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张令涛先生最后 长时间 作美 术编辑,为教科书插图,为儿童良友社编绘画报、画册,解放前就开始从事连环画创作,曾前后 创作了《班超》(与胡若佛合作)、《梁红玉》、《梁山伯与祝英台》、《梁红玉击鼓讨金》(与胡若佛合作)和 《卖油郎与花魁女》、《武松与潘金莲》、《西厢记》、《孟姜女万里寻夫》、《鲁滨逊漂流记》、《鸿鸾禧》、《夏完淳》(与胡若佛合作)、《女娲补天》、《杨家将》、《红楼二尤》等多部连环画。
解放后,他与胡若佛先生成为自在 职业者,长时间 进行连环画合作,绘制了大量古典连环画。他俩是多产、全能的连环画家,特别是古装人物,信手拈来,神情兼备。帝王将相、才子佳人、妖魔鬼怪、市井百姓,无所不能。虽然他俩的作品也存在人物外型 雷同,但他们熟练流畅的传统技法、精心刻画的人物外型 、华丽多彩的画面、独树1 帜的画风,深受连环画读者的爱好 。
张令涛先生于1988年病逝,享年85岁;然而,他和胡若佛创作的1 系列古典连环画作品使人难以忘记 。
自幼爱好文学与绘画,勤奋自学。小学就读在杭州,中学毕业于苏州。上世纪二十年代初,考入刘海粟创办的“上海美术专门学校”为首届毕业生,和叶浅予陈秋草潘思同、方雪鸪、但杜宇等,均为第1 届的高才生。
毕业初期,张令涛亦曾参加过叶浅予主编的《上海漫画》和方雪鸪、潘思同陈秋草等创立的“白鹅画会”(在虹口北四川路)1 些社会文明 活动。后因结婚成家有了负担,不能不求1 项固定职业。经伯父张葆灵向张元济总经理推荐,入商务印书馆编辑所担任美术编辑。其时,“商务”编辑人才济济,各有特长 ,共达两百多人。张令涛素描基础扎实,擅长钢笔画,初进馆时为“商务”四大杂志:《东方杂志》《小说月报》《妇女杂志》《先生 杂志》作封面设计和文章插图。前后 和沈雁冰、郑振铎、胡愈之、邝富灼等合作共事,十分融洽,受到他们的赞美 。
此时,商务印书馆最次要 的营业收益为教育部审核批准的《新学甲小学国语教科书》,行销全国各地,每年发行量高达千万册;而当时中华书局、世界书局也纷纷把目标瞄准在发行教科书上,竞争十分激烈。因而 商务编辑所急需不断更新教科书的内容,次要 是在课文的插图上。此时,新任所长王云5 看中了后起之秀的张令涛,要求其负责重新绘制《新学制国语教科书》的全套插图以期达到1 个新的水平。张令涛为此竭尽全力作出最完善 的贡献。他历时年余,参考了欧美日本的许多儿童读物并到“商务”自办的“大公子弟学校”亲自观察调查,然后动笔起草,以流畅的线条,动态的构图,精心绘制出符合课文内容的1 幅幅儿童爱好 的美丽插图,完成了小学语文教科书的革新任务,博得了王云5 的奖励。不久,王云5 升任为“商务”总经理,李伯嘉担任编辑所长。王云5 推行企业科学管理法,发明“四角号码检字法”提出1 系列新的文明 经营理念;随之《万行文库》和大部头古籍丛书陆续出版。此1 时可以称为商务印门馆创立以来最鼎盛的历史时期。
1932年初,上海遭受 日本军队突然攻击 的“1 .二八”战祸。坐落 在闸北宝山路上的商务印书馆首先遭到日本飞机集中轰炸,大火浓烟三夜不熄,引发 全市纸灰飞扬。惨淡经营四十余年的全国最大民营文明 企业1 旦化作灰烬;占地百亩的厂房、印刷机械、仓库、包括5 座子楼的编辑所、东方图书馆、涵芬楼藏书等等统统成为1 片瓦砾堆。张令涛的家住在附近宝通路,亦遭焚毁,1 家连夜逃入租界旅馆避难,情况十分狼狈。幸得家父闻讯,立即谴人将其1 家接回宁波。
商务印书馆遭此浩劫,首先急于恢复的就是出版中小学各级教科书,援救 财政上的损失,这是当时简便可行的独一 办法。因而 王云5 、李伯嘉两人负责,选择1 批精干队伍赶去香港分馆,筹划出版1 套《新学制复兴教科书》以应全国学校开学时的急需。张令涛受命赶到上海,和王云5 等同乘意大利邮轮“康脱凡第”号去香港。
抵港后入住香港分馆狭窄 的厂房内,在隆隆印刷机声旁的小室里,张令涛挥汗日夜作画不歇,艰苦困难的情况和上海时代的生活,比拟 不啻有霄壤之别。他1 时堕入 精神恍惚,屡屡昏迷,加之居港水土不服,言语 隔阂,不免触动思妻恋家之念,在突然的感情冲动驱使下,竟不辞而行,径自搭轮回上海,转而回到家乡。从此,张令涛脱离了商务印书馆,有负王云5 先生之期望,此举形成 了他终身 的遗憾。
在家乡他得到了亲人的体谅和爱护,身心的颓唐得以恢复。闲居之余,唯以翻阅家藏古书,临摹碑帖字画作消遣。数月以后 ,凇沪停战协议 签订,和平恢复,张令涛回到上海,接受大东书局之聘,为该局策划出版儿童读物,以便逐渐 转向教科书的发行;无法 大东书局格局较小,资金不足,对编辑人员出不起高薪,后来只能按稿论件计酬。张令涛从此成为1 个自在 职业者,以卖稿为生,从钢笔画转向广告画,向工艺美术设计的方向发展:后来又走向儿童卡通画、年画和连环画,倒也稿源日广,收入颇丰;远及南洋1 带也纷纷来约稿,如新加坡的南洋书局就曾拜托 他绘制该地华文课本的插图。因而 他又把家眷接到上海,先居住 新闸路赓庆坊,后迁入南市蓬莱路龙门村新屋,生活总算重又小康而安乐了。
