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1992年-1996年甘肃省庄浪县第1 中学读高中
1997年-2001年东南 师范大学美术系中国画专业本科学习本科学历、学士学位
2001年-2008年东南 师范大学第二附属中学任中学美术教师
2004年-2007年东南 师范大学美术学院攻读中国画专业硕士研讨 生硕士研讨 生学历、硕士学位
2008年-2011年中国人民大学艺术学院攻读美学专业博士学位、调入东南 师范大学美术学院任教博士研讨 生学历、博士学位
2011年-2016年东南 师范大学美术学院国画系副教授、硕士生导师
2016年-2018年东南 师范大学美术学院国画系教授、硕士生导师
2017年-2018年东南 师范大学美术学院国画系教授、硕士生导师
2018年-2018年东南 师范大学美术学院国画系教授、博士生导师
2016《《莫高窟唐代观音画像研讨 》》—中国社会科学出版社专著
2011《美术史研讨 》—《莫高窟唐代观音画像的现存形态 与分布》《中国国家博物馆馆刊》第8期。国际标准刊号:ISSN2095-1639国内统1 刊号:CN10-1005/K
2012《美术史研讨 》—《浅探中国古代书画结合的三种语境》《中国书法》第5期,国际标准刊号:ISSN1003-1782国内统1 刊号:CN11-1136/J
2013《美术史研讨 》—《莫高窟唐代中的观音画像及相干 成绩 》发表于《中国国家博物馆馆刊》2013年第8期第84-101页。2014年,该文被人大复印材料 《外型 艺术》2014年第1期第26-37页全文转载。《中国国家博物馆馆刊》国际标准刊号:ISSN2095-1639国内统1 刊号CN10-1005/K;《外型 艺术》国际标准刊号:ISSN1009-7635国内统1 刊号CN11-4324/J
2010《美术史研讨 》—《莫高窟唐代观音画像的转译与释读》《新疆艺术学院学报》第4期,国际标准刊号:ISSN1672-4577国内统1 刊号:CN65-1243/J
2006《美术史研讨 》—《中国古代服饰与人物画的线韵》《皖西学院学报》第6期,国际标准刊号:ISSN1009-9735国内统1 刊号:CN54-1252/Z
2009《美术史研讨 》—《浅探徐复观“书画异系”观——兼论中国古代书画结合之关系》《解放军艺术学院学报》第3期,国际标准刊号:ISSN1674-5302国内统1 刊号:CN11-3985/J
2009《美术教育研讨 》—《敦煌艺术的特殊性及其在高校艺术教育中的重要性》《艺术教育》第4期,国际标准刊号:ISSN1002-8900国内统1 刊号:CN11-1188/J。2011年11月,获“甘肃省第1 届高校艺术教育科研论文报告会”二等奖。(甘肃省教育厅主办)
2012《美术史研讨 》—《观音三尊像的信仰转换及其图像演化 》《湖南工业大学学报》第5期,国际标准刊号:ISSN1674-117X国内统1 刊号:CN43-1484/C
2015《美术史研讨 》—《莫高窟唐代观音画像中的净瓶外型 探析》《中国国家博物馆馆刊》第1期,国际标准刊号:ISSN2095-1639国内统1 刊号:CN10-1005/K
2015《美术史研讨 》—《敦煌水月观音图的艺术》发表于《敦煌研讨 》2015年第5期第20-33页。2016年,该论文被人大复印材料 《外型 艺术》2016年第1期第72-85页全文转载。《敦煌研讨 》国际标准刊号:ISSN1000-4106国内统1 刊号CN62-1007/K;《外型 艺术》国际标准刊号:ISSN1009-7635国内统1 刊号CN11-4324/J.2015年9月,荣获“甘肃省第三届艺术学论文暨文艺评论征文活动”1 等奖。(甘肃省文明 厅).2017年10月,入选“历史与现状”首届青年艺术理论成果奖。(中国美术家协会)
2016《美术史研讨 》—《雕塑类“水月观音图”初探》《雕塑》2016年第1期,国际标准刊号:ISSN1007-2144国内统1 刊号:CN11-3579/J
2017《美术教育研讨 》—《高校中国画专业教学中的美育观》《中国教育报》第6版“高教周刊·改革探索”栏目。国内统1 刊号:CN11-0035邮发代号:1-10
