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仇世森,1961年10月生于青岛,1987年毕业于山东工艺美术学院雕塑系。现任济南军区政治部创作室创作员、济南军区美术书法研讨 院常务副院长。为中国美术家协会会员、中国雕塑学会会员、山东省美术家协会副主席、山东省雕塑家协会副主席、山东工艺美术学院客座教授、国家1 级美术师。作品参加九、十、十1 届全国美展,第九、十、十1 届全军美展。
1985年至1988年与父亲仇志海先生开发研制“古代 黑陶工艺”;1989年6月,在新加坡举办“仇志海?仇世森黑陶艺术展”;1989年9月,在香港举办“仇氏父子陶艺展”;1991年1月,在日本举办“仇氏黑陶艺术展”;1991年9月,在香港举办“仇氏黑陶艺术展”;1998年10月,《秦基伟将军》安放于红安烈士陵园;1998年11月,完成济南泉城广场名人长廊雕塑《大舜》、《贾思勰》《墨子》;1998年12月雕塑《橙色记忆》参加全国“抗洪精神赞”美展,作品被八1 大楼收藏;1999年10月雕塑《祖辈?父辈?吾辈》参加第九届全国美展;2001年完成济南泉城路《老残听曲》、《父与子》、《泉韵》、《打手机的人》等六组写实雕塑;2002年,雕塑《坚持》参加第十届全军美展,地方 军委收藏;2003年,雕塑《前赴后继》座落 于历城烈士陵园;2006年5月,为国防大学设计完成大型雕塑《精忠报国》;2006年11月,参加第八届全国文代会;2008年6月,雕塑《依托 ?希望》参加山东省抗震美展。2008年6月,雕塑《呼唤》参加全国美术“心系汶川”全国美术特展。2009年7月,为北川擂鼓八1 中学创作主题雕塑《自强?奋进》。
1982年,雕塑《泉》获山东首届城市雕塑方案展二等奖;1989年10月,与父亲仇志海先生共同掌管 研制的“古代 黑陶工艺”获国家文明 部“科技进步”1 等奖;1989年12月,获三十八届世界发明博览会“尤里卡”金奖;1989年12月,获山东省文明 厅“科技进步”特等奖;1991年,被山东省委宣扬 部、省高教委、省教委授予“八十年代优秀毕业生”荣誉称号;1998年10月,《河脉》获山东98’雕塑展1 等奖;1998年12月,《橙色记忆》获“抗洪精神赞”全国美展银奖;2002年8月,《坚持》获第十届全军美展铜奖。2009年12月,《国学》入选第十1 届全国美展。

Introduction to the artist

Chou Shisen, was born at Qingdao in October 1961, was graduated from department of sculpture of institute of Shandong arts and crafts 1987. Academy of calligraphy of art of military region of the member that currently hold the post ofministry of politics of Jinan military region to create room creative work, Jinan is standing assistant dean. Save artist association vice-chairman, Shandong to save visiting professor of college of arts and crafts of sculptor association vice-chairman, Shandong, country for academician of sculpture of Chinese artist academician, China, Shandong division of one class art. Work attends 9, 10, beauty of 11 whole nations is exhibited, the 9th, 10, beauty of 11 horse and foot is exhibited.
Came to developed development with gentleman of of great capacity of father enemy will 1988 1985 " craft of contemporary black pottery " ; In June 1989, hold in Singapore " Chou Zhihai? Black pottery art exhibits Chou Shisen " ; September 1989, hold in Hong Kong " Tao Yi of father and son of enemy family name is exhibited " ; In January 1991, hold in Japan " art of black pottery of enemy family name is exhibited " ; In September 1991, hold in Hong Kong " art of black pottery of enemy family name is exhibited " ; In October 1998, " Qin Jiwei's general " put Yu Gongan cemetery of revolutionary martyrs; In November 1998, sculpture of a covered corridor or walk of celebrity of square of town of spring of the Jinan that finish " big Shun " , " Gu Sai Xie " " Mo Zi " ; In December 1998 sculpture " orange is remembered " enter the throughout the country " assist of spirit of fight a flood " the United States is exhibited, work is collected by 81 buildings; October 1999 sculpture " ancestors? Father generation? My generation " attend beauty of the 9th whole nation to exhibit; Finished district of Jinan spring city 2001 " old incomplete listens music " , " father and child " , " fontal charm " , " the person of hatchet man machine " wait for 6 groups realistically sculpture; 2002, sculpture " hold to " attend beauty of the 10th horse and foot to exhibit, central the Central Military Commission is collected; 2003, sculpture " advance wave upon wave " be located Yu Licheng cemetery of revolutionary martyrs; In May 2006, for national defence university the design finishs large sculpture " essence of life faithful dedicate oneself to the service of one's motherland " ; In November 2006, attend Wen Daihui of the 8th whole nation; In June 2008, sculpture " support? Hope " attend Shandong to save aseismatic beauty to exhibit. In June 2008, sculpture " call " attend countrywide art " heart Ji Wenchuan " countrywide art is exhibited especially. In July 2009, does for north plain beat a drum rouse 81 middle schools to create thematic sculpture " self-improvement? Act vigorously is entered " .
1982, sculpture " spring " obtain plan of sculpture of first city of Shandong to exhibit second-class award; October 1989, direct development jointly with gentleman of of great capacity of father enemy will " craft of contemporary black pottery " obtain national culture ministry " science and technology progresses " first prize; In December 1989, obtain 38 worlds to invent exposition " Youlika " gold prize; In December 1989, obtain Shandong to visit culture office " science and technology progresses " special grade award; 1991, be taught high by department of propaganda of Shandong provincial Party committee, province appoint, the province teachs appoint award " 80 time are outstanding graduate " honorary title; In October 1998, " river arteries and veins " obtain Shandong 98 ' sculpture exhibits first prize;1998 year December, " orange is remembered " obtain " assist of spirit of fight a flood " countrywide beauty exhibits silver-colored award; In August 2002, " hold to " obtain beauty of the 10th horse and foot to exhibit cupreous award. In December 2009, " does the country learn? ? ? " selected eleventh countrywide beauty is exhibited.