到了1937年,“八·1 三”上海烽火 又起,中国全面抗战开始,在日军步步紧逼下,上海租界沦为沦陷区内的孤岛,文明 事业受到遏制。以笔耕为生的张令涛再次落入困境,稿酬收入日渐减少,物价却天天上涨:像张令涛这样1 代的知识分子,深受“5 四”文明 运动的影响,具有强烈的爱国心,纵令生活幽顿,然手中之笔绝不会为敌伪汉奸分子所利用。因而 在租界小范围内只能兜揽1 些商业广告画或工艺设计等1 类工作,苦度光阴。直到1945年秋终究 盼来了抗日和平 的最初 胜利。他的儿童读物画、连环画又渐渐为文明 出版界所注重 :同时新加坡南洋书局的约稿也恢复了,生活再告安定。
1949年5月上海解放。新中国成立。随着全国文明 事业的新发展,张令涛以连环画作为专业,更进入到1 个蓬勃发展的新境地。
但是好景不常,到了文革十年,原有文明 出版机构悉遭破坏,张令涛在这个漫漫长时间 中,不但接不到画稿,就连原有作品的版税也被剥夺了,且随时有被揪斗的可能,使他第三次堕入 团境。为了养家糊口活下去,到了后期仅能依托 美协的中介,勉强从上海工艺美术品公司分配到1 些供出口仿制的低级东方 油画稿,获得1 点微薄的报酬。
文革结束,改革开放开始,张令涛年事已高,精力不继,只能搁笔家居,后来幸得华君武先生和上海美协的推荐,在1979年受聘为上海市文史馆馆员,从此在党对老年文明 工作者多方照顾的阳光沐浴下,幸福地保养 天年,1988年11月20日去世,享年86岁。
张令涛曾有1 幅彩墨画《滨江捕鱼图》入选上海文史馆编纂的《海上翰林画集》,由上海人民美术出版社出版,这是他在钢笔画以外 不多见的中国画遗作。


5 六十年代的上海人美社连创室人才济济、流派纷呈,集中了在沪所有的连环画大家,号称“1 百零八将”,张令涛、胡若佛就是其中的二位,他俩以熟练流畅的传统技法,精心刻画的人物外型 ,华丽多彩的画面,独树1 帜的画风,深深影响着1 代又1 代的连环画爱好者们,并不断 被读者津津乐道。
张令涛、胡若佛是多产全能的连环画家,特别是古装人物画信手拈来,神情兼备。帝王将相,才子佳人,妖魔神灵,市井平民,他们无所不能。综观这1 时期的古典系列套书,几乎都有他俩的作品:《西游记》中的《怒打假国丈》、《西汉演义》中的《暗渡陈仓》、《追韩信》、《三国演义》中的《三国归晋》、《红楼梦》中的《宝玉初会黛玉》、《王熙凤》、《黛玉葬花》、《刘姥姥救巧姐》、《刘姥姥进大观园》,“老东周”中的《宋襄公》、《楚汉相争》、《韩信拜师》、《自称齐王》。
在津美版几十册的《聊斋》系列中,张令涛、胡若佛合作的《辛十四娘》、《小谢》、《娇娜》是公认画得最好的作品之1 。他俩的代表作还有朝花版的《红楼二尤》、《女娲补天》、冀美版《朱痕记》、津美版《双生赶船》、人美版的《杨家将》等,特别是他们画的《杨家将》,虽然只要 5 册,但比起如今 十几册,二十几册的其他版本要精彩的多,次要 就是他们捉住 了《杨家将演义》中最精彩的情节加以描绘。该套书现已成为连环画爱好者们收藏的上品。
胡若佛还画过大量古典题材的连环画封面,值得1 提的是张令涛与张子凡合作的新美术版古代 题材套书《新儿女英雄传》是连藏界精品中的精品,大有上下求索还难觅其踪迹 之感。
当然,张令涛、胡若佛的作品也有1 些给人“似曾相识”的地方,但他们的风格珠联璧合,自有独到的地方 ,雅俗共赏、丰富精致吸引了众多的连环画爱好者,他俩在连坛称得上是出类拔萃的大家。
建国初期,连环画《红楼梦》问世后,读者无不为之喝彩。特别是张令涛、胡若佛绘的《宝黛初会》、《王熙凤》、《鸳鸯抗婚》、《刘姥姥进入大观园》、《刘妊妊救巧姐》、《黛玉葬花》等那自成1 体的独特艺术风格更为人所称道,而他们笔下那些神采灵动、妩媚多姿、淡雅秀美、神形兼备、自得天趣的红楼女儿抽象 特别 脍炙人口,有口皆碑。
张令涛、胡若佛的仕女抽象 之所以能达到如此神韵境界,是由于 他们对人物思想性情 的逼真 理解和自然情态的归纳 ;还由于 他们塑造抽象 的新美、隽永;再加上他们那纯熟 笔触的调和 ,因此 能给人1 种难以言喻的美。
《红楼梦》的绘制,可以说是张令涛胡若佛绘画史上的转机 点,它奠定了张令涛胡若佛的艺术风格。从此他们那枝优扬的画笔常常穿梭于我国的古典时空中,经典佳作源源问世,使人目不暇接。由于此时期他俩传世的作品较多,使我们今天尚能1 饱眼福。
在《红楼梦》中,他们在明确作品主题的基础上,以精、雅、华丽、别致等意趣刻意去铺排全部 贾府的陈设,把贾府打扮 得堂皇富丽、美轮美奂。书中诸如大观园中的亭台楼阁、奇花异草、鱼虫鸟兽,室内诸如金银器皿、玉石古玩、盆景字画乃至家具上的花鸟图案,都安排贴切,细致入微。这样的铺排粉饰,更无力 地衬托出《红楼梦》中封建贵族家庭由盛而衰,“白茫茫大地1 片的”宗旨 。
