出道--在国内第1 本新漫画杂志《画书大王》上发表处女作《快乐平安夜》。
姚非拉出道至今已十多年,是中国新漫画十年的重要人物之1 ,是国内最早成为签约漫画作者的人1995年开始在《北京卡通》上连载长篇《梦里人》,细诉青春的梦想故事,《梦里人》创出内地连载时间最长纪录,并被CCTV改编成系列动画片,这是央视首次尝试制造 青春题材动画片,也是大陆首次改编漫画为动画
片。系列都市爱情故事“80℃”不断 在国内发行量最大的漫画资讯类杂志《漫友·漫画100》上连载,在2004北京动漫嘉年华现场举行单行本首发式,由漫友文明 隆重推出。同时姚非拉也为《新蕾·STORY100》绘画封底系列,并开有专栏《FLY博士的成绩 研讨 所》。另外漫画技法教学类漫画《猪头漫画教室》同时在专业漫画杂志《漫画家》上连载。
姚非拉的作品参加了历年来的亚洲漫画高峰会的展出,本人还被约请 参加2001年在日本举办的亚洲漫画论坛(全亚洲仅13人被约请 ),同时作品在亚洲地区巡回展出两年。2004年姚非拉的工作室“SUMMER”成立。另两位编缉 是猪乐桃和喵呜,《80℃》这部新作便是工作室集体力量的1 个结晶。
1994年发表第1 篇作品至今,不断 活跃在原创漫画第1 线。作品深受读者爱好 ,同时备受专业人士推崇,并且利用本身 影响力发掘培养年轻动漫人,积极推动中国原创漫画在国内和国际的影响力,被媒体抽象 地成为“内地漫画第1 人”。首部长篇作品《梦里人》成为90年代中国大陆最有影响力的漫画作品,并且由CCTV改编为电视动画片,开创中国漫画改编动的先例
姚非拉1994年发表第1 篇作品。
2001年被约请 参加在日本举办的亚洲漫画论坛(全亚洲13人),作品得到了车田正美大师盛赞,以后 原稿受到与手冢治虫、石森章太郎等大师同台展出原稿的待遇,并在东亚巡回展出长达两年之久。
2005年获得中国漫画奖最好 长篇漫画奖,2006年获得中国漫画四大天王称号,2007年获得第四届OACC金龙奖年度最好 漫画单行本奖,并与冯小刚等1 同评选为“2007北京市十大年度创意人物”,与奥运会祥云火炬设计师一同 被评为“2007北京十大创意.设计年度青年人物”,历年担任OACC金龙奖颁奖嘉宾或者评委,多次得到李长春、陈至立、刘淇、王岐山等领导人的亲切视察和接见,并多次代表中国漫画家出访日本、韩国、马来西亚。
2007年在杭州市各级领导的的关心下,姚非拉带领其1 手创办的中国漫画旗帜团队SUMMERZOO(夏天岛)入驻杭州滨江国家动画产业基地,从此成为杭州的1 个新的亮眼的动漫品牌。
2008年,姚非拉成为首届中国美协动漫艺术委员会委员,并参与大型奥运题材动画片《福娃奥运漫游记》前期策划和编剧工作。随后,被上海世博会组委会约请 担任吉祥物海宝的评委,海宝终究 的抽象 就是在吴仪副总理亲自审阅了姚非拉创作的海宝漫画后正式确定的。同年获得第四届中国国际动漫节“美猴奖”漫画奖。
2009年,代表中国漫画家应邀参加法国昂古来姆漫画节,并约请 法国数名知名漫画家来杭,在国际动漫节期间进行中法漫画联展活动,获得美满 成功。团队获得第1 批“杭州动漫游戏示范企业”,被评为“第四届杭州文艺突出贡献奖”,作品参加了首届中国动漫艺术大展,手稿在中国美术馆展出。姚非拉漫画作品《鬼吹灯》高调打入日本漫画市场。
姚非拉大力推动中国漫画的发展,努力提升杭州动漫文明 的国际国内影响力,在2012年被搜狐文明 频道收录在“中国创造”三十位代表人物中独一 的漫画家。
本籍 广东梅州市梅县区,诞于湖北武汉。
毕业于湖北省武汉市华中科技大学计算机软件专业,大学期间开始创作漫画,处女作发表在中国内地第1 本新漫画杂志《画书大王》上,毕业前就已 在《北京卡通》、《少年漫画》等多家杂志上开始连载。其中从1995年开始就在《北京卡通》上连载的长篇漫画《梦里人》,1 经推出就收到广泛好评,奠定了姚非拉在中国内地原创漫画领域的中坚地位。
大学毕业后分配到北京从事软件编程工作,两年后辞职正式开始职业漫画身涯。其作品参加了历年来的亚洲漫画高峰会的展出,本人被约请 参加2001年在日本举办的亚洲漫画论坛(由日本国际交流基金主办,这是该论坛首次约请 中国内地青年漫画家参家),其间作品得到了车田正美老师的赞美 和 矢口高雄老师的指导 ,其后作品在亚洲地区巡回展出长达两年。02年和04年分别代表中国参加日本横滨亚洲漫画高峰会和 韩国SICAF漫画大会。04年作为中国内地独一 漫画家入选北京司马台长城脚下的国际动漫名人廊,并留下手印供游人参观。
长篇代表作《梦里人》被中国地方 电视台(CCTV)改编成系列动画片。这是中国地方 电视台首次尝试制造 青春题材动画片,也是中国内地首次将漫画改编为动画片。
目前正在连载都市爱情漫画《80℃》。《80℃》单行本1-6已 在中国内地正式发行(分别是《国王与小鸟》、《镜头》、《TIME》、《朵朵的甜蜜和平 》、《我的1/2男友》、《幸福的理由》),单行本1-3已正式授权马来西亚出版了马来文版漫画单行本,这也是中国内地第1 部对海外授权的故事漫画。
04年于北京发起组织漫画团队SUMMER,现有编缉 四人,助理二人,活跃于《漫友》《新蕾》《电漫》《漫画家》《北京卡通》等杂志。
次要 作品
95年《疯狂到旱季 》(中篇)少年漫画
03年《猪头漫画教室》(已结束 )幽默大师·.连环泡
