自幼酷爱绘画艺术,在上海复旦大学附中读初中时,就在报刊上发表美术作品。在苏州美术专科学校读书时,其漫画作品已 引发 美术界人士的留意 。20世纪5 十年代起前后 在上海人民美术出版社、中国美术家协会《漫画》杂志编辑部、北京周报美术组工作。前后 学过世界语、英语、法语、日语等多种外语,并在用世界语进行对外文明 交流方面做了不少工作。解放后,曾将四十年代重庆出版的绿川英子的世界语著作《VivantajSoldatoj》(活着的士兵)等寄给日本世界语者宫本正男和北悟。使绿川英子的著(译)作得以在日本出版流传。(材料 来源:《中国世界语人物志》(2002)侯志平编)
La Jianan (1926.2, ) Jiangsu does not have stannic person. Be good at caricature. Suzhou is beautiful only study in school. Ceng Ren " caricature " magazine editor and be engaged in caricature creating. " Beijing weekly " the director edits. Compile have " collect of contemporary China caricature " , " collect of foreign interlink caricature " etc.
From a child loves painterly art, when attached middle school of Shanghai Fudan University reads junior high school, publish art work on the press. When Suzhou art training school reads, its cartoon work has caused the attention of art group public figure. 20 centuries are in publishing house of Shanghai people art, China early or late since the fifties artist association " caricature " form of art of weekly of magazine editorial office, Beijing works. Had learned a variety of foreign languages such as Esperanto, English, French, Japanese early or late, undertaking with Esperanto the respect did many works be changinged to foreign language communicating. After liberating, what ever published 40 time Chongqing is green plain flower child Esperanto composing " VivantajSoldatoj " (living soldier) wait for the person that send Japan Esperanto Gongbenzhengnan and north are realized. Make green plain flower child (interpret) make be able to publish in Japan circulate. (data sources: " keep in mind of Chinese Esperanto person " (2002) Hou Zhiping is made up)