杨家将是中国历史上1 个惊天地、泣鬼神的爱国家族,这个以杨令公与佘太君为代表的家族是正义的意味 。连环画《杨家将》从杨令公佘太君晓大理、严重 局带领杨家众儿郎归顺大宋开始,从而展现 出1 幕幕杨家与东辽和 潘家的文武较量的情节。张令涛胡若佛画《杨家将》以传统的笔墨功底,吸收了戏剧上表现将帅的功架、风度、气质等手法的生活化、感染力。其中,杨七郎的抽象 更为鲜明和突出。由于杨七郎是杨家的小儿郎,在秉性为人上有耿直、果敢的1 面,也有普通 小儿郎那种任性、独断的1 面。张令涛胡若佛在刻画杨七郎英伟抽象 的同时,对他任性的1 面也作细致的铺排,以浓眉、大眼、厚嘴唇显示出七郎铁血男儿的憨厚个性;以两鬓边发向上逆长和1 肩长发衬托出七郎那种不畏强暴,泰然自如 傲笑败类,愤怒反诘雷霆万钧的气势更是刻画得淋漓尽致,令人叹服。
在烘托沙场的氛围上,《杨家将》更是1 绝。在战场上,人奋马喧。张令涛、胡若佛就充分在马喧上做文章,他们利用当时的这类 特殊的坐骑的各种动态,诸如腾、跃、飞、跑、奔、纵、跳等动作来烘托人物在特定场境的各种情绪,使和平 的氛围比较浓烈,有色彩、无力 度、有深蕴,取得较好的艺术效果,看到这些情态,我们仿佛如闻厮杀之声,充满艺术的感染力。
从《杨家将》的营建 环境情趣来看,更是达到了情化艺术的高层次。在《杨七郎打擂》中。为了体现卞梁的繁华历史,张令涛、胡若佛在洁净的宽敞的长街上点缀 上奇屈苍老的古树、宝塔和做不同买卖生意的店铺、小商贩,贴切地描写了地方特色。当杨业在北汉受刁党的排斥而为归不归宋摆布 难堪 时,他背后的屏风上,出现1 轮明月和1 枝寒梅;当杨业在前无援兵后,背临大敌而预备 自尽明志当头,李陵碑旁1 株饱经风霜的古松,都比较含蓄地揭示了主人公的品格。
如果说张令涛、胡若佛擅于以物托情倒不如说他们更擅于借景抒情。首先,表如今 他们对远境的执意跟随 者求,使作品更具深度和穿透力。在描写背境的篇幅中,他们在处理好近境与中境关系同时,着意雕琢诗普通 的远境,当我们在欣赏那些逶迤连绵的远峰的时候,作品中幽远深阔的空间感凸如今 我们眼前。其次,以水流的变化烘托故事情节的起伏,使作品更具节奏感。
在《杨业归宋》第44图至47图中,当宋太宗接到哨马来报说辽国派兵支援 北汉时,泉水虽波折却变慢流。当辽将在山涧间补宋军伏兵截击的时候,泉水急流。当辽将敌烈补郭进挥刀斩杀之时,急流又变为激流。
在《智审潘仁美》第23图中,涓涓细流的泉水又仿佛在为杨六郎的际遇而哭泣低诉。再者,以同样的晚景去揭示不同故事内涵,使作品奇光异彩 。
在整套《杨家将》中,晚景有描绘共出现三次,同样都是残阳、霞光、归鸟,可是由于画家的刻意安排,显示出非普通 的艺术效果。第1 次出现是在宋军大败辽兵以后 ,呼延赞、高怀德本想乘胜追击,然辽兵却得到辽国上将耶律斜轸的接应,时天色将晚,便收兵不再追逐 。这里,画家把晚景的残阳等安排在画面的中上部分,再另加上几道朝霞 ,宋军得胜后喜庆的气氛如霞光1 样呈现出来;第二次出现是在黑水河边的战场上,这里的晚景被安排在画面的右上角,璀璨的朝霞 隐含着父子被辽军围困在两狼山中,这时候 ,杨业父子几经冲杀,已经是 精疲力竭。人倦马乏了,这里残阳将西下,1 方面既突杨业父子的勇敢 抽象 ,另1 方面杨业在这大势已去的情势 下将像旭日 殒落 ,语重心长 。
这样的山光、水色、旭日 交替变化,意境美好,情境交融,寄深邃达到了“景语皆情语”的美学意蕴。

Introduction to the artist

Zhang Lingtao (1903, 1988) , zhejiang saves person of peaceful wave city, was graduated from Shanghai beauty 1921 only.
Mr Zhang Lingtao does art for a long time to edit at first, for schoolbook illustration, make up painterly newspaper, an album of paintings for company of children beneficial friend, before liberating, begin to be engaged in comic creation, ever created early or late " the class exceeds " (with Hu Re Buddha cooperates) , " Liang Gongyu " , " Liang Shanbai and Zhu Ying stage " , " Liang Gongyu drum denounces gold " (with Hu Re.