2018《公共艺术研讨 》—《由敦煌石窟的公共性看文明 服务的内涵》《美术观察》2018年第3期,国际刊号:ISSN1006-8899国内刊号:CN11-3665/J
2011美术史研讨 《莫高窟唐代观音画像的现存形态 与分布》《中国国家博物馆馆刊》第8期。国际标准刊号:ISSN2095-1639国内统1 刊号:CN10-1005/K
2012美术史研讨 《浅探中国古代书画结合的三种语境》《中国书法》第5期,国际标准刊号:ISSN1003-1782国内统1 刊号:CN11-1136/J
2013美术史研讨 《莫高窟唐代中的观音画像及相干 成绩 》发表于《中国国家博物馆馆刊》2013年第8期第84-101页。2014年,该文被人大复印材料 《外型 艺术》2014年第1期第26-37页全文转载。《中国国家博物馆馆刊》国际标准刊号:ISSN2095-1639国内统1 刊号CN10-1005/K;《外型 艺术》国际标准刊号:ISSN1009-7635国内统1 刊号CN11-4324/J
2010美术史研讨 《莫高窟唐代观音画像的转译与释读》《新疆艺术学院学报》第4期,国际标准刊号:ISSN1672-4577国内统1 刊号:CN65-1243/J
2006美术史研讨 《中国古代服饰与人物画的线韵》《皖西学院学报》第6期,国际标准刊号:ISSN1009-9735国内统1 刊号:CN54-1252/Z
2009美术史研讨 《浅探徐复观“书画异系”观——兼论中国古代书画结合之关系》《解放军艺术学院学报》第3期,国际标准刊号:ISSN1674-5302国内统1 刊号:CN11-3985/J
2009美术教育研讨 《敦煌艺术的特殊性及其在高校艺术教育中的重要性》《艺术教育》第4期,国际标准刊号:ISSN1002-8900国内统1 刊号:CN11-1188/J。2011年11月,获“甘肃省第1 届高校艺术教育科研论文报告会”二等奖。(甘肃省教育厅主办)
2012美术史研讨 《观音三尊像的信仰转换及其图像演化 》《湖南工业大学学报》第5期,国际标准刊号:ISSN1674-117X国内统1 刊号:CN43-1484/C
2015美术史研讨 《莫高窟唐代观音画像中的净瓶外型 探析》《中国国家博物馆馆刊》第1期,国际标准刊号:ISSN2095-1639国内统1 刊号:CN10-1005/K
2015美术史研讨 《敦煌水月观音图的艺术》发表于《敦煌研讨 》2015年第5期第20-33页。2016年,该论文被人大复印材料 《外型 艺术》2016年第1期第72-85页全文转载。《敦煌研讨 》国际标准刊号:ISSN1000-4106国内统1 刊号CN62-1007/K;《外型 艺术》国际标准刊号:ISSN1009-7635国内统1 刊号CN11-4324/J.2015年9月,荣获“甘肃省第三届艺术学论文暨文艺评论征文活动”1 等奖。(甘肃省文明 厅).2017年10月,入选“历史与现状”首届青年艺术理论成果奖。(中国美术家协会)
2016美术史研讨 《雕塑类“水月观音图”初探》《雕塑》2016年第1期,国际标准刊号:ISSN1007-2144国内统1 刊号:CN11-3579/J
2017美术教育研讨 《高校中国画专业教学中的美育观》《中国教育报》第6版“高教周刊·改革探索”栏目。国内统1 刊号:CN11-0035邮发代号:1-10
2018公共艺术研讨 《由敦煌石窟的公共性看文明 服务的内涵》《美术观察》2018年第3期,国际刊号:ISSN1006-8899国内刊号:CN11-3665/J

Introduction to the artist

Shi Zhongping, the Han nationality, person of county of billow of village of the Gansu Province, be graduated from major of aesthetic of institute of art of Chinese people university, doctor's degree.
