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容铁 - 专访著名书画家容铁:前吴后容 数业

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 容铁 原名纪容建,1 九六三年生于江苏省镇江市。 曾就读于地方 美术学院书法专业。1 九九六年考入首都师范大学书法教育专业研讨 生班。二零零二年就读于中国艺术研讨 院中国画名家班,二零零三年北京大学访问学者。 现为中国美术家协会理事、中国书法家协会理事、中国书画艺术委员会副主席、民盟地方 美术院常务院长、西泠印社社员、中国书法媒体联谊会理事、中国艺术研讨 院研讨 员、国家敌对 画院履行 院长、国家1 级美术师、清华大学客座教授、《东方书画人物》杂志社总编辑,国家文明 科学专家组成员。


 首创我国第1 部书法软件盘《中华书法大字典》及图书并担任主编(北京燕山出版社出版)。 [3] 



发行中国邮政明信片《纪容建书法篆刻作品选》1 套及首日封1 枚。



2000年发行“中国当代书画名家精品系列”中国邮政明信片《容铁书法篆刻专辑》1 套。





次要 论文

(1 )、《印章款识艺术概述》(1 九九三年在“书法导报”连载七期)。






1988年 书法作品参加“江苏首届青年书法家作品展”并获1 等奖;篆刻作品被日本国特邀参加“日本国第四回篆刻展”。

1989年 篆刻作品收入《江苏书法篆刻作品全集 》。

1990年 篆刻作品获“江苏省第二届青年书法大赛”1 等奖。同年书法作品被收入《国际当代书法篆刻大观》。

1991年 篆刻作品入选“全国第二届篆刻艺术展”和“西冷印社第二届全国篆刻作品展”。

1992年 篆刻作品入选“全国第四届中青年书法篆刻家作品展”;书法作品在“科技杯”首届国际书画篆刻大赛中获1 等奖。

1993年 个人传略被收入《中国印学年鉴》;篆刻作品被收入《两岸篆刻书法名家作品集》。

1994年 地方 美术学院美术馆举办“纪容建书法篆刻展”(地方 美术学院、江苏省书法家协会主办);篆刻作品参加“全国第三届篆刻艺术展”。

1995年 篆刻作品获特邀参加“首届国际篆刻艺术交流展”及“中日篆刻名家展”。

1996年 书法作品参加“第三届中国书法篆刻电视大奖赛获”三等奖;篆刻作品获特邀参加“第二届国际篆刻艺术交流展”;书法作品入选“第二届全国楹联展”。

1997年 书法作品入选 “全国第七届中青年书法篆刻家作品展”;书法作品特邀参加“日本国第5 十七届国际文明 交流书画展”。

1998年 篆刻作品入选“全国第四届篆刻艺术展”;书法作品特邀参加《光明日报》主办的“纪念改革开放二十周年·中国当代名家作品展”。

1999年 书法作品荣获“99‘炎帝杯’国际书画大展”优秀奖。

2000年 ①作品特邀参加“‘中华世纪之光’中国当代书画艺术大展”(在巴黎联合国教科文总部大厅展出)并随团出访交流;②书法作品特邀参加“经典与当代书风”书法展;③书法作品特邀参加中韩书法交流展。

2002年 ①篆刻作品特邀参加“同1 方印”中国青年印坛精英人物作品展;②书法作品特邀参加第二届天津书法艺术节“中国书画小品展”;③书法山水画六幅参加“中国书画家作品约请 展”。

