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黄君度(1937-1995)为广西僮族人,是新中国培养的1 代艺术家。1955庆祝解放需求 1 组雕塑作品,当时能写会画的人有,却找不到搞雕塑的人,而黄君度正值高中读书,他无师自通的做了1 组雕塑--"丰收在望"参加自治区成立展览而轰动了全国。当时新中国成立,百废待兴,雕塑可谓冷门中的冷门。因而 他就成为1 大旧事 ,地方 旧事 电影制片厂为他拍摄专访。当时对中国政治文明 影响最大的苏联老大哥也十分吃惊在1 个名不见经传的僮乡冒了出1 个雕塑青年,(当时他18岁)为此苏联各地旧事 争相报到。广州美术学院雕塑系为他敝开大门。人们只晓得 他的前途似景,却很少有人晓得 他心中的苦。他父亲解放前为武鸣县县参议员,合理 解放没有法制观念的农民就随便将解放前从政人员随便抢杀,黄君度的父亲死后,他们的家只能家破人亡。他在南宁叔叔家中长大,虽然后来取得无上 光荣,但家的痛像1 把刀深深扎在他心底,他非常爱护保重 突然降临在他身上的机遇。也晓得 本身 和别人不1 样,来自东方 的雕塑对1 个从未接触过外来文明 的农村孩子来说是那么陌生而神奇。他在校时以惊人的刻苦,极大的创造热情博得 全校师生折钦佩。在北海渔村的采风实习时,他以极短的时间(10多分钟)就塑造1 个渔民抽象 而轰动1 时,他练就了极简捷的方式表现人物内心的神韵的雕塑手法。当时,大陆艺坛受50年代苏联创作模式的影响,常常是模型式的图解法作某种政治观念的解释。黄君度的毕业创作"南海渔歌"却能捕捉生活中的新颖 气息。以装潢 美丽的手法表达他心中的愉悦。这位平素不露锋芒的青年,当时就以独立不倚的思想和风华横溢的技巧引人注视 。毕业后他在柳州做6米高的刘三姐大型雕塑,柳州人民对他做的刘三姐当作歌仙烧香膜拜。在桂林做的12米高的毛泽东塑像被认为全国众多主席像中最有领袖风采的。
可惜他做的许多优秀的雕塑作品都碰到被毁的命运。使他感到艺术在政治面前能干 为力。后来他转向陶瓷设计。因他的转向,使桂林美陶作品1 时风靡全国,作品送往世界各地展出,受到极高的评价。
有1 次作品在日本展出,1 个日本收藏家看见黄君度做的"羊提壶"后十分惊讶,他认为把中国古鼎外型 演化 成古代 器皿的人,必然 非同凡响,因而 他为了拜访 黄君度寻遍中国大江南北。终究 在桂林找到。当他看见黄君度在1 个非常简陋的工作室工作时,他十分感动的说:"吃的是草,挤出来的是奶。"(这个羊提壶后来被邮电部选作纪念邮票)
在他长时间 的艺术生涯中,他发现佛教中的人物更能表现人的本质。他后期的作品重心转到佛教艺术上,也使他的艺术生涯达到创作的顶峰。他选罗汉外型 ,罗汉其实是没成佛的人,他必然有许多人的感情。黄君度极力表现每个罗汉的不同个性,用丰富的面部表情和肢体言语 表现罗汉深刻的思想感情。他在18罗汉身上留下的好象1 首首振憾人心的乐曲。有刻意寻求 ,似在长歌当哭。有随意抚摸,轻轻1 拔,在他手中的泥好像被注入生命,有些泥明显没有被碰过,但仍随主体脉搏在颤抖。有的罗汉眉须掩盖的眼睛好像1 口井,通向无穷 深远的地心,那源源不断地冒涌着的是人类的痛苦,佛教所谓的苦海无边。黄君度塑造的罗汉实质是表现生命的沉重和无法 。黄君度真不愧为大师,他把痛苦做这么美,真是奇人,可以说也是黄君度的特有身世和潜在内心的对人和世界的千言万语所致。
有专家评论:中国所有的寺庙中的罗汉没有1 个超过黄君度做的。他的作品好像不是用泥做的,而是用血肉和心做的,18罗汉可以说是旷世奇作,它应当 属于全人类的财富。

Introduction to the artist

Mr Huang is spent (1937-1995) for Guangxi Zhuang clansman, it is the generation artist that new China fosters. 1955 celebrate emancipatory need work of a group of sculpture, versatile at that time person has, cannot find the person that gets sculpture however, and Huang Jun is spent be worth high school to read, he made a group of sculpture self-taughtly- - " of in sight of " bumper harvest attends a municipality to establish an exhibition and resounding the whole nation. New at that time China holds water, 100 useless wait for promote, an unexpected winner in an unexpected winner of sculpture it may be said. Accordingly he makes one big news, central news film studio films for him special interview. The biggest to influence of Chinese politics culture Russia elder brother is very amazed also at that time in little known Zhuang countryside risked a youth of a sculpture, (at that time he 18 years old) for this each district news contends for Russia to report for duty. Department of sculpture of Guangzhou academy of fine arts is him our open an entrance door. The future that people knows him only is like scene, very few however somebody knows the hardship in his heart. Prefectural county senator cries for fierce before his father is liberated, just when liberate,take up a political career personnel is grabbed casually kill, after the father that Mr Huang spends is dead, their home can the family broke up only. He is grown in Nanning uncle home, although will obtain next,do not have Shang Guangrong, but of the home painful resemble plunging into the knife deeply in his bottom of the heart, he cherishs the good luck that arrives suddenly to go up in his body very much. Also know oneself and other people are different, the sculpture that comes from the west is so unfamiliar and magical for the rural child of foreign to never been contact culture. He is when school with breathtaking assiduous, huge creation wins She Qinpei of entire school teachers and students enthusiasticly. When the collect folk songs of fishing village of the North sea jackarooes, he with cutty time (many minutes 10) shape image of a fisherman and resounding temporarily, he is experienced extremely the sculpture gimmick of the verve that the means of forthright behaves person heart. At