1992 - the first middle school read county of billow of village of the Gansu Province 1996 high school
1997 - China of faculty of art of northwest Normal University drew professional undergraduate course to learn undergraduate course record of formal schooling, baccalaureate 2001
2001 - the 2nd accessary middle school held the post of northwest Normal University 2008 teacher of middle school art
2004 - academy of fine arts of northwest Normal University assiduously studied China to draw record of formal schooling of graduate student of Master of professional Master graduate student, master's degree 2007
2008 - institute of art of Chinese people university assiduously studied aesthetic major 2011 doctor's degree, transfer into academy of fine arts of northwest Normal University teachs record of formal schooling of doctoral graduate student, doctor's degree
2011 - associate professor of department of traditional Chinese painting of academy of fine arts of northwest Normal University, Master laid a teacher 2016
2016 - professor of department of traditional Chinese painting of academy of fine arts of northwest Normal University, Master laid a teacher 2018
2017 - professor of department of traditional Chinese painting of academy of fine arts of northwest Normal University, Master laid a teacher 2018
2018 - traditional Chinese painting of academy of fine arts of northwest Normal University fastened adviser of professor, doctoral student 2018
Publish academic monograph:
2016 " " picture of avalokitesvara of Tang Dynasty of Mo Gao hole studies " " , monograph of press of Chinese society science
2016 " " the road that the Great Master faces ancient bronze mirror -- Dong Jichang " " , monograph of Jiangxi art publishing house
2011 " art history studies " , " the existent condition of picture of avalokitesvara of Tang Dynasty of Mo Gao hole and distributing " " Chinese country museum house print " the 8th period. Date of international standard publication: ISSN2095-1639 home unites publication date: CN10-1005/K
2012 " art history studies " , " the place of 3 kinds of language that painting and calligraphy of ancient time of China of easy try to find out ties " " Chinese calligraphy " the 5th period, date of international standard publication: ISSN1003-1782 home unites publication date: CN11-1136/J
2013 " art history studies " , " the avalokitesvara picture in Tang Dynasty of Mo Gao hole and pertinent question " publish at " Chinese country museum house print " 2013 the 8th period 84-101 page. 2014, this article is copied by National People's Congress data " plastic arts " 2014 the 1st period full text of 26-37 page is reprinted. " Chinese country museum house print " date of international standard publication: ISSN2095-1639 home unites publication date CN10-1005/K; " plastic arts " date of international standard publication: ISSN1009-7635 home unites publication date CN11-4324/J
2010 " art history studies " , " of picture of avalokitesvara of Tang Dynasty of Mo Gao hole turn interpret and commentate read " " journal of Xinjiang art institute " the 4th period, date of international standard publication: ISSN1672-4577 home unites publication date: CN65-1243/J
2006 " art history studies " , " dress of Chinese ancient time and the string musical sound that the character draws " " journal of courtyard of Anhui Western learning " the 6th period, date of international standard publication: ISSN1009-9735 home unites publication date: CN54-1252/Z
2009 " art history studies " , " Xu Fu watchs easy try to find out " different of painting and calligraphy is " view -- hold the concern that joins by painting and calligraphy of Chinese ancient time concurrently " " journal of institute of liberation army art " the 3rd period, date of international standard publication: ISSN1674-5302 home unites publication date: CN11-3985/J
2009 " art teachs research " , " the characteristic of Dunhuang art reachs his to teach medium value in college art " " artistic education " the 4th period, date of international standard publication: ISSN1002-8900 home unites publication date: CN11-1188/J. In November 2011, obtain " art of the first college teachs the Gansu Province seminar of scientific research paper " second-class award. (office of education of the Gansu Province is sponsorred)
2012 " art history studies " , " avalokitesvara 3 honour the devotional changeover that resemble and its image evolve " " journal of Hunan industry university " the 5th period, date of international standard publication: ISSN1674-117X home unites publication date: CN43-1484/C
2015 " art history studies " , " the analyse of explore of clean bottle model in picture of avalokitesvara of Tang Dynasty of Mo Gao hole " " Chinese country museum house print " the 1st period, date of international standard publication: ISSN2095-1639 home unites publication date: CN10-1005/K
2015 " art history studies " , " the art that avalokitesvara of Dunhuang water month pursues " publish at " Dunhuang studies " 2015 the 5th period 20-33 page. 2016, this paper is copied by National People's Congress data " plastic arts " 2016 the 1st period full text of 72-85 page is reprinted. " Dunhuang studies " date of international standard publication: ISSN1000-4106 home unites publication date CN62-1007/K; " plastic arts " date of international standard publication: CN11-4324/J.2015 of date of ISSN1009-7635 home unified publication year September, have the honor to win " the 3rd art learns the Gansu Province paper and literary comment call for paper activity " first prize. (hall of culture of the Gansu Province) .2017 year October, selected " the history and current situation " award of achievement of theory of first youth art. (Chinese artist association)