After liberating, he and gentleman of Hu Re Buddha become the person that it is free profession, undertake comic cooperates for a long time, scale a large number of classic comic. They are productive, comic home of all-round, especially ancient costume character, have words, expression has both. Common people of beautiful woman of imperial general photograph, talent, demons and ghosts, marketplace, omnipotent. Although their work also exists character model is similar, but the picture wind of luxuriant and the character modelling of their skilled and fluent traditional ability law, elaborate depict, colorful picture, develop a school of one's own, get of comic reader love.
Mr Zhang Lingtao died of illness 1988, die at the age of is 85 years old; However, a series of classic comic work of he and creation of Hu Re Buddha make person hard dismiss from one's mind.
From a child is philobiblic with brushwork, teach oneself conscientiously. Elementary school is read in Hangzhou, the middle school is graduated from Suzhou. Go up century at the beginning of 20 time, take an examination of bang millet to establish " Shanghai art is special the school " head a graduate, grant with Xie Jian, old Qiu Cao, Pan Sai is the same as, Fang Xue partridge, Dan Duyu, all be the first an outstanding student.
Graduation initial stage, zhang Lingtao ever also had attended Xie Jian to grant of chief editor " Shanghai caricature " with Fang Xue partridge, Pan Sai is the same as, Chen Qiu grass found " Bai E is drawn. Get married because of marrying after had a responsibility, have to beg a permanent occupation. Via uncle Zhang Baoling aid general manager recommends Xiang Zhangyuan, imprint into business affairs what book house editor holds the position of art editor. Meantime, "Business affairs " editor talent many, each have special skill or knowledge, amount to more than 200 people in all. Base of Zhang Lingtao sketch is strong, be good at steel strokes, when the house entering first, be " business affairs " 4 old recordses: " Oriental magazine " " novel monthly magazine " " woman magazine " " student magazine " make cover design and article plate. Early or late of He Shenyan ice, Zheng Zhenduo, Hu Yu, the collaboration such as Kuang Fuzhuo works together, very harmonious, get their admiration.
