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1970年毕业于解放军艺术学院美术专修班。中国陶瓷设计艺术大师、中国美术家协会会员、中国西部陶艺文明 中心主任、中国硅酸盐学会陶瓷艺术分会副主任、中华陶瓷大师联盟履行 副主席、四川省美术家协会陶艺家专业委员会主任、四川省美术家协会理事、《西部陶艺》杂志主编、四川师范大学美术学院教授。80年代曾与艾轩何多苓长时间 交流合作。
其陶艺、雕塑及绘画等作品多次参加国际和全国美展,部分作品由国内外收藏家及法国华人美术家艺术馆美国中华陶艺家学会,上海多伦美术馆,文明 部中外文明 交流中心,四川美术馆,佛山国际陶瓷博物馆,上海世博村洲际酒店,德化陶瓷博物馆收,成都国际非物资 文明 博览园,延安革命历史博物馆等收藏;近十年发表学术论文及杂文约六十万字。
1993年,周晓冰彩墨画作品在瑞士国家画廊参加5 人联展(美国、法国、瑞士和中国)
2005年10月,文明 部中外文明 交流中心举办《中国著名油画家周晓冰个人展》(北京)
2008年,策划并掌管 《2008春季中国西部当代陶艺家作品精粹大展》(成都)。
2011年,策划并掌管 ‘中国西部陶艺精品年度大展“[8](成都)
2012年,受美国陶艺教育学会约请 访问美国各地艺术学院两个月。
2013年,代表中国艺术家参展《2013年法国大皇宫艺术双年展》(法国),同时访问 法、意、西、瑞、奥等国陶艺家。
2013年,上海电视台拍摄专题片《画家周晓冰》,地方 电视台十频道拍摄《神秘的邛窑》专题采访《周晓冰关于西部陶艺的将来 设想》。
2013年,策划并掌管 《2013中国西部陶艺双年展》(成都)
次要 论著
2003年,出版《周晓冰古代 陶艺作品集》
相干 获奖
2006年,陶艺作品《西域土火》入选“第5 届中国当代青年陶艺家作品双年展”(杭州)

Introduction to the artist

Was graduated from art of institute of liberation army art to specialize in a class 1970. Academician of Great Master of art of design of Chinese pottery and porcelain, China artist, China western alliance of Great Master of pottery and porcelain of vice director of chapter of art of pottery and porcelain of society of silicate of director of Taoyi culture center, China, China carries out vice-chairman, Sichuan to save artist association potter director of association of artist of province of professional committee chairman, Sichuan, " western contented. 80 time ever communicated collaboration for a long time with Ai Xuan, He Duoling.
The work such as its Tao Yi, sculpture and brushwork attends international and countrywide beauty to exhibit for many times, partial work reachs society of potter of China of United States of house of art of French Chinese artist by domestic and international collector, shanghai is much human relations art gallery, culture of culture ministry China and foreign countries communicates a center, sichuan art gallery, museum of Fosan international pottery and porcelain, hotel of intercontinental of village of Shanghai world rich, museum of moralization pottery and porcelain closes, chengdu international is immaterial culture reads extensively field, museum of Yan'an revolution history collect; Publish paper and essay nearly 10 years to make an appointment with 600 thousand words.
Academic exhibition
1993, work of painting of ink of colour of week dawn ice attends 5 people couplet to exhibit in Swiss nation painted corridor (the United States, France, Switzerland and China)
In September 2004, attend to Korea along with Chinese artist delegacy " annual meeting of learning of IAC international Tao Yi "
In October 2005, center of communication of culture of culture ministry China and foreign countries is held " the individual exhibits Zhou Xiaobing of home of Chinese famous oil painting " (Beijing)
In September 2006, attend to be held in Latuoweiya along with Chinese potter delegacy " annual meeting of IAC international Tao Yi " , visit 7 countries of European, have academic communication.
2008, engineer and chair " 2008 spring China western contemporary potter work is pithy exhibit greatly " (Chengdu) .
2009, will attend China in October " Chinese rose kiln " seminar of international Tao Yi (specially invite honored guest) .
2009, group of art of delegate China potter visited Russia to have academic communication in August.
2011, engineer and chair ' China western year of Tao Yi high-quality goods is exhibited greatly " [8] (Chengdu)
2012, suffer American Tao Yi to teach a society to invite institute of art of each district of visit United States two months.
2013, on behalf of China artist ginseng is exhibited " French big palace is artistic 2013 double year exhibit " (France) , visit law, meaning at the same time, on the west, luck, abstruse potter waiting for a country.
2013, shanghai TV station films special subject piece " painter Zhou Xiaobing " , CCTV 10 channel film " mysterious Qiong kiln " special subject is interviewed " Zhou Xiaobing about western Tao Yi's future is imagined " .
2013, engineer and chair " 2013 China western Tao Yi double year exhibit " (Chengdu)
Main treatise
2003, publish " week dawn puts collect of work of contemporary Tao Yi on the ice "
2005, publish " collect of work of Zhou Xiaobing canvas " (Shaanxi people press)
2008, publish " week dawn puts contemporary work of art on the ice " .
2011, publish " Zhou Xiaobing -- western collect of work of Tao Yu's individual "
Relevant bear the palm
1986, tao Diao " jump the village of arch child " beauty of sports of selected whole nation is exhibited, into make up " 2000 now Chinese art complete works "
2001, sculpture " fetch of carry on one's shoulder " selected " contemporary art exhibited Chengdu 2001 "
1995, sculpture " series of fetch of carry on one's shoulder " selected " Korea " artist " work is exhibited " (Seoul)
2004, tao Yi " life totem " selected " work of potter of contemporary youth of the 4th China double year exhibit " Tao Yi " series of Kang Ba's person " 3 selected " beauty of the 10th whole nation is exhibited " (Shanghai)
2006, contented art work " fire of ground of the Western Regions " selected " work of potter of contemporary youth of the 5th China double year exhibit " (Hangzhou)
Collect the introduction
2005, contented art work is entered make up " world potter work is pithy " large an album of paintings.

