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徐庆雄,1964年出生于湖北安陆。中国美术家协会会员、孝感美术家协会副主席、人民日报《讽刺与幽默》水墨漫画研讨 室特聘作者、湖北安陆市文明 馆馆长、子恺画院画师、安陆水墨漫画院副院长。
作品《闹市》入选第十二届全国美术作品展,《都市》获第九届“子恺杯”全国漫画大赛优秀作品奖,《1 呼百应》获第三届中国桐乡廉政漫画大赛优秀作品奖,《领奖台上》获人民日报《讽刺与幽默》年度优秀作品奖。作品《握手言和》、《和平 与和平》等前后 在比利时、罗马尼亚、韩国、日本等国家展览并获奖。出版有全国百名优秀中青年书画家系列丛书《徐庆雄国画集》等。2012年由安陆市人民政府在广州举办了徐庆雄水墨小品个人画展。创作编辑《交通安全漫画集》、《税收与民生漫画集》等20多部书籍,组织举办了首届、第二届全国水墨漫画大赛。

Introduction to the artist

Xu Qingxiong, was born in Hubei to bring land 1964. Vice-chairman of association of artist of Chinese artist academician, filial piety feeling, People's Daily " satirize and humour " Shui Moman draws lab to hire author, Hubei to install curator of house of land city culture especially, child Shuimo of painter of Kai imperial art academy, Anliu.
Work " busy streets " selected dozenth work exhibits a countrywide painting, " city " obtain the 9th " child Kai cup " countrywide caricature contest is outstanding work reward, " hundreds respond to a single call " obtain Lian Zhengman of countryside of tung of the 3rd China to draw a contest outstanding work reward, " on the stage that receive award " obtain a People's Daily " satirize and humour " year is excellent work reward. Work " handclasp make peace " , " war and peace " wait early or late in Belgian, Romania, Korea, Japan the country is exhibited and bear the palm. Publish have the throughout the country 100 outstanding in a series of books of series of home of young painting and calligraphy " collect of Xu Qingxiong traditional Chinese painting " etc. Art exhibition of individual of essay of Chinese ink of Xu Qingxiong water was held in Guangzhou by government of people of the city that bring land 2012. Creation edits " collect of traffic safety caricature " , " taxation and collect of caricature of the people's livelihood " wait for many 20 book, the organization held first, contest of caricature of Chinese ink of water of the 2nd whole nation.
Individual part work is collected by domestic and international art gallery, famous entrepreneur, famous learned man, well-known public figure.

