeng. Among them, the image of many film is bright and dramatic, artistic conception has distinguishing feature quite, love numerously by broad view.

Working experience
Was graduated from north to make the same score university West to draw a department 1933. Ever held the post of division of situation of place of film studio of division of situation of place of company of estate of movie of teacher of art of Shandong theater arena, northwest, China to hold technical tax deputy tax concurrently to grow. Hold the position of " the wind and cloud on a place of strategic importance " the artistic design that waits for film. After founding a state, have successively held the posts of division of situation of place of northeast film studio, division of art of Changchun film studio, total art division, chinese shadow assist the 3rd, 4 director, china is beautiful assist Jilin branch vice-chairman. Chinese democracy is affined leaguer. Ever held the position of " steely soldier " , " white Mao Nv " , " 5 gold are beautiful " , " Jia Wufeng cloud " the artistic design that waits for film. 1981, he is feature film again " medicine " undertake artistic design. He says his greatest pleasure, give painstaking effort for movie career namely.
 He follows realistic creation principle from beginning to end. He says: "The artist cannot leave the life, the life is my creation fountainhead. The life is my creation fountainhead..
He attended 1950 film " white Mao Nv " when, save smooth hill county to experience the life to Heibei along with group of produce a film. Here leaves his home town not far fitly, what he spends careless, farmhouse to the landscape here is consuetudinary more familiar. Especially of the home of old rich man of the bourg that he sees in one's childhood gorgeous, of rich man mix viciously the villager people the scene that struggles on dead line, and the scene that makes the grandfather with vivid carpentry suffer all kinds of rich man bully and oppress in bourg, stay in his memory deeply, these, had handled to him " white Mao Nv " artistic design has very big inspire. Make the scenic design of whole department film very actual thereby, increased the artistic appeal of film. Adopt practice, what he realises pursuit lives is true and abstract the life ceaselessly, it is very important that this is created to film art.
 He holds to the thorough life, artistic conception that dig happiness in the life from beginning to end, go enthusiasticly eulogizing the new student is vivid. Filming " 5 gold are beautiful " when, he arrives deep sea of the Cang Shan of Yunnan Dali, Er, visit its area, the observation, beautiful view that appreciates this one area and minority the life of that rich and colorful, next the artistic effect that the environment that do one's best achieves a model to change and scene blend. For example: "Butterfly coin side " this setting, it is real life in " butterfly spring " create again. Former butterfly spring is the dance floor that cement builds, all round so not beautiful also.
And Lu Gan goes out in the design in studio " butterfly spring " have scope of operation additionally however one time. In the design, he replaced a few miscellaneous flowers in reality with the hill camellia of Yunnan buff, avoided colorific already so load one's writing with fancy phrases, mixed and disorderly, stressed the deep and remote beauty of butterfly coin side again. Appeared " twitter hill is more deep and remote, beautiful sweet heart is sweeter " moving artistic conception, show the exalted sentiment of men and women of 5 pairs of youths and interior beauty, received " contain affection Yu Jing " , " lend substance lyric " artistic effect.
? ? ? ? Creation manner of Lu Gan is very in all seriousness. The setting of each film is designed, pass elaborate design. He is modelled according to subject matter, structure, figure above all, undertake iteration conceiving. Every play has integral design, every setting has the detailed draft that make, include ichnography, block diagram and building to anatomize the graph that make. Processing of figure of picture composition of a picture, lubricious harmonic figure does not provide craftsmanship. He often is applied " lovemaking of reason other people " , " annals of character lending substance " , " express of account other people is conceived " wait for artistic gimmick, serve to convey the thematic idea of film. Right even an a pair of an a horizontal inscribed board, couplet, catchphrase, he is elaborative write. Be like " white Mao Nv " in, mouth of gate of Home Huang Shiren is used " heart be linked together 1000 just " , with family hall for worshipping Buddha in " infinitely merciful " two horizontal plaque, ? " armour midday wind and cloud " in of Li Hongzhang " hall of discuss official business " in with " Rou Yuanan nears " horizontal plaque, racily serve as a foil to gave the goody face of regime and reactionary essence.
? ? ? ? Lu Gan is in he is assiduous in whole and artistic life, those who be good at exploration. He likes Chinese classic brushwork and poetic word, also have research quite to archaeology, cultural relic and building, folk art. He is extensive dabble film, Thespian, painterly wait for artistic theory, study wholeheartedly and draw lessons from the artistic trait of all sorts of style genre, to create the ethical style of film art, undertake exploration and innovation ceaselessly. For instance, filming " armour midday wind and cloud " when, he makes an on-the-spot investigation, studied construction of Chinese classic building, think to be opposite the setting of post, should have the rhythm feeling like poetry. In film artistic design, the amount that post sets wants accurate, proper. Little, form do not feel into rhythm; Too much, make character mood is disturbed easily again, lose show focus. Accordingly, he is in " armour midday wind and cloud " " annulus corridor " in one setting, in that play that accumulates anger, rapid pace to rush into Ding Ruchang to sign detain house according to cherish of prosperous of hero Deng world, used mutiple level corridor column, appear rhythm sense is very strong, showed Deng Shichang adequately the inner passion at that time, make " scene " with " affection " blend together, produced strong artistic result, left deep impression to the audience.

