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宋征殷((1920.8—1993.12)别名 华西里,江苏无锡人。1944年9月毕业于日本东京日本大学艺术系,曾受日本艺术大师腾岛武二,梅原龙三郎等东京著名评论家,油画家柳亮内田岩等名师教导,获得日本大学学院奖。历任上海美术专科学校、苏州美术专科学校(沪校)教授、国立安徽大学教授兼艺术科主任、南京师范大学美术系教授。
暮年 在南京师范大学美术系任外国美术史论硕士研讨 生导师。作品曾在日本、美国和南斯拉夫卢布尔雅内中国古代 绘画展中入选为海报及目录封面。1991年在第三次中国科普作协全国代表大会上授予“成绩突出的科普美术家”荣誉。
作品有《七1 玄武湖之夜》、《援助 农业》、《食物链》等。论文《科普美术初探》等。

Introduction to the artist

Song Zheng abundants ((1920.8, 1993.12) renown Huaxili, jiangsu does not have stannic person. Was graduated from art of university of Japanese Tokyo Japan in September 1944 is, ever sufferred Teng Daowu of Japanese artistic Great Master 2, the Tokyo such as plum former Long Sanlang is famous essayist, the renown division such as the Tian Yan inside canvas home Liu Liang is taught, win award of Japanese university institute. Have successively held the posts of Shanghai art training school, Suzhou art training school (Shanghai school) professor of professor, national Anhui college holds art of Normal University of artistic division director, Nanjing concurrently is a professor.
Old age holds the post of a foreign country in faculty of art of Nanjing Normal University art history regards adviser of Master graduate student. Work ever was mixed in Japan, United States Yugoslavia ruble Er is elegant inside China is contemporary and painterly in exhibiting selected for placard and catalog cover. Made in popular science of the 3rd China 1991 assist award on countrywide congress " the popular science artist with outstanding achievement " honorary.
Work has " the night of lake of July 1 incredible connecting with the boxing skill " , " assist agriculture " , " food chain " etc. Paper " pre-test of popular science art " wait. ?

