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钱笑呆(1911.11.6—1965.7.21):本籍 江西,出生于江苏阜宁县,我国著名连环画画家,曾任上海新华美术出版社、上海人民美术出版社连环画创作员,被当时的连环画读者和出版者誉为上海"四大名旦"之1 。代表作有《孙悟空三打白骨精》、《红楼梦》、清宫秘史》、《珍珠姑娘》等。
钱笑呆,原名钱爱荃,7岁时便和父亲一同 替人画肖像(水墨画),后家乡逢灾年,16岁便离开老家前往上海谋生。1 个偶然的机会经人介绍画起连环画。他绘制的连环画偏重在文戏方面,以描绘古装仕女题材见长。他笔下的仕女,不管 是小家碧玉,还是大家闺秀,巾帼英雄,都描绘得那样细腻精巧。有娇羞、有含情、有天真、有英姿,在画面中始终给人以美的感受。在当时,钱笑呆的连环画作品具有 较多的家庭妇女读者。曾任上海新华美术出版社、上海人民美术出版社连环画创作员。代表作有《青楼泪》、《红楼梦》、《洛阳桥》、《孤女春秋》、《佳人殉节》、《梁氏三姊妹》、《清宫秘史》、《泣残花》、《珍珠姑娘》、《孙悟空三打白骨精》等。他根据戏曲故事创作的连环画代表作还有京剧《红鬃烈马》、《宇宙锋》、《荀灌娘》、《秦香莲》、《打面缸》、越剧和锡剧《双珠凤》等等,被当时的连环画读者和出版者誉为"四大名旦"之1 。1965年7月21日因脑溢血突发病逝,年仅53岁。
在众多的连环画大家中,钱笑呆是称得上线描大家的。如今 比较熟悉他作品的读者,大都是从他和赵宏本合作的《孙悟空三打白骨精》开始的,其他看到的还有《吉平下毒》、河北版的《女儿国》等,但还有许多5 、六十年代出版的古典题材优秀作品,如今 已很少能见到。像《空城计》(与徐余兴合作)、《李时珍》、《5 羊皮》等。
钱笑呆的作品绝大部分是单线白描,其出色的外型 艺术、简练流畅的线条,令连环画爱好者深为叹服。
他笔下的人物个个生动,呼之欲出。又讲究画面美观,风格统1 且构图上、透视上也有变化,俯视 俯视的画面都有,也有特写的。就连他和汪玉山合作的页数极少的连环画《黄道婆》,也都是1 丝不苟,笔笔精到。
如果说张令涛画的“华丽”,董天野较“写实”,那钱笑呆就是国画中的“工笔淡彩”。有些作品较严谨,如《吉平下毒》、《芙蓉屏》等,有些则更见熟练和精细,代表作有上海版的《荆钗记》(与曹增潮合作),《穆桂英》等。特别 是他笔下的仕女,笔触细腻纤秀,人物体态轻盈娟秀 ,极受女读者欢迎,在当时连环画界独树1 帜,独树一帜 。 

Introduction to the artist

Money laugh is slow-witted (1911.11.6, 1965.7.21) : Ancestral home Jiangxi, be born in Jiangsu to mound peaceful county, painter of our country famous comic, the member that comic of publishing house of publishing house of new colorful technique, Shanghai people art creates Ceng Ren Shanghai, by the comic reader at that time and publisher praise for Shanghai " 4 names dawn one of " . Masterpiece has " Sun Wu is empty essence of 3 dozens of bones of the dead " , " red Lou Meng " , clear palace secret history " , " pearl girl " etc.
Money laugh is slow-witted, original name money loves Quan, person painting portrait is replaced together with father when 7 years old (wash) , home town meets after calamity year, sea of 16 years old of upgrade before leaving old home fends. An accidental opportunity has comic via person introduction picture. The comic lay particular stress on of his scale is in civil play respect, in order to depict be good at of subject matter of ancient costume traditional Chinese painting of beautiful women. The traditional Chinese painting of beautiful women of his the wording and purpose of what one writes, no matter be small jasper, still be a daughter of an eminent family, heroine, depict exquisitely in that way choiceness. Be ashamed having charming, have contain condition, one day true, have heroic bearing, give a person the feeling with the United States from beginning to end in the picture. At that time, the comic work with money slow-witted laugh has more housewife reader. The member that comic of publishing house of publishing house of new colorful technique, Shanghai people art creates Ceng Ren Shanghai. Masterpiece has " whorehouse tear " , " red Lou Meng " , " Luoyang bridge " , " Gu female age " , " beautiful woman martyrdom " , " bridge family name 3 sister " , " clear palace secret history " , " sob incomplete is beautiful " , " pearl. The comic masterpiece that he writes according to opera story still has Beijing opera " horse of intense of red hair on the neck of a pig " , " cosmic sharp edge " , " woman of a surname fill " , " Qin Xianglian " , " the crock that make a range " , Shaoxing opera and Wuxi opera " Shuang Zhufeng " etc, by the comic reader at that time and publisher praise for " 4 names dawn one of " . Broke out disease to die because of cerebral haemorrhage on July 21, 1965, year only 53 years old.
In numerous comic in everybody, money laugh stays is to say to go up line drawing of everybody. Be familiar with the reader of his work quite now, it is mostly cooperate originally from he and Zhao Hong " Sun Wu is empty essence of 3 dozens of bones of the dead " begin, other see still have " Ji Ping envenom " , of Heibei edition " daughter country " etc, but still have a lot of 5, the classic subject matter that 60 time publish is outstanding work, very few already now visibility arrives. Picture " presenting a bold front to conceal a weak defence " (cooperate with Xu Yuxing) , " Li Shizhen " , " 5 sheepskin " etc.
The work majority with money slow-witted laugh is single-track line drawing, its succinct and outstanding plastic arts, fluent line, your comic lover deeply gasp in admiration.
The character of his the wording and purpose of what one writes each is vivid, be vividly portrayed. Pay attention to a picture again beautiful, the style is unified and on composition of a picture, there also is change on fluoroscopy, admire the picture that inspects look down at to have, also have feature. The comic with the page few number that cooperates even he and bark Mt Jade " ecliptic mother-in-law " , also be meticulous, pen pen precise and penetrating.
If say what Zhang Lingtao draws " luxuriant " , dong Tianye relatively " realistically " , it is traditional Chinese painting is medium that then money laugh stays " light color of traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail " . Some work are more rigorous, be like " Ji Ping envenom " , " lotus screen " etc, some more see adroitness is mixed careful, masterpiece has Shanghai edition " Jing Chai is written down " (cooperate with Cao Zengchao) , " Mu Guiying " wait. Especially the traditional Chinese painting of beautiful women of his the wording and purpose of what one writes, brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy is exquisite fine is beautiful, character posture is lightsome and beautiful, extremely get female reader reception, at that time comic bound develop a school of one's own, be unique in one's style. 

