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黄泽民,1956年9月生于北京。大学学历,前后 毕业于烟台大学法律专业和山东电大汉言语 文学专业,就读于清华大学美术学院,结业于中国艺术研讨 院硕士研讨 生班。历任山东博兴皮鞋厂副厂长、厂长,博兴县人民检察院反贪局长、副检察长、党组书记、检察长,滨州市人民检察院党组副书记、副检察长。高级检察官。现系中国美术家协会会员、中国检察官文联书画协会理事、山东省收藏家协会艺术顾问、山东省漫画家协会顾问、山东省美术家协会会员、滨州市检察官文联主席、滨州市美术家协会副主席。师承中国画坛颇具影响力的国画大师宋雨桂先生,深得宋老厚爱教诲。黄泽民凭其与生俱来的艺术天赋、丰富的人生经历 和深厚的文学底蕴和 多年艺术经验的积累思索使他的画作不断有着质的飞跃,博得 了国内外同行的赞誉,使其在挥毫泼墨间尽显执法者的刚毅和练达。其作品意境清新,章法严谨,笔墨苍润,内蕴浑厚。曾应邀在北京徐悲鸿纪念馆参展,入选牡丹杯全国书画大展获优秀奖,入选纪念孔子诞辰2556年全国书画大展,全国检察机关书画展获优秀奖,全国行业文联美术精品展获优秀奖,山东美协创作展获佳作奖。2008年9月荣获中国、新加坡、马来西亚、印度尼西亚美术大展创作金奖。山水画作品多次入选全国大展。数十副作品在人民日报、检察日报、求是杂志、大众日报、美术报、艺术人生等国家级、省级刊物上发表,其本人也被国内多家媒体记着采访报道。2012年,漫画《《循环经济》》入选“子恺杯”第九届中国漫画大展?优秀作品奖。2016年,漫画《渐》入选第四届中国?桐乡廉政漫画展?获前30名。


大学学历,前后 毕业于烟台大学法律专业和山东电大汉言语 文学专业,2004年就读于清华大学美术学院,2008年结业于中国艺术研讨 院硕士研讨 生班。



Introduction to the artist

Huang Zemin, was born at Beijing in September 1956. University record of formal schooling, be graduated from major of major of Yantai university law and literature of language of Shandong report big fellow early or late, read academy of fine arts of Yu Qinghua university, complete a course at graduate student of Master of Chinese artistic academy class. Have successively held the posts of Shandong rich to promote assistant factory director of leather shoes factory, factory manager, rich promotes prefectural people procuratorate to have an insatiable desire for secretary of director, deputy chief procurator, leading Party group, chief procurator instead, bank vice secretary of leading Party group of procuratorate of state city people, deputy chief procurator. Advanced inquisitor. Wen Lianshu of inquisitor of academician of artist of China showing a department, China draws association director, Shandong to save collector association art academician of artist of province of adviser of association of caricaturist of province of advisory, Shandong, Shandong, bank chairman of couplet of state city inquisitor article, bank vice-chairman of association of state city artist. Altar of Shi Chengzhong traditional Chinese painting provides the gentleman of laurel of Songyu of Great Master of traditional Chinese painting of consequence quite, teaching so greatly that Song Laohou loves. Huang Zemin is mixed by its native artistic talent, rich life experience of solid literary inside information and old and artistic experience accumulate thinking to make his picture is made having qualitative flight ceaselessly, won the recognition of domestic and international person of the same trade, make its are in wield one's writing brush what the person that execute the law all shows between splash-ink is resolute with experienced and worldly-wise. Its work artistic conception is pure and fresh, art of composition is rigorous, embellish of writing dark green, inside accumulate simple and honest. Ever was in Beijing on invitation memorial hall ginseng exhibits Xu Beihong, painting and calligraphy of whole nation of selected peony cup is exhibited greatly win outstanding award, countrywide painting and calligraphy exhibited selected souvenir confucius' birthday greatly 2556, art exhibition of book of mechanism of countrywide procuratorial work wins outstanding award, high-quality goods of art of couplet of countrywide industry article is exhibited win outstanding award, shandong is beautiful assist creation is exhibited win award of an excellent work. Had the honor to win art of China, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia to exhibit creation gold prize greatly in September 2008. Landscape painting work for many times selected whole nation is exhibited greatly. Tens of deputy work are in daily of People's Daily, procuratorial work, begging is daily of magazine, masses, art publish on the national level such as newspaper, artistic life, provincial journal, its oneself also are being written down by media of domestic much home cover a report. 2012, caricature " " circular economy " " selected " child Kai cup " is caricature of the 9th China exhibited greatly? Outstanding work reward. 2016, caricature " gradually " selected the 4th China? Does tung countryside Lianzheng overflow art exhibition? Before obtaining 30.

