郭海龙,1964年10月出生。中国美术家协会会员、中国工艺美术协会会员、中国工艺美术学会雕塑专业委员会会员、中国民间文艺家协会会员、河北工艺美术协会理事、河北工艺美术协会雕塑专业委员会常务理事。石家庄市第十二届人大代表。2004年10月,联合国教科文国际民间艺术组织授予郭海龙“民间工艺美术大师”称号;2009年,河北省政府授予“河北省1 级工艺美术大师”称号。2013年2月和9月,“郭氏铁板浮雕”分别入选石家庄市级及河北省省级非物资 文明 遗产。
海龙自幼爱好美术,绘画、泥塑几乎是他每日的必修课。1981年郭海龙应征入伍,很快他的艺术才能得到了部队首长的认可,使他有了更多的创作机会,同时也得到了更多的锻炼。那时在军民共建时,他义务帮助当地商家制造 大型广告牌,免费为当地老百姓制造 泥塑肖像。在部队,他第1 次独立完成了1 幅大型油画壁画,第1 次独自设计制造 了大型景观雕塑——鲤鱼跳龙门。可以说,部队生活不仅没有中缀 他的美术梦,反而使他离本身 的梦想愈来愈 近。
1986年海龙退伍到石家庄飞机制造厂,当了一位 普通的钳工。工作期间,从同车间一名 师傅那里听到了1 个别致 的名字——弧光艺术,也叫焊接堆塑(简称焊塑)。焊塑就是先用钢筋做骨架,再用铁板敲出轮廓与骨架焊接1 体,最初 在电焊弧光下,通过融化的金属焊滴的堆砌来达到需求 的效果,从而完成创作。其特点是:外型 粗犷自然,栩栩如生,件件作品都是没法 再造的孤品独件。可以说这是1 种来自国外重生 的创作艺术,材料 少,能借鉴的更少之又少,这反而加强 了海龙的创作愿望 ,使他如痴如醉地投入其中,佳作不断。1994年,郭海龙携焊塑作品参加了在北京举办的第三届“国际埃森博览会”,受到国内外专业人士的好评。作品《鳄鱼》当场被收藏,现仍展现 在美国佛罗里达州迈阿密市的美国焊接协会总部议会厅内。此外,还接到了人生的第1 个订单——作品《猪》,这是一名 美国友人送给夫人的生日礼物。1998年,《澳门日报》、香港《文汇报》、石家庄电视台等多家媒体采访报道了郭海龙和他的焊塑艺术。作品《高原魂》2006年11月,入选第二届中国古代 工艺美术展(北京世纪坛展出),荣获学会最高奖项“中华杯”优秀奖。2008年10月,作品《高原魂》获首届河北青年美术作品展铜奖。郭海龙在1995年获得由联合国教科文组织和中国民间文艺家协会联合授予的“民间工艺美术家”称号,也从此与金属结下了不解之缘。
Guo Hailong, was born in October 1964. Literary home of folk of member of committee of major of sculpture of society of arts and crafts of academician of Chinese artist academician, Chinese arts and crafts, China, China committee of major of sculpture of association of arts and crafts of director of association of arts and crafts of academician, Heibei, Heibei is standing director. Shijiazhuang city is dozenth a delegate of National People's Congress. In October 2004, organization of folk art of international of article of division of associated state religion awards Guo Hailong " Great Master of civilian arts and crafts " title; 2009, heibei province government awards " Heibei saves one class Great Master of arts and crafts " title. Mixed in Feburary 2013 September, "Anaglyph of Guo iron plate " respectively city class and Heibei save selected Shijiazhuang bequest of provincial immaterial culture.
Sea otter from a child likes painting, painterly, clay sculpture is his daily obligatory course almost. 1981 enrollment of be recruited of Guo sea otter, very fast his artistic ability got army senior officer approbate, make he had more creation opportunities, also got more taking exercise at the same time. Build in all in the army and the people in those days when, his obligation helps local businessman make large billboard, make clay sculpture image freely for local common people. In army, he completed mural of a large canvas independently for the first time, design alone for the first time made large landscape sculpture -- the carp jumps dragon door. Can say, army life did not interrupt his art dream not only, make he leaves his dream closer and closer instead.
Sea otter retired from army to build a plant to Shijiazhuang flying mechanism 1986, became a common benchwork. During the job, from be the same as the name that the workshop heard a novelty over there a master -- arc is artistic, also make solder caboodle model (abbreviation solder model) . Solder model becomes framework with reinforcing steel bar first namely, reoccupy iron plate knocks an outline and framework to solder an organic whole, fall in electric welding arc finally, the load one's writing with fancy phrases that drips through melting metallic solder will achieve the result of need, complete creative work thereby. Its characteristic is: Modelling is straightforward and natural, lifelike, work is the Gu that can no more build is tasted alone. Can say this is one kind comes from foreign newborn to produce art, the data is little, can draw lessons from fewer little, this enhanced the creation desire of sea otter instead, make if he is crazy if be thrown drunkly among them, an excellent work is ceaseless. 1994, the 3rd when Guo Hailong carried solder model work to attend to be held in Beijing " Aisenbo sees international meeting " , get of domestic and international professional personage reputably. Work " crocodilian " be collected on the spot, still reveal now in Miami of American Florida city the United States of city solders inside hall of institute headquarters parliament. In addition, the first order that still received life -- work " pig " , this is the birthday present that an American friend gives a madam. 1998, " Macao daily " , Hong Kong " civil report " , the much home media such as Shijiazhuang TV station covers the solder model art that reported Guo Hailong and him. Work " downy fetch " November 2006, selected contemporary arts and crafts of the 2nd China is exhibited (Beijing century altar exhibits) , have the honor to win a society top prize " China cup " outstanding award. October 2008, work " downy fetch " obtain work of art of first Heibei youth to exhibit cupreous award. Guo Hailong obtained what by U.N. Educational and Chinese folk combination of literary home association awards 1995 " home of civilian arts and crafts " title, the reason that also left to indissoluble with metallic knot from now on.