Right now, business affairs imprints the business income with book the mainest house approves for examine and verify of Ministry of Education " schoolbook of mandarin of elementary school of new learning armour " , each district of whole nation of be on sale, annual circulation is as high as ten million book; And China press, world publishing house also lays the target in in succession at that time issue schoolbook to go up, competition is very intense. Because this business affairs edits place to be badly in need of updating the content of schoolbook ceaselessly, basically be to be on the illustration of the text. Right now, hold the post of strong point Wang Yun newly 5 the Zhang Lingtao that took a fancy to a promising young person, ask its are in charge of new scale " schoolbook of mandarin of new educational system " complete set illustration with period reach a new level. Zhang Lingtao goes all lengths for this make the most perfect contribution. His last a period of time more than years, consulted a lot of children books of Euramerican Japan arrive " business affairs " do oneself " school of younger brother of old son of a feudal prince or high official " observe investigation personally, next start writing is drafted, with fluent line, dynamic composition of a picture, elaborate scale gives a when accord with text content a beautiful illustration that children loves, finished the innovatory job of schoolbook of elementary school Chinese, earned Wang Yun the award of 5. Before long, 5 preferment are Wang Yun " business affairs " general manager, li Baijia holds the position of editor strong point. Wang Yun 5 carry out business science to administer a law, invention " quadrilateral number the way in which Chinese characters are arranged and are to located " put forward a series of new culture to manage a concept; Subsequently " library of 10 thousand style or manner of writing " publish in succession with a series of books of ancient books of greater part head. This can call business affairs to imprint temporarily since door legation founds most the historical period of at the height of power and splendour.
At the beginning of 1932, shanghai encounters Japanese army makes a surprise attack suddenly " one. 28 " disaster of war. The business affairs that reposes on road of brake north treasure mountain imprints book house centers bomb above all by Japanese plane, conflagration smother 3 night not extinguish, cause ash of whole town paper to fly upwards. Keep an enterprise going by painstaking effort throughout the country of more than 40 years is the biggest once enterprise of civilian battalion culture is changed cindery; Building of the workshop that covers an area of 100 mus, printing machine instrument, storehouse, editor place that includes 5 base building, Oriental library, contain fragrance collects books to become a rubble to pile completely etc. Of Zhang Lingtao live in in access of the treasure around, also meet with burn down, a the same night escapes into concession hotel to take refugee, the circumstance is very helter-skelter. I hope so that domestic father hears the news, instantly Qian person receives one of homes Hui Ningbo.
Business affairs imprints book house meets with this catastrophe, publish middle and primary school what be eager to restoring above all namely various schoolbook, save the loss on finance, this is at that time handy and feasible only way. Then Wang Yun 5, Li Baijia's two people are responsible, choose a batch of keen-witted and capable teams to hurry to Hong Kong to divide a house, plan lay off edition " new educational system revives schoolbook " when with answering countrywide school terms begins be badly in need of. Zhang Lingtao recieves orders hurry to Shanghai, he Wangyun 5 be equal by Italian passenger liner " health Tuo Fan " date goes Hong Kong.
House of Hong Kong cent is entered after reaching harbor inside narrow workshop, in rumble printing machine in the closet by sound, sweat of Zhang Lingtao brandish makes a picture do not rest day and night, the life of the circumstance of difficult difficulty and Shanghai times, have difference than not less than. He is immersed in temporarily absentminded, time and again insensible, together with resides harbor natural environment to refuse to obey, language barrier, unavoidable touch think of wife love the home read aloud, drive in abrupt be swayed by one's emotions below, unexpectedly not demit and row, without consulting anyone builds metempsychosis Shanghai, turn and return home town. From now on, zhang Lingtao broke away from business affairs to imprint book house, have negative king Yun Wuxian's unripe hope, this action caused the regret of his lifetime.
In home town he got a dear one show sympathy and cherish, the dejected of body and mind is able to restore. Of stay at home idle, only with browsing the home hides ancient books, calligraphy and painting of copy a rubbing from a stone inscription makes pastime. After a few months, agreement of Song Shanghai truce is signed, peace restores, zhang Lingtao returns Shanghai, accept big east of press hire, for this bureau the plan publishs children books, so that turn to the emission of schoolbook stage by stage; But big east press pattern is lesser, capital is insufficient, do not have high pay to editing personnel to go out, can press draft by the piece only later plan fulfil. The person that Zhang Lingtao becomes a free profession from now on, make a living in order to sell manuscript, change advertisement to the picture from steel strokes, the way that devises to arts and crafts develops: Move toward children cartoon, New Year picture and comic again later, also stalk of grain source day is wide, income quite abundant; One belt also comes to southern Asia of prep as far as stalk of grain about in succession, if the southern Asia press of Singapore ever entrusted his scale this ground the illustration of Hua Wen textbook. Then he receives dependant again Shanghai, first Qing Fang of Geng of road of new switch of make one's home in, hind new house of village of door of dragon of road of a fabled abode of immortals of the city austral ingoing, the life is weighed at long last comparatively well-off and peace and happiness.
Arrived 1937, "8 · 13 " Shanghai flames of war rises again, chinese comprehensive war of resistance against aggression begins, in the Japanese army step by step below press hard on, shanghai concession is reduced fall into enemy hands the Gu island inside the area, culture career gets keep within limits. The Zhang Lingtao that makes a living n cultivated land with the pen falls into predicament again, remuneration income decreases with each passing day, prices rises every day however: Resemble Zhang Lingtao the intellectual of such generation, get " 54 " the influence that culture moves, have intense patriotic heart, even if make the life quiet,pause, like that the pen in the hand won't be place of element of traitor of the enemy and the puppet regime to use absolutely. Because this is inside concession little scope can advertisement of a few trade draws canvass or a kind of job such as technology design, suffering spends time. Till 1945 autumn longed to come eventually the last victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan. His children books picture, comic is taken seriously for culture the press gradually again: Stalked of grain to also restore about with what stylish adds press of slope southern Asia, the life is accused again stable.