that time, mainland art altar suffers 50 time Russia to produce the effect of mode, often the explanation that the diagram method of model type makes sense of some kind of politics. The " of fisherman's song of Nanhai of " of graduate creative work that Mr Huang spends can take the fresh breath in the life however. In conveying his heart in order to decorate beautiful gimmick cheerful. This youth of usually hide one's candle under a bushel, the skill of the thought that does not lean in order to become independent at that time and wind Hua Hengyi is eye-catching. He does 6 meters tall Liu San a general term for young women in Liuzhou after graduation large sculpture, the 3 elder sister of Liu that Liuzhou people does to him regard as prostrate of burn joss sticks of song celestial being. There is cacique elegant demeanor most in be being thought in 12 meters when Guilin does tall Mao Zedong statue countrywide numerous chairman resembles.
Regrettablly a lot of outstanding sculpture work that he does come up against the destiny that is destroyed. Make he feels art is helpless before politics. He changes pottery and porcelain to the design later. Change direction because of his, make Guilin beautiful contented work temporarily fashionable whole nation, work sends toward world each district to exhibit, get extremely high opinion.
Once work exhibits in Japan, after collector of a Japan sees Mr Huang spends the " sheep that do to carry crock " very open-eyed, he thinks to evolve into Chinese Gu Ding modelling into the person of contemporary household utensils, be different from every noise certainly, then he searchs north and south of Chinese great river to visit Mr Huang to spend. Find in Guilin eventually. See when him Huang Jun is spent when a very pallet atelier works, he touchs very say: "Those who eat is careless, squeeze those who come out is a grandma. "(this sheep carries crock to be chosen by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications later commemorative stamp)
Mr Huang is spent be chosen to be thing of Chinese beautiful assistant manager again.
In his long-term artistic career, he discovers the character in buddhism can behave the person's essence more. The work centre of gravity of his later period turns to Buddhist art, also make his artistic career reachs the peak of creation. He chooses arhat model, arhat is the person that did not become Buddha actually, he has the feeling of a lot of people necessarily. Mr Huang spends the distinct personality that behaves every arhat to the utmost, manifest the thought affection of arhat profundity with rich countenance and limbs language. He is like first one in what stay on 18 arhat body brace up the composition of regret popular feeling. Have sedulous pursuit, be like should cry in long song. Have touch at will, unplug gently, the mud in his hand is like by infuse life, some mud had not been touched apparently, but still trembling along with main body pulse. The eye that some arhat eyebrow must cover is like a well, lead to infinite and far-reaching the earth's core, that in a steady stream risks those who emerging ceaselessly is human anguish, immensity of Buddhist so called abyss of misery. Mr Huang spends fictile arhat essence is expressional life is heavy and but. Mr Huang is spent be worthy of be a Great Master really, he does anguish so beautiful, it is strange person really, the to person and world thousands of words that can saying also is the peculiar one's lot that Mr Huang spends and potential heart be caused by.
Have expert comment: The arhat neither one in all Chinese cloister exceeds Huang Jun to spend do. His work is like is not done with mud, do with flesh and blood and heart however, it is outstanding that 18 arhat can say surprise, it should belong to the fortune of complete mankind.