2003年 《梦回故乡》中国画入选“2003年中国画作品展”(中国美术家协会主办)。

2004年 在法国巴黎国际艺术城举办“容铁访问巴黎绘画展”(中国美术家协会和法国巴黎国际艺术城主办)。


2006年 为2008年北京奥运会治印“奥运门”,该印与“中国印”姊妹篇,由萨马兰奇收藏。

2006年8月16日 应邀参加中国美协名家环球埃及、土耳其采风行,刘大为为团长,杨力舟为副团长,随团出访交流。

2006年9月 篆刻作品参加首届“中国美术馆篆刻约请 展”。

2006年 组建国家敌对 画院并任履行 院长。

2006年 设计“中国文联全国第七次代表大会”纪念封。

2007年 篆刻作品约请 参加“中国当代篆刻艺术”首场拍卖会。

2007年 篆刻作品“同1 个世界”,“中国画彩绘世界”作为中国画画世界大展指定用印(中国文联主办)。

2008年 北京奥运会北京市市长刘琪将容铁的篆刻“中国印”送给萨马兰奇

2008年12月1日出访日本,参加“中国文明 周”艺术活动。


2010年1月29日“容铁 水墨光晕主题展”在国际贸易中心举办。

2010年5月1日 “尼玛泽仁,容铁书画展”在广东北 宁邕江湾美术馆举办。


1998年 被宣扬 媒体誉为“中国当代书法字典电子出版物奠基人”。

1988年 被江苏省镇江市授予新长征突击手称号。

2000年 被中国文联授予“中国百杰书画家”称号。

2001年 被中国文联授予“中国山水画200家”称号。

2004年 被中国人民解放军南彊军区授予“爱心大使”。


 1993年 江苏镇江电视台播出专题片《纪容建的艺术之路》。 1994年 江苏省电视台播出专题片《用线条去散步——小记纪容建》。

1995年 中国教育电视台播出专题片《在线条之间——容铁书画艺术》。

1997年 《书法之友》杂志第二期专题重点推介其人其艺;《书法导报》重点介绍《容铁书法篆刻艺术评析》;《书法报》专题介绍《理想 主义书法家——容铁》。

1998年 北京电视台拍摄专题片《记容铁书法篆刻艺术》。

1999年 《人民政协报》专题介绍《书印同参,自出新意——评容铁艺术》。《中华城市报》专题介绍“时代的联姻——近访中国书法光盘首创者容铁”。专题有《北京日报》、《人民日报·海外版》、《光明日报》、《中国经济时报》等全国性报刊杂志介绍。

2000年 3月3日 《中国艺术报》整版篇幅介绍“容铁与中国软件光盘《中华书法大字典》”。

2000年6月 北京电视台生活频道四台专题介绍《容铁山水画》。

2000年7月30日 《北京晚报》第14版专题介绍《容铁和他的画》。

2002年9月3日 地方 电视二台《互联时代——记首张书法软件光盘的首创者容铁》作专题介绍。

2002年11月4日 地方 电视十台“家政手册”栏目为容铁作专题介绍。

2005年1月28日 地方 电视台“旧事 联播”栏目播出容铁为南疆军区红其拉甫边防站捐赠40万元书画和 图书的旧事 ;新华社还为此向全国播发了旧事 通稿。

2006年 地方 广播电台专访直播“容铁艺术人生”。

2007年 山东卫视“收藏天下” “东方翰墨”容铁专题片出品。

Introduction in English

 Rongtie, originally named Ji Rongjian, was born in Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province in 1963. He studied calligraphy at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 1996, he was admitted to the postgraduate class of calligraphy education major of Capital Normal University. In 2002, he studied in the Class of Famous Chinese Painters of the Chinese Academy of Art and was a visiting scholar of Peking University in 2003. He is currently the director of the Chinese Artists Association, the director of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, the vice-chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Arts Committee, the executive president of the Central Academy of Fine Arts of the Democratic League, the member of Xiling Printing Society, the director of the Chinese Calligraphy Media Association, the researcher of the Chinese Academy of Art, the executive director of the National Friendship Painting Academy, the first-class national artist and Tsinghua University. Visiting Professor, Editor-in-Chief of Oriental Calligraphy and Painting People Magazine, Member of the National Expert Group on Cultural Science.


personal works


He pioneered the first Chinese Calligraphy Software Disk, the Great Dictionary of Chinese Calligraphy and its books, and served as editor-in-chief (published by Beijing Yanshan Publishing House). [3]


He compiled Huang Mufu Seal Carving Dictionary (published by Beijing Broadcasting Institute Press).


Editor-in-chief "Ten Seal Engraving Dictionaries of Contemporary Times" (Published by Beijing Broadcasting Institute Press).


A set of Ji Rongjian's Calligraphic Seal Carving Works and a cover for the first day are issued.


Editor-in-chief "Selection of Chinese Biennial Famous Artists'Calligraphy and Painting" calendar (published by Beijing Yanshan Publishing House).


Seal engraving The Seal of Great Tragic Mantra was published in Wanfo City, USA.


In 2000, a set of postcards "Rongtie Calligraphic Seal Carving Album" was released, which is the "Excellent Series of Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Artists".


In 2002, he organized, planned and compiled the Membership of the Chinese Calligraphy Association as deputy editor (Kaiming Publishing House).


Rong Baozhai Publishing House published Rong Tie Seal Carving in 2003.


In 2004, the Chinese Federation Publishing House published the Collection of Calligraphy and Paintings of Rongtie.


In 2008, the Chinese Federation Publishing House published the Collection of Calligraphy and Paintings of Rongtie.


Main Papers


(1) An Overview of the Art of Seal Section Recognition (Seven Issues in the "Calligraphy Bulletin" in 1993).


(2) Ten Cases of Beauty and Ugliness of Seals (Income from the Beauty and Ugliness Canon).


(3) Discrimination and Analysis of the Existing "Ho He Ming" (published in the magazine Calligraphy Art and later reprinted by Taiwan's "Calligraphy Art of Calligraphers").


(4) Preface to Huang Mufu's Seal Engraving Dictionary (Preface of Huang Mufu's Seal Engraving Dictionary).





In 1988, calligraphy works participated in the First Young Calligraphers'Works Exhibition of Jiangsu Province and won the first prize. Seal engraving works were invited to participate in the Fourth Seal Engraving Exhibition of Japan.


Seal engraving works in 1989 were included in Selected Works of Jiangsu Calligraphy Seal Engraving.


In 1990, the seal carving works won the first prize of the Second Jiangsu Youth Calligraphy Competition. In the same year, the calligraphy works were included in the International Contemporary Calligraphy Seal Carving View.