03年《80℃》系列中短篇都市爱情故事(长篇连载中)漫友·漫画10003年“FLY博士的成绩 研讨 所”(彩色专题栏目连载)新蕾·STORY100
10年《终究 游戏》漫画世界上连载
Yao Fei is pulled be graduated from China in computer science department of grain industry college, choose caricature to serve as a profession however.
Go out- - in home magazine of the first new caricature " the king that draw a book " on publish a maiden work " happy and restful night " .
It is the person that home becomes an autograph the earliest to make an appointment with caricature author.
Yao Fei is pulled up to now already more than 10 years, one of anybody that are Chinese new caricature 10 years, it is home becomes an autograph the earliest to make an appointment with the person of caricature author to began to be in 1995 " Beijing cartoon " go up serialization " the person in the dream " , fine the dreamy story that tells youth, " the person in the dream " start an outback serialize time the longest record, be adapted by CCTV series cartoon, this is CCTV tries to make cartoon of green subject matter first, also be the mainland adapts caricature to be animation first
Piece. Series city love story " 80 ℃ " be in all the time the caricature information with domestic the biggest circulation kind magazine " caricature of the · that overflow friend 100 " on serialize, move in 2004 Beijing overflow fine time spot to hold offprint head hairdo, you Manyou culture is rolled out ceremoniously. At the same time Yao Fei is pulled also be " new bud · STORY100 " series of painterly back cover, leave have column " the problem institute of Dr. FLY " . Additional teacher and student of caricature ability law kind caricature " classroom of pig head caricature " be in at the same time professional caricature magazine " caricaturist " on serialize.
The work that Yao Fei helps attended what the Asian caricature height that calendar year comes to meets to exhibit, the Asian caricature forum that oneself still are invited to attend to was held in Japan 2001 (complete Asia only 13 people are invited) , at the same time work exhibits two years in Asian area itinerate. The studio that Yao Fei helped 2004 " SUMMER " hold water. Additional two editor in chief is pig Le Tao and mew toot, " 80 ℃ " this crystallization that the ministry is made newly is atelier collective force.
