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陈跛子1934年出生,河北省邱县人。1962年毕业于河北美术学院。现任河北邱县文明 馆馆长,研讨 馆员。中国美术家协会会员,河北省文联委员。河北省第5 、六、七届政协委员,县政协副主席。次要 事迹 :善画漫画,50年代起在各大报刊发表漫画作品。80年代创作进入黄金时代,在国内外发表作品1 千多幅,代表作有《字的大小》、《走邪道 上去的干部》。15件作品参加全国第六、七、八届美展和国家级美展。作品《春回大地》、《农民的笑》参加《中国近百年漫画展》、《海峡两岸漫画艺术交流展》、《95古代 社会漫画大展》,分别在台湾、香港、新加坡、美国等地展出,60多幅作品入选《中国当代漫画家辞典》、《中国漫画精品大观》等辞书、画集,多幅作品获大奖。1983年始创办青蛙农民漫画组,21年来前后 吸收800多人参加,任组长、辅导老师、白手起家,义务办校,育画育人,为中国带出第1 支农民漫画创作队伍。他带领这支队伍立足邱县,服务于当地宣扬 工作,放眼全国,出人才、出作品,7千多个日日夜夜,呕心沥血,共辅导创作漫画2万多幅,其中4800多幅在国内外报刊发表、展出,380多幅获省级以上奖。组画《家乡之变》、《河北省邱县农民漫画》集分别获河北省第1 、三届文艺复兴 奖,记集体三等功二次。组画《农村新春》获《“恒源祥”全国报刊漫画大赛》二等奖。其事迹在国内外300多家报刊、广播电台等旧事 媒体介绍。浙江卫视等多家电视台多次录制专题片,在各地播出,1987年河北电视台拍摄电视剧《漫画夫妻》,1990年地方 旧事 纪录电影制片厂拍摄大型旧事 电影记录片《陈跛子和他的青蛙漫画组》,二片均已在全国各地播放,后者参加庆祝中国共产党成立七十周年优秀影片展映,获星花奖。前河北省政协主席李文珊说:“青蛙漫画组是河北1 宝,他们的作品是河北省的拳头产品”,我国漫画大师华君武在庆祝 青蛙漫画组成立21周年时,发表文章《长寿 百岁》中说:“青蛙漫画组廿年来出人才,出作品,世界还有哪1 个国有这样农民漫画团体的,如果有请站出来比1 比。”著名漫画家、学者韩羽先生说:“跛子不跛”。陈跛子是邯郸地、市三次拔尖人才,91年被授予全国文明 零碎 先进工作者称号,92年起享用 国务院特殊津贴,95年评为河北省省管优秀专家,2010年中国美术家协会漫画艺委会授于陈跛子“中国漫画金猴奖.成就奖”。

Introduction to the artist

Chen Bozi was born 1934, heibei saves Qiu county person. Was graduated from Heibei academy of fine arts 1962. Currently hold the post ofcurator of house of culture of Heibei Qiu county, the member that study a house. Chinese artist academician, heibei visits article couplet committee member. Heibei is saved the 5th, 6, committee member of 7 the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conferences, vice-chairman of prefectural the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Main outstanding achievement: Be apt to draws cartoon, in each big the press publishs cartoon work since 50 time. 80 years creative work enters golden age, publishing work domestic and internationally more than 1000, masterpiece has " the size of the word " , " the cadre that walks along correct path to go up " . 15 work enter the throughout the country the 6th, 7, 8 beauty are exhibited and national level beauty is exhibited. Work " spring answer the earth " , " the laugh of the farmer " attend " Chinese nearly hundred years caricature is exhibited " , " art communication exhibits cross-strait caricature " , " caricature of 95 modern societies is exhibited greatly " , exhibit in and other places of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, United States respectively, many 60 work is selected " dictionary of Chinese contemporary caricaturist " , " grand sight of Chinese caricature high-quality goods " wait for collect of dictionary, picture, many work wins large award. 1983 only then establish series of frog farmer cartoon, will 21 years absorb 800 much people to attend early or late, group leader, coach teacher, build up from nothing, obligation does school, yo draws Yo person, give caricature of the first farmer to create a team for Chinese belt. He guides this to raise county of Qiu of team base oneself upon, the service publicizes the job at place, scan widely whole nation, ability giving a person, give work, more than 1000 7 day day night, exert one's utmost effort, coach in all creation caricature many 20 thousand, among them many 4800 are published in domestic and international the press, showpiece, many 380 win provincial above award. Group picture " of home town change " , " caricature of farmer of county of Heibei province Qiu " collect obtains Heibei to save respectively the first, 3 literary revitalize award, note result of collective third class 2 times. Group picture " rural the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day " obtain " " Heng Yuanxiang " contest of caricature of countrywide the press " second-class award. Its achievement is in domestic and international the news media such as broadcasting station of many 300 the press, broadcast introduces. Zhejiang is defended inspect wait for much home appliance to inspect a station for many times transcribe special subject piece, broadcast in each district, heibei TV station filmed 1987 teleplay " cartoon husband and wife " , news record film studio films in the center of 1990 documentary of large news film " Chen Bozi and his frog cartoon series " , 2 already all are broadcasted in countrywide each district, latter attends congratulatory Chinese Communist to establish excellent movie 70 years to exhibit mirror, obtain a star to spend award. Heibei saves Li Wenshan of chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference to say before: "Frog cartoon series is one treasure of Heibei, the fist product that their work is Heibei province " , hua Junwu of Great Master of our country caricature stands 21 years in composition of congratulant frog caricature when, publish an article " long-lived 100 years old " in say: "Frog cartoon group gives a talented person 20 years, give work, the world still has which state-owned of such farmer caricature organizations, if have,ask a station to come out to compare. " famous caricaturist, scholar Mr Han Yu says: "Lame person is not game " . Chen Bozi is 3 excellent qualified personnels of Han Dan ground, city, be awarded countrywide culture system 91 years advanced worker title, the State Council is enjoyed since 92 years special allowance, judge 95 years for Heibei province province provides outstanding expert, 2010 caricature of Chinese artist association art appoint can award Chen Bozi " award of monkey of Chinese caricature gold. Achievement award " .

