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于保勋(1940.8—)江苏江都人。擅长绘画。作品《特级英雄杨根思》入选庆祝建党60周年全国美展,被中国美术馆收藏。《李莲英:奴才在宫中怎样 没见过?》入选第九届全国美展。于保勋,著名漫画家,1940年生于江苏江都。1961年毕业于浙江美院附中,1966年于浙江美院版画系毕业后留校任教。1967年入伍到某部队宣扬 处任美术干事,1976年转业任杭州市拱野文明 馆美术干部,1982年调入浙江工人日报社,现为报社主任编辑兼美术部主任,浙江省漫画研讨 会会长。中国美术家协会会员、中国版画家协会会员。现任浙江省漫画家协会主席、中国美术家协会漫画艺术委员会委员、中国旧事 漫画研讨 会常务理事、浙江省美术家协会艺术指点 委员会委员、杭州市美术家协会顾问。
1958年开始创作、发表漫画作品,有近千幅漫画作品在报刊杂志、电视上刊登、播放。作品《特级英雄杨根思》入选庆祝建党60周年全国美展,被中国美术馆收藏。《李莲英:奴才在宫中怎样 没见过》入选第九届全国美展。传略辑入《中国当代美术家人名录》、《中国古代 美术家人名大辞典》、《中国当代艺术界名人录》、《浙江古今人物大辞典》等辞书。

Introduction to the artist

Yu Baoxun (1940.8, ) Jiangsu river person. Be good at drawing. Work " fancy hero Yang Gensai " beauty of 60 years of whole nations exhibits selected congratulatory found a party, be collected by Chinese art gallery. " Li Lianying: How had not flunky seen in palace? " selected beauty of the 9th whole nation is exhibited. Yu Baoxun, famous caricaturist, was born at Jiangsu river 1940. Was graduated from attached middle school of Zhejiang beautiful courtyard 1961, at Zhejiang beauty courtyard woodcut fastened graduation hind to stay 1966 school teach. Enrollment assumed art person in charge of something to department of some army propaganda 1967, be transferred to civilian work held the post of cadre of art of house of open culture of Hangzhou city arch 1976, transferred into 1982 company of Zhejiang the Workers'Daily, hold art department head concurrently for editor of newspaper office chairman now, zhejiang saves caricature seminar chairman. Academician of Chinese artist academician, Chinese edition painter. Currently hold the post ofZhejiang to save art of caricature of association of artist of caricaturist association chairman, China standing director, Zhejiang saves seminar of caricature of news of committee committee member, China association of artist of city of committee member of committee of artist association art director, Hangzhou is advisory.
Began to create 1958, publish cartoon work, work of nearly 1000 cartoon is published on newspapers and periodicals, TV, broadcast. Work " fancy hero Yang Gensai " beauty of 60 years of whole nations exhibits selected congratulatory found a party, be collected by Chinese art gallery. " Li Lianying: How had not flunky seen in palace? " selected beauty of the 9th whole nation is exhibited. Biography brief collect is entered " directory of family of Chinese contemporary art " , " big dictionary of name of family of Chinese modern art " , " blue book of group of Chinese contemporary art " , " big dictionary of Zhejiang Gu Jin's character " wait for dictionary.