Shanghai was liberated in May 1949. New China holds water. As the new development of countrywide culture career, zhang Lingtao serves as major with comic, more the new condition that enters break out of a bitter fleabane to exhibit.
But good view is seldom, arrived Culture Revolution 10 years, original culture publishs orgnaization all to be destroyed, zhang Lingtao is in this boundless and long-term in, not only do not receive rough sketch, the royalty that links original work also was stripped, and have the possibility that is fought by hold tight at any time, make he is immersed in round condition the 3rd times. Paper buccal subsist to raise the home, arrived later period can rely on the United States only assist intermediary, taste a company to allocate a few elementary west canvas that are modelled on for exit to stalk of grain from Shanghai arts and crafts constrainedly, win meager pay.
Culture Revolution ends, reforming and opening begins, zhang Lingtao year the work is expensive already, energy not afterwards, can stop writing only household, gentleman of fierce of Mr Xing Dehua and Shanghai are beautiful later assist recommend, sufferred 1979 hire for Shanghai Rearch Institute of Culture and History house member, below the sunshine bath that changes worker to be taken care of with all possible means to senile article in the party from now on, natural span of life of happily take care of oneself, died on November 20, 1988, die at the age of is 86 years old.
Zhang Lingtao ever had Chinese ink of a colour to draw " bank river fish graph " selected Shanghai Rearch Institute of Culture and History is compilatory " maritime member of the Imperial Academy draws volume " , publish by publishing house of Shanghai people art, this is him posthumous work is drawn in the China that does not see more besides steel strokes.

Character list
" annals of the various states of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty " work of comic of Mr Zhang Lingtao " Gui Jin of the Three Kingdoms "
" Gou Jian " , " Song Xiang is fair " , " Chu Hanxiang is contended for " , " Han Xin does obeisance to division " , " profess Qi Wang "
" historical novel of the Western Han Dynasty " " do one thing under cover of another " , " chase after Han Xin "
" historical novel of the Three Kingdoms " " Gui Jin of the Three Kingdoms "
" Yang Jiajiang " " Yang Ye puts in the Song Dynasty 's charge " , " Yang Qilang makes hit " , " double dragon is met " , " Li Ling tablet " , " wisdom careful Pan Ren is beautiful "
" red Lou Meng " " jade of black of the meeting at the beginning of treasure jade " , " Wang Xifeng " , " black jade bury is beautiful " , " Liu grandmother enters grand sight garden " , " an affectionate couple is fought marriage " , " Liu grandmother saves clever a general term for young women "
" on the west travel notes "
Work of comic of Mr Zhang Lingtao " the the Three Kingdoms puts in advance 's charge "
" measure of the angry nation that make a holiday " .
" Liao Zhai " " laborious 14 women " , " Xiaoxie " , " charming is graceful "
" female Wa filling day "
" bright red mark is written down "
" a phrase consisting of two or more characters with the same initial consonant drives a boat "
" Wen Tianxiang "
" the class exceeds "
" Xia Wanchun "
" bridge balas drum denounces gold "
" female Wa filling day "
" Kunlun slave "
" Lv Bu and ermine cicada "
" dish filar hole "
" Cai Wenji "
" ensanguined long smooth " (with Zhang Zifan)
" the story below old mulberry " (with Zhang Zifan) " pull Lang Pei " (with Huang Zixi)
" Yang Jinhua seizes Shuai Yin " (with Huang Zixi) [1]

The character cooperates
The Shanghai person beautiful company of 559 time achieves confused of room talent many, genre to show repeatedly, centered in Shanghai all comic everybody, so-called " 108 will " , buddha of Zhang Lingtao, Hu Re is 2 among them, they with skilled and fluent traditional ability law, the character modelling of elaborate depict, luxuriant and colorful picture, the picture wind of develop a school of one's own, affecting generation deeply the comic lover of another generation people, and all the time by reader take delight in talking about.
The serial painter that Buddha of Zhang Lingtao, Hu Re is productive all-round, especially ancient costume character draws material, expression has both. Imperial general photograph, talent beautiful woman, demon deities, marketplace civilian, they are omnipotent. The classic series of this one period covers the make a comprehensive view book, have their work almost: " on the west travel notes " medium " measure of the angry nation that make a holiday " , " historical novel of the Western Han Dynasty " medium " do one thing under cover of another " , " chase after Han Xin " , " historical novel of the Three Kingdoms " medium " Gui Jin of the Three Kingdoms " , " red Lou Meng " in " treasure, "Old the Eastern Zhou Dynasty " medium " Song Xiang is fair " , " Chu Hanxiang is contended for " , " Han Xin does obeisance to division " , " profess Qi Wang " .
