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贾濯非,1953年出生于东北辽宁,1968年下乡务农(知青),1973年第1 汽车制造厂工人,1982年毕业于东北师范大学美术系。
1989年结业于地方 美术学院雕塑系教师进修班,现任西安交通大学人文学院艺术系教授、系主任,中国教育部高等院校艺术类教学指点 委员会委员,中国美术家协会会员,中国雕塑学会理事。
1968年下乡务农(知青),1973年第1 汽车制造厂工人,1982年毕业于东北师范大学美术系
1989年结业于地方 美术学院雕塑系教师进修班,现任西安交通大学人文学院艺术系教授、系主任,中国教育部高等院校艺术类教学指点 委员会委员,中国美术家协会会员,中国雕塑学会理事。
次要 作品
10、1998年完成三峡十5 小区环境设计、三峡总公司管理大楼浮雕(1997-2008);
12、2000年完成北京中国军事革命博物馆大厅浮雕《1 统华夏

Introduction to the artist

Was born in northeast Liaoning 1953, 1968 soil of go to the countryside (educated youth) , 1973 worker of the first automobile factory, was graduated from faculty of art of northeast Normal University 1982
Complete a course fastened class of pedagogic attend in a advanced studies at sculpture of central academy of fine arts 1989, currently holding the post ofart of College of the Humanities of Xi'an traffic university is head of professor, department, institution of higher learing of Chinese Ministry of Education is artistic committee member of kind of education directive committee, chinese artist academician, chinese sculpture learns director.
1968 soil of go to the countryside (educated youth) , 1973 worker of the first automobile factory, was graduated from faculty of art of northeast Normal University 1982
Complete a course fastened class of pedagogic attend in a advanced studies at sculpture of central academy of fine arts 1989, currently holding the post ofart of College of the Humanities of Xi'an traffic university is head of professor, department, institution of higher learing of Chinese Ministry of Education is artistic committee member of kind of education directive committee, chinese artist academician, chinese sculpture learns director.
Main work
1, anaglyph " intelligent knowledge bound " reach environmental design to obtain work of sculpture of city of the 2nd whole nation to exhibit outstanding work reward:
2, in the round " 4 big inventions " 4 work obtain work of sculpture of city of the 3rd whole nation to exhibit outstanding work reward:
3, sculpture " Shi Fengchen " attend 97 Hong Kong to return to art to be exhibited greatly;
4, sculpture " leave an object lesson " attend beauty of the 9th whole nation to exhibit;
5, completed design of school gate of Xi'an traffic university and anaglyph creative work 1991;
6, completed hydroelectric station of gorge of sheep of Yellow River dragon 1992 large and indoor anaglyph;
7, completed environment of square of library of Qian Xuesen of Xi'an traffic university and sculpture design 1996;
8, finished 1996 without stannum " Long Hun " environment and sculpture design;
9, finished cut of jar of long Jiang Sanxia to shed environment of commemorative environment mountain and anaglyph design 1997 (1996-1997) :
10, finished 3 gorge 1998 anaglyph of building of government of head office of design of 15 villages environment, 3 gorge (1997-2008) ;
11, in the environment designs Gong Anyang and finishing Changchun geology 1999, heart part sculpture is created, obtain sculpture of city of the 3rd whole nation to exhibit outstanding work reward (collaboration) :
12, finished anaglyph of hall of museum of revolution of Beijing China war 2000 " unify an ancient name for China "
13, anaglyph " Wen Tonghun " obtain beauty of the 10th whole nation to exhibit outstanding work reward;
14, the sculpture outdoor " between heaven and earth " obtain sculpture of construction ministry city year is excellent 2005 work reward;
15, the sculpture outdoor " Qin Zhiyin " series obtains sculpture of construction ministry city year is large 2006 award;
16, the sculpture outdoor " mirror " obtain sculpture of city of the 3rd whole nation outstanding work reward;