In 1991, the seal carving works were selected into the Second National Seal Carving Art Exhibition and the Second National Seal Carving Exhibition of Xileng Press.


In 1992, seal carving works were selected into the "Fourth National Young and Middle-aged Calligraphy Seal Carver Works Exhibition". Calligraphy works won the first prize in the first International Calligraphy and Painting Seal Carving Competition of the "Science and Technology Cup".


In 1993, personal biographies were included in the Chinese Seal Yearbook, and seal carving works were included in the Collection of Works of Celebrity Seal Carving Calligraphers across the Straits.


In 1994, the Art Museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts held "Ji Rongjian Calligraphy Seal Carving Exhibition" (sponsored by the Central Academy of Fine Arts and Jiangsu Calligrapher Association); and the seal carving works participated in the "Third National Seal Carving Art Exhibition".


In 1995, seal carving works were invited to participate in the First International Seal Carving Art Exchange Exhibition and the Sino-Japanese Seal Carving Famous Exhibition.


In 1996, calligraphy works participated in the third prize of the Third Chinese Calligraphy Seal Carving Television Competition; seal carving works were invited to participate in the Second International Seal Carving Art Exchange Exhibition; and calligraphy works were selected into the Second National Joint Exhibition.


In 1997, calligraphy works were selected into the 7th National Young and Middle-aged Calligraphy Seal Carver Works Exhibition, and calligraphy works were invited to participate in the 57th International Cultural Exchange Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of the State of Japan.


In 1998, seal carving works were selected into the "Fourth National Seal Carving Art Exhibition". Calligraphy works were invited to participate in the "Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up and Contemporary Chinese Masters'Works Exhibition" sponsored by Guangming Daily.


In 1999, the calligraphy works won the excellent prize of "99 Yandi Cup" International Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition.


In 2000, the works were invited to participate in the "Light of the Chinese Century" Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition (exhibited in the Hall of UNESCO Headquarters in Paris) and to exchange with the group; the works of calligraphy were invited to participate in the "Classic and Contemporary Calligraphy" Calligraphy Exhibition; and the works of calligraphy were invited to participate in the China-Korea Calligraphy Exchange Exhibition.


In 2002, seal carving works were invited to participate in the exhibition of "the same side seal" works of elite young Chinese printers; calligraphy works were invited to participate in the exhibition of "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Sketches" at the Second Tianjin Calligraphy Art Festival; and calligraphy landscape paintings were invited to participate in the "Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Calligrapher and Painter Works".


In 2003, "Dream Back to Hometown" Chinese Painting was selected as "2003 Chinese Painting Exhibition" (sponsored by the Chinese Artists Association).


In 2004, the exhibition "Rongtie Visits Paris Painting" was held in Paris International Art City, France (sponsored by China Artists Association and Paris International Art City, France).

In 2005, the Chinese painting "Dusk Covenant" was selected, and the second Beijing International Biennial Art Exhibition was a special exhibition for young and middle-aged people. (sponsored by China Artists Association).


2006 is the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Seal "Olympic Gate", which is a sister article with "China Seal", collected by Samaranch.


On August 16, 2006, he was invited to participate in the worldwide gathering of famous artists from the Chinese Association of Fine Arts in Egypt and Turkey. Liu Dawei was the head of the delegation and Yang Lizhou was the deputy head of the delegation. He visited and exchanged with the delegation.


Seal engraving works participated in the first "Invitation Exhibition of Seal Engraving of the Chinese Art Museum" in September 2006.


In 2006, the National Friendship Painting Academy was established and served as the executive president.


In 2006, a commemorative seal was designed for the Seventh National Congress of the Chinese Federation of Nations.


In 2007, seal carving works were invited to participate in the first auction of "Contemporary Chinese Seal Carving Art".


In 2007, seal carving works "One World" and "Chinese Painting and Painting World" were designated as seals for the World Exhibition of Chinese Painting (sponsored by the Chinese Federation of Literary Sciences).


Beijing Mayor Liu Qi of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games presented Rong Tie's seal "Chinese Seal" to Samaranch


On December 1, 2008, I visited Japan and participated in the artistic activities of "Chinese Culture Week".


In April 2009, the "Rong Tie Painting Exhibition" was held in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province.


On Jan. 29, 2010, the theme exhibition of ink halo was held in the International Trade Center.


On May 1, 2010, "Nima Zeren, Rongtie Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition" was held at Yongjiang Bay Art Museum, Nanning, Guangxi.


Honorary title


In 1998, it was praised by the propaganda media as the founder of electronic publications of contemporary Chinese calligraphy dictionary.


In 1988, he was awarded the title of New Long March assault by Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province.


In 2000, he was awarded the title of "Chinese Baijie Calligrapher and Painter" by the Chinese Federation of Literature.


In 2001, he was awarded the title of "200 Chinese Landscape Paintings" by the Chinese Federation of Literature.


In 2004, he was awarded the "Loving Ambassador" by the South Strong Military Region of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