In ferry beautiful edition a few " Liao Zhai " in series, of the Zhang Lingtao, introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad collaboration that be like Buddha " laborious 14 women " , " Xiaoxie " , " charming is graceful " it is accepted one of draws best work. Their masterpiece still has morning beautiful edition " red building 2 blame " , " female Wa filling day " , Ji Mei edition " bright red mark is written down " , ferry beautiful edition " a phrase consisting of two or more characters with the same initial consonant drives a boat " , of person beautiful edition " Yang Jiajiang " etc, especially they draw " Yang Jiajiang " , although have 5 only, but compared with now ten, two other version wants many wonderful, basically be they were captured " Yang Jiajiang historical novel " in the most wonderful clue tries to depict. This book already became comic fan now people the top grade that collect.
As to them respective and alone or the work that cooperates with others is none inferior also. Of beautiful edition of look forward to of the introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad draw that be like Buddha " dish filar hole " , " Cai Wenji " , of Zhang Lingtao and Zhang Zifan " old the Eastern Zhou Dynasty " " ensanguined long smooth " , " the story below old mulberry " , zhang Lingtao and the Shanghai beautiful edition that Huang Zixi cooperates " pull Lang Pei " , distant beautiful edition " Yang Jinhua seizes Shuai Yin " etc.
The comic cover that is like Buddha to still had drawn a large number of classic subject matter why, contemporary theme covers the new art edition that be worth what carry is Zhang Lingtao and Zhang Zifan collaboration book " new children hero is passed " it is the high-quality goods in high-quality goods of the bound that connect Tibet, greatly fluctuation searchs to seek the sense of its sign hard still.
Of course, the Zhang Lingtao, work that is like Buddha why also has a few to give a person " be like ever was acquainted " place, but their style a perfect pair, have original place oneself, rich and suit both refined and popular tastes, delicate attracted numerous comic lover, they are weighing even altar to go up is outstanding everybody.
Found a state earlier, comic " red Lou Meng " after coming out, reader all without exception acclaims for it. Especially of the Zhang Lingtao, introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad draw that be like Buddha " Bao Daichu is met " , " Wang Xifeng " , " an affectionate couple is fought marriage " , " Liu grandmother enters grand sight garden " , " Liu pregnant pregnant saves clever a general term for young women " , , and their the wording and purpose of what one writes those expression are clever, enchanting much appearance, quietly elegant body of elegant, mind has both, the figure of red building daughter of contented weather interest especially win universal praise, win universal praise.
The figure of Zhang Lingtao, traditional Chinese painting of beautiful women that is like Buddha why can reach such verve state, because they are right,be of the clear understanding of person mind disposition and natural spirit deduce; Still model the new beauty of figure, meaningful because of them; Plus ripe brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy of their that adept harmonious, can give a person consequently a kind hard Yan Yu's beauty.
" red Lou Meng " scale, if Buddha is painterly,can saying is Zhang Lingtao moustache history the turning point that go up, it established Zhang Lingtao to be like the artistic style of Buddha why. From now on what their that branch actors or actress the paintbrush of raise often moves back and forth at our country is classic and spatio-temporal in, in a steady stream of classic an excellent work comes out, make person too many things to see. As a result of this period the work of their be handed down from ancient times is more, make we today still can one feast one's eyes on.
Be in " red Lou Meng " in, they go up in the foundation of clear writing theme, with essence of life, elegant, luxuriant, chic wait for interest to go painstakingly put in order is whole Gu Fu's display, dress up Gu Fu grandly richly, beautiful Huan of United States annulus. Birds and beasts of the booth stage pavilion in garden of grand sight of the such as in the book, beautiful flowers and grass, water flea, the design of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style on calligraphy and painting of antique of household utensils of bullion of indoor such as, jade, miniascape and even furniture, arrange apt, meticulous in a subtle way. Such put in order colors, more effectively foils piece " red Lou Meng " in feudal noble family by fill and decline, "White the earth " gist.
Yang Jiajiang is ghosts and gods of heaven and earth of a Jing, sob is patriotic and familial, this with Yang Ling fair what be a delegate with She Taijun is familial be justice is indicative. Comic " Yang Jiajiang " from Yang Ling fair She Taijun dawn Dali, great bureau guides Yang Jiazhong Lang Guishun big the Song Dynasty begins, reveal a Yang Jiayu of one act act thereby east the clue of distant and argue of civil and military. Zhang Lingtao is like Buddha to draw why " Yang Jiajiang " the writing strength with the tradition, absorbed go up dramatically expression wears beautiful work, the life of the gimmick such as demeanour, temperament is changed, appeal. Among them, yang Qilang's image is more distinctive and outstanding. Because Yang Qilang is the children man of Home Yang, there is honest and frank, courageous and resolute one side on nature humanness, also have general children man the sort of capricious, arbitrary one side. Zhang Lingtao is like Buddha to be in why figure of Ying Wei of depict Yang Qilang while, capricious to him one side also makes meticulous put in order, show the simple and honest individual character of man of lifeblood of 7 man iron with heavy, large small hole, thick lip; Go against up with the hair side two hair on the temples grow and one shoulder long hair foils a 7 man the sort of not Wei is brutal, imperturbable be proud laugh at degenerate, the imposing manner of as powerful as a thunderbolt of indignant ask in retort is depict gets incisively and vividly more, gasp in admiration making a person.
