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徐亮 - 巫鸿:漫谈今年亚太地区双三年展(

2022-03-11 17:16:40




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徐亮男,汉族,1955年3月生。1978年毕业于四川美术学院,曾任永川地区群众艺术馆美术干部,现任重庆市群众艺术馆美术摄影部主任、副研讨 馆员,中国美术家协会会员,重庆市美术家协会副主席兼副秘书长。作品《凉糕》、《蜀乡人》、《新婚》分别参加第六、七、八届全国美展;《夕照》、《洞房》参加文明 部群星奖全国美展。还曾参加第九届全国美展,曾获省级奖励并有外国友人收藏。其雕塑作品重意趣、重生活,型体构成严谨,气象大方,外型 手法多样,随作品主题或柔美、或坚实、或丰润、或深邃,显示出良好的艺术感觉和深厚的文明 底蕴。1998年获全国第八届“群星奖”组织工作先进个人奖。

Introduction to the artist

Xu Liang male, the Han nationality, unripe in March 1955. Was graduated from Sichuan academy of fine arts 1978, ever cadre of art of house of art of masses of Ren Yongchuan area, currently hold the post ofthe head of department of photography of art of house of art of Chongqing city masses, deputy member that study a house, chinese artist academician, vice-chairman of association of Chongqing city artist holds deputy secretary-general concurrently. Work " cool cake " , " Sichuan countryside person " , " newly-married " attend respectively the 6th, 7, beauty of 8 whole nations is exhibited; " afterglow " , " bridal chamber " attend beauty of whole nation of award of culture ministry galaxy to exhibit. Ever still attended beauty of the 9th whole nation to exhibit, ever won provincial award and foreign friend is collected. Its sculpture work weighs interest, heavy life, model body is formed rigorous, atmosphere is easy, modelling gimmick is diversiform, follow work theme or soft beauty, or solid, or plump and smooth-skinned, or abstruse, show good artistic sense and solid culture inside information. Won the throughout the country 1998 the 8th " galaxy award " group weaver makes advanced individual award.

