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2022-03-11 17:40:18




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李正杰-以身作则 以书为魂

幼年在私塾临摹柳公权颜真卿楷书碑帖。后结合工作学临王羲之王献之行书。近年来攻习智永、赵孟頫、孙过庭草书。又得益于诸多书画名家面命亲授,使书法理论和书法创作水平不断提高。执以翰墨抒怀述志,临池不懈。行书秀雅清劲,草书疏放顺眼 。作品曾多次在地方 国家机关举办的有关纪念书画博览会 展出,受到好评。1999年,分别获得"首届中华寿星杯书画大赛"和"国际老年人年中华老人诗文书画大赛"世纪佳作奖,"韶山华夏名人研讨 院"1 等奖,入编《中国当代老年书画家大辞典》。

Introduction in English

  In his childhood, he copied Liu Gongquan's and Yan Zhenqing's regular script inscriptions in private schools. After the combination of work to learn Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi running script. In recent years, he has been studying the cursive script of Zhiyong, Mengfu Zhao and Guoting sun. Thanks to many famous calligraphers and painters, the level of calligraphy theory and creation has been continuously improved. He expressed his ambition in calligraphy and made unremitting efforts in linchi. The running script is elegant and clear, while the cursive script is relaxing and pleasing to the eyes. His works have been exhibited in the relevant Memorial painting and calligraphy exhibitions held by the central state organs for many times and have been well received. In 1999, he won the "first China longevity cup calligraphy and painting competition" and the "International Year of the elderly Chinese poetry, calligraphy and painting competition" century masterpiece award, the first prize of Shaoshan Chinese celebrity Research Institute, and was included in the compilation of the dictionary of contemporary Chinese elderly calligraphers and painters.