On the atmosphere of foil battlefield, " Yang Jiajiang " it is a special skill more. On battlefield, noisy of horse of person act vigorously. Buddha of Zhang Lingtao, Hu Re is sufficient on Ma Xuan make an issue of, they are used at that time this kind sit specially all sorts of riding trends, such as is vacated, jump, fly, run, run quickly, vertical, jump wait for a movement to come foil character is in all sorts of moods of specific field place, make warlike atmosphere more powerful, coloured colour, strong degree, have deep accumulate, obtain better artistic result, see these spirit, if hear the voice of fight closely,we as if, be full of artistic appeal.
From " Yang Jiajiang " build environmental appeal to look, it is the high administrative levels that achieved affection to influence art more. In " Yang Qilang makes hit " in. To reflect flourishing history of Bian Liang, zhang Lingtao, moustache is like Buddha to make up surprise on the dot in clean capacious long market bend aged Gu Shu, pagoda and the shop that do different business business, Xiaoshang to peddle, apt depict local characteristic. Be in when Yang Ye boreal Chinese suffers Diao Dang's repulsion and do not put in the Song Dynasty 's charge to return when in a dilemma, on the screen of his backside, appear one round the bright moon and one branch cold plum; After Yang Ye does not have aid arms afore, the back faces archenemy and plan take one's own life bright annals pawn, the Gu Song with the one weather-beaten individual plant other Li Ling tablet, announced more implicatively the character and morals of the hero.
If if Buddha is goot at,say Zhang Lingtao, moustache,hold affection in the palm to be inferior to saying them with content more be goot at lending Jing Shu feeling. Above all, expression is opposite in them of far condition be determined epigone is begged, make work provides deepness and penetration more. In the length of depict back condition, they are good in processing close condition and in condition impact at the same time, the far situation with general poem of act carefully carve, when we are admiring the Yuan Feng with those continuous meandering, the dimensional feeling protruding of deep and remote far deep broadness in work now we at the moment. Next, of the clue of metabolic foil story with current rise and fall, make work has rhythm feeling more.
In " Yang Ye puts in the Song Dynasty 's charge " the 44th graph comes in 47 graphs, receive chirp horse to sign up for country saying distant when Song Taizong when clique troops helps boreal Chinese, spring although twists and turns slows however stream. Will fill between mountain stream when distant Song Jun ambuscade, spring race. When enemy sacrificing oneself for a just cause when distant filling Guo takes brandish knife behead to kill, race turns into again lotic.
Be in " wisdom careful Pan Ren is beautiful " in the 23rd graph, the spring of trickling sluggishly brooklet ases if to cry in the fortune that is Yang Liulang again low appeal to. Moreover, go announcing with same one's condition in old age different story connotation, make confused of work extraordinary splendour is shown.
In a complete set of " Yang Jiajiang " in, evening scene has depict appear 3 times in all, it is the setting sun, rays of morning or evening sunshine likewise, put in a bird 's charge, can be the sedulous arrangement as a result of the painter, show the artistic result with common blame. Appearing for the first time is to be after arms of distant of defeat utterly of army of the Song Dynasty, a surname assist, tall Huaideben thinks exploit a victory is pursued and attack, like that distant arms gets distant country however admiral Ye law is inclined the reinforce that the cross board at the rear of an ancient carriage, when colour of sky will be late, withdraw troops is chased no longer. Here, the painter is in the arrangement such as the setting sun of evening scene of the picture in upside cent, add on a few afterglow again additionally, if the festive atmosphere after Song Jun is triumphant appears like rays of morning or evening sunshine come out; Appearing the 2nd times is to be on the battlefield by the side of Hei Shuihe, the evening scene here is in by arrangement the top right corner of the picture, the afterglow of bright is implicit father and son by distant army besiege is in two wolves hill, at this moment, yangye father and son after many charge, already was exhausted. Lack of person tired horse, here the setting sun will fall on the west, on one hand already dash forward the heroic figure of Yangye father and son, fall from the sky of the setting sun will resemble below the situation that on the other hand Yang Ye already went to in this general trends, meaningful.
Quality of such hill light, water, the setting sun changes alternately, artistic conception happiness, circumstances blends, send abstruse achieved " scene language all affection language " aesthetic meaning accumulate.