Senior caricaturist, founder of caricature of Chinese inland story and trailblazer, establish at present chinese mainland provides SUMMERZOO of consequence caricature group most (summer insular atelier) , the caricaturist below the banner includes Yu Yanshu, Xia Da to wait.
Published the first work 1994 up to now, active all the time in start caricature front line formerly. Work loves by the reader, suffer professional personage praise highly fully at the same time, and use disentomb from body consequence education is young use free person, drive China actively to achieve caricature to be in formerly the consequence of home and international, be become by media figure ground " outback caricature the first person " . First full length work " the person in the dream " become 90 time chinese mainland the cartoon work of the most influential force, and be adapted by CCTV be TV cartoon, initiate Chinese caricature to adapt the precedent that use
Yao Fei is pulled published the first work 1994.
The Asian caricature forum that was invited to attend to be held in Japan 2001 (13 people of complete Asia) , work received highly praise of Che Tianzheng's beautiful Great Master, manuscript is treated the Great Master such as Zhang Tailang of bug, stone dark to exhibit with the stage with hand grave later the pay of manuscript, what be as long as two years showpiece in East Asia itinerate is long.
Won Chinese caricature award 2005 award of optimal and full length caricature, obtained Chinese caricature big days 4 2006 king title, acquired year of award of dragon of gold of the 4th OACC 2007 optimal caricature offprint award, wait to be chosen together with Feng Xiaogang for " 10 good year spend 2007 Beijing originality character " , with the Olympic Games stylist of auspicious cloud torch is judged to be together " 10 big originality of 2007 Beijing. Character of design year youth " , calendar year holds the position of prize-giving honored guest of award of OACC gold dragon or commissioner, what get the leader such as hill of Qi of Li Changchun, Chen Zhili, Liu Qi, king for many times is kind inspect and interview, visit Japan, Korea, Malaysia on behalf of Chinese caricaturist for many times.
Was in Hangzhou city 2007 of leaders of all levels below the care, yao Fei pulls the SUMMERZOO of group of Chinese caricature flag that guides one of hands to establish (summer island) into be stationed in base of property of animation of country of Hangzhou bank river, of a when become Hangzhou from now on new bright look use free brand.
2008, yao Fei is pulled become first China beauty assist move committee member of free art committee, participate in cartoon of subject matter of large Olympic Games " blessing child Olympic Games overflows travel notes " early days plan and scriptwriter job. Subsequently, be met by Shanghai world rich the organizing committee invites the commissioner that holds the position of mascot sea treasure, the figure with sea final treasure is in namely Vice Prime Minister Wu Yi personally check and approve picture hind decides the Hai Baoman that Yao Fei helps creative work formally. Of the same age obtains the 4th China International to use free part " award of beautiful clever boy " caricature award.
2009, attend France to hold section of caricature of Mu of since time immemorial high on invitation on behalf of Chinese caricaturist, invite France to count a famous caricaturist to come Hangzhou, undertake during international uses free part Sino-French caricature couplet exhibits an activity, obtain consummation. The group obtains the first batch " Hangzhou moves free game demonstrative company " , be judged to be " the 4th Hangzhou is literary and outstanding contributive award " , work attended first China to move free art to be exhibited greatly, manuscript exhibits in Chinese art gallery. Yao Fei helps cartoon work " ghost blows the lamp " high-key infiltrate Japanese caricature market.
Yao Fei helps the development that promotes Chinese caricature energetically, promote Hangzhou to use the international home force that overflows culture hard, was collected to be in by Sohu culture channel 2012 " China is created " the exclusive caricaturist in 30 delegates character.
Caricature course
Area of county of plum of city of Meizhou of ancestral home Guangdong, wuhan of north of absurd Yu Hu.
Be graduated from Hubei to save major of software of computer of university of Wuhan city Hua Zhongke ability, begin to produce caricature during the university, a maiden work is published in Chinese inland magazine of the first new caricature " the king that draw a book " on, had been in before graduation " Beijing cartoon " , " teenager caricature " etc serialize begins on much home magazine. Begin to be in from 1995 among them " Beijing cartoon " on serial is full length caricature " the person in the dream " , once roll out,receive extensive reputably, established Yao Fei to play the backbone status that achieves caricature domain formerly in Chinese inland.
