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叶 雄

2022-03-11 17:16:09 3797
叶 雄

艺术名家:叶 雄



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 作品《竹林七贤图》、《半夜 》、《郑板桥造像》等为上海美术馆、上海图书馆收藏。1970年起创作的油画,历年来创作出版了连环画数百种,两万余幅。获第二届全国连环画评奖创作二等奖,第三届全国连环画评奖创作三等奖。

《咆哮的黑龙江》、 《半夜 》、《叶雄中国画选》。其中《半夜 》、《咆哮的黑龙江》、《黄金案 艺术家叶雄作品》 等作品相继在全国第二、第三、第四届连环画评奖中获奖。《中华少年奇才》获1996年冰心儿童文学图书奖、中宣部"全国精神文明建设5 个1 工程奖"。《世界少年奇才》获中国图书奖。《我的父亲邓小平》获中宣部"全国精神文明建设5 个1 工程奖"。《伟大的抉择》获上海"时代风采"画展银奖、第九届全国美展铜奖。1988年在上海美术馆举办"叶雄中国画展"。同年出版了《叶雄中国画选》。1994年应邀赴芬兰等国举办"叶雄水墨画展"。2000年中国画《水浒1 百零八将》由上海地铁文明 旅游公司制造 成109枚地铁磁卡发行,并列入大世界吉尼纪录。叶雄的这套水浒人物,用水墨画技法,运线洒脱,着色淡雅,外型 精确 ,略带夸张,立意于用狂荡不羁的线条表现梁山好汉的豪侠仗义。其中国画作品《竹林七贤图》、《半夜 》、《郑板桥造像》等为上海美术馆、上海图书馆收藏。


English Introduction

 Ye Xiong is from Chongming, Shanghai. Xiacao and Guyin were born on September 16, 1950. Han nationality, Chongming people in Shanghai. In 1965, he graduated from Wusong No. 3 Middle School, and from the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting, Academy of Fine Arts, Shanghai University. Good at Chinese painting, comic book. 264 factory workers. He is a member of China Artists Association, Shanghai Branch of China Artists Association, director of Shanghai Comic Book Research Association, painter of Shanghai Huangpu Painting Academy and executive director of Shanghai Old Town Chamber Calligraphy and Painting Association. Since 1970, hundreds of kinds of oil paintings, more than 20,000, have been created and published over the years. He was awarded the second prize for the creation of the second national Comic Book Award and the third prize for the creation of the third national comic book award.

Works such as Bamboo Forest Qixian Tu, Midnight and Zheng Banqiao Statue are collected by Shanghai Art Museum and Shanghai Library. Since 1970, hundreds of kinds of oil paintings, more than 20,000, have been created and published over the years. He was awarded the second prize for the creation of the second national Comic Book Award and the third prize for the creation of the third national comic book award.

"Roaring Heilongjiang", "Midnight", "Selected Chinese Paintings of Yexiong". Among them, "Midnight", "Roaring Heilongjiang", "Golden Case Artist Ye Xiong's Works" and other works have won prizes in the second, third and fourth national comic book awards. "Chinese Youth Wizards" won the Bingxin Children's Literature Book Award in 1996 and the "Five-one Project Award for National Spiritual Civilization Construction" of the Ministry of Publicity and Propaganda. "World Youth Wizard" won the Chinese Book Award. "My Father Deng Xiaoping" won the "Five-one Project Award of National Spiritual Civilization Construction" from the Ministry of Propaganda. "Great Choice" won the silver prize of the Shanghai "Time Style" Painting Exhibition and the bronze prize of the Ninth National Art Exhibition. Yexiong Chinese Painting Exhibition was held in Shanghai Museum of Art in 1988. In the same year, Ye Xiong's Selected Chinese Paintings was published. In 1994, he was invited to hold Yexiong Ink Painting Exhibition in Finland and other countries. In 2000, the Chinese painting "One Hundred Eight General of the Marsh" was produced by Shanghai Metro Cultural Tourism Company and released 109 Metro magnetic cards, which were listed in the Gini Records of the Great World. Ye Xiong's Water Margin characters, ink painting techniques, free and easy lines, elegant coloring, accurate shape, slightly exaggerated, intended to use wild and unruly lines to show the heroic chivalry of Liangshan heroes. Among them, Chinese paintings such as Bamboo Forest Qixian Tu, Midnight and Zheng Banqiao Statue are collected by Shanghai Art Museum and Shanghai Library.

On January 12, 2013, the theme painting of Ye Xiong's Three Kingdoms began.