2016 " art history studies " , " sculpture kind " water month avalokitesvara pursues " pre-test " " sculpture " 2016 the 1st period, date of international standard publication: ISSN1007-2144 home unites publication date: CN11-3579/J
2017 " art teachs research " , " the aesthetic education in education of major of the traditional Chinese painting in the college is watched " " China teachs a newspaper " the 6th edition " teach weekly · high innovation exploration " column. Home unites publication date: CN11-0035 mail sends code name: 1-10
2018 " public art studies " , " the connotation that sees culture service by the communal sex of the Dunhuang Caves " " art observes " 2018 the 3rd period, international publication date: Date of ISSN1006-8899 home publication: CN11-3665/J
The paper publishs a circumstance:
2011 art history study " the existent condition of picture of avalokitesvara of Tang Dynasty of Mo Gao hole and distributing " " Chinese country museum house print " the 8th period. Date of international standard publication: ISSN2095-1639 home unites publication date: CN10-1005/K
2012 art history study " the place of 3 kinds of language that painting and calligraphy of ancient time of China of easy try to find out ties " " Chinese calligraphy " the 5th period, date of international standard publication: ISSN1003-1782 home unites publication date: CN11-1136/J
2013 art history study " the avalokitesvara picture in Tang Dynasty of Mo Gao hole and pertinent question " publish at " Chinese country museum house print " 2013 the 8th period 84-101 page. 2014, this article is copied by National People's Congress data " plastic arts " 2014 the 1st period full text of 26-37 page is reprinted. " Chinese country museum house print " date of international standard publication: ISSN2095-1639 home unites publication date CN10-1005/K; " plastic arts " date of international standard publication: ISSN1009-7635 home unites publication date CN11-4324/J
2010 art history study " of picture of avalokitesvara of Tang Dynasty of Mo Gao hole turn interpret and commentate read " " journal of Xinjiang art institute " the 4th period, date of international standard publication: ISSN1672-4577 home unites publication date: CN65-1243/J
2006 art history study " dress of Chinese ancient time and the string musical sound that the character draws " " journal of courtyard of Anhui Western learning " the 6th period, date of international standard publication: ISSN1009-9735 home unites publication date: CN54-1252/Z
2009 art history study " Xu Fu watchs easy try to find out " different of painting and calligraphy is " view -- hold the concern that joins by painting and calligraphy of Chinese ancient time concurrently " " journal of institute of liberation army art " the 3rd period, date of international standard publication: ISSN1674-5302 home unites publication date: CN11-3985/J
2009 art teach research " the characteristic of Dunhuang art reachs his to teach medium value in college art " " artistic education " the 4th period, date of international standard publication: ISSN1002-8900 home unites publication date: CN11-1188/J. In November 2011, obtain " art of the first college teachs the Gansu Province seminar of scientific research paper " second-class award. (office of education of the Gansu Province is sponsorred)
2012 art history study " avalokitesvara 3 honour the devotional changeover that resemble and its image evolve " " journal of Hunan industry university " the 5th period, date of international standard publication: ISSN1674-117X home unites publication date: CN43-1484/C
2015 art history study " the analyse of explore of clean bottle model in picture of avalokitesvara of Tang Dynasty of Mo Gao hole " " Chinese country museum house print " the 1st period, date of international standard publication: ISSN2095-1639 home unites publication date: CN10-1005/K
2015 art history study " the art that avalokitesvara of Dunhuang water month pursues " publish at " Dunhuang studies " 2015 the 5th period 20-33 page. 2016, this paper is copied by National People's Congress data " plastic arts " 2016 the 1st period full text of 72-85 page is reprinted. " Dunhuang studies " date of international standard publication: ISSN1000-4106 home unites publication date CN62-1007/K; " plastic arts " date of international standard publication: CN11-4324/J.2015 of date of ISSN1009-7635 home unified publication year in September, have the honor to win " the 3rd art learns the Gansu Province paper and literary comment call for paper activity " first prize. (hall of culture of the Gansu Province) .2017 year in October, selected " the history and current situation " award of achievement of theory of first youth art. (Chinese artist association)
2016 art history study " sculpture kind " water month avalokitesvara pursues " pre-test " " sculpture " 2016 the 1st period, date of international standard publication: ISSN1007-2144 home unites publication date: CN11-3579/J
2017 art teach research " the aesthetic education in education of major of the traditional Chinese painting in the college is watched " " China teachs a newspaper " the 6th edition " teach weekly · high innovation exploration " column. Home unites publication date: CN11-0035 mail sends code name: 1-10
2018 public art study " the connotation that sees culture service by the communal sex of the Dunhuang Caves " " art observes " 2018 the 3rd period, international publication date: Date of ISSN1006-8899 home publication: CN11-3665/J