Beijing allocates to pursue job of software process designing after the university graduates, the abdication after two years begins limit of professional caricature body formally. Its work attended what the Asian caricature height that calendar year comes to meets to exhibit, the Asian caricature forum that oneself are invited to attend to was held in Japan 2001 (by Japan international communication fund is sponsorred, this is this forum invites caricaturist of Chinese inland youth to enter the home first) , meantime work got the give directionsing of the admiration of Mr. Che Tianzheng beautiful and teacher of arrowy mouth Kaohsiung, ever since work is as long as two years showpiece in Asian area itinerate. Attend summit of caricature of Japanese yokohama Asia 2 years on behalf of China respectively with 4 years meeting and congress of Korea SICAF caricature. The international that foot of Great Wall of selected Beijing minister stage issues exclusive caricaturist uses land of the home in serving as 4 years free celebrity corridor, leave fingerprint to look around for tourist.
Full length masterpiece " the person in the dream " by Chinese CCTV (CCTV) adapt series cartoon. This is Chinese CCTV tries to make cartoon of green subject matter first, also be Chinese inland adapts caricature first for cartoon.
Be in at present caricature of serialize city love " 80 ℃ " . " 80 ℃ " offprint 1-6 has been issued formally in Chinese inland (it is respectively " king and birdie " , " camera lens " , " TIME " , " sweet war " , " my 1/2 male friend " , " happy ground, malaysia of formal already authorization published offprint 1-3 offprint of caricature of edition of equestrian document received, this also is Chinese inland the first story caricature to abroad accredit.
Initiate SUMMER of constituent caricature group 4 years at Beijing, existing and editorial 4 people, assistant 2 people, active at " free friend " " Xin Lei " " report is overflowed " " caricaturist " " Beijing cartoon " wait for a magazine.
Main work
A particular year makes type of the name of an article publish media
94 years " happy and restful night " (short story) the king that draw a book
95 years " arrive wildly monsoon " (in piece) teenager caricature
95 years, 01 years " the person in the dream " (full length) Beijing cartoon
96 years " with me in all dance " (short story) Beijing cartoon
96 years " snowflake " (in piece) Beijing cartoon
96 years " game " (short story) king of popular science picture
96 years " special mission " (short story) Beijing cartoon
97 years " there will be a tear tomorrow " (full length) overspeed storm
97 years " this mixes that " (in piece) teenager caricature
98 years " doll and Little Bear dance " playwrite (in piece) Beijing cartoon
0 years " WHEREAREWEGOING? " (in piece) forum of Japanese Asia caricature
01 years of FLY east travel notes (travel notes) Beijing cartoon
Club of FLY of cartoon of Beijing of SUMMER of proceedings of a conferences of club of 01 years of FLY
2 years " in the dream chaos swims to write down on the west " (in full length) Beijing cartoon
Club of FLY of cartoon of Beijing of SPRING of proceedings of a conferences of club of 2 years of FLY
Club of FLY of cartoon of Beijing of SUMMER of proceedings of a conferences of club of 2 years of FLY
2 years " miracle " in full length (as full as the singer river cooperates)
3 years " classroom of pig head caricature " (already be over) · of humorous Great Master. Serial bubble
3 years " camera lens " (short story) caricature of the · that overflow friend 100
3 years " 80 ℃ " love story of city of the short story in series (in full length serialize) caricature of the · that overflow friend 10003 " the problem institute of Dr. FLY " (serialize of column of chromatic special subject) new bud · STORY100
3 years " go travelling with Lafuer " (series of chromatic back cover) new bud · STORY100
3 years " 80 ℃ " offprint the 1st, issue 2 times
5 years " 80 ℃ " offprint 3, 4 issue
7 years " 80 ℃ " offprint the 5th, issue 6 times
9 years " the light of tomorrow " bosom friend overflows the serialize on the guest
10 years " final game " the serialize on caricature world
10 years " Hua Xi and Mian king " the serialize on caricature BAR
11 years " switchback of life and death " overflowing fan on serialize
11 years " incorporeal strategy " the serialize on caricature world