2、1980年:全国第1 届书法篆刻展览。
6、1999年:策划主办了由二十1 个国家书法名家参展“走向新时代——上海首届国际书法名家作品约请 展”。
11、2017年11月策划并承办全国第十1 届书学理论交流会(中国书协主办)。
3、1994年5月上海、大阪敌对 城市二十周年,参加上海书法家协会代表团出访日本。
5、2000年7月上海朵云轩1 百周年纪念,随出访团赴新加坡、香港展出作品并进行学术交流。
7、2006年10月应邀赴德国参加法兰克福国际书展,出访意大利、法国等八国,书法作品专题展在乎 大利佛罗伦萨市展出。
8、2007年7月北京中国美术馆迎奥运书法约请 展,八尺行草四条屏苏东坡词《江城子·密州出猎》展出并被收藏。
9、2008年6月28日,参加在北京劳动人民文明 宫太庙广场举行的第八届国际书法交流大展。
10、2008年8月,赴北戴河应地方 办公厅之邀,连续三年,创作书法若干幅布置于地方 会议厅等场馆。
11、2008年7月6日,参加中国千名书家精品走进奥运场馆捐赠典礼 (鸟巢东南广场举行)。
14、2010年8月22日至30日,为纪念中日邦交恢复38周年,参加中国友联画院以刘大为为团长的书画代表团,赴东京日中敌对 会馆美术馆举办展览。
17、2011年10月,在家乡江苏兴化戴南镇文明 中心成立“周志高书法馆”,并终年 展出所捐囎的二十余幅(含丈二巨幅2张作品)各种书体的作品,得奖金50万元,悉数捐囎给镇政府作为书法奖励基金。
20、2014年7月: 率团访法,纪念中法建交50周年,海派书法全球行,已前后 访美、访日、访德、访奥地利、访意大利。展览在巴黎成功展出,并至里昂赡仰邓小平勤工俭学的地方,加强 中法文明 交流。
21、2014 年1月,率团出访柬埔寨,在金边举办上海老年委员优秀书法作品展。
22、2014 年9月,率团访俄,在莫斯科和圣彼得堡展出和交流,要在世界上十大主流国家展现 海派文明 与书法。在莫斯科开幕式上。
23、2015年4月14日,为庆祝澳门回归十5 周年赴澳门参加中国人民对外敌对 协会主办的澳门新老二位特首出席的全国书画名家约请 展览。
24、2015年8月8日庆祝泰中建交40周年,应泰国国家美术馆、泰中关系协会、泰中文明 艺术交流协会约请 ,“泰中当代书画精品展"在曼谷举行,本人应邀随中国书画家代表团出访、展出、交流。
28、2016年7月12日至15日,率上海市文联代表团赴新疆喀什于14日在科技文明 广场举办“2016上海·喀什美术书法名家作品约请 展"。
29、2017年8月,在地方 国台办指点 下,由北京有关单位主办首届“海峡两岸青少年书画大赛”,被聘为“评审委员会主任”。
30、2017年10月,在家乡江苏兴化市举办庆祝撤县建市30周年,第13届中国兴化郑板桥艺术节时展出二十余幅以郑板桥诗词联句为内容的书法作品,展后悉数捐赠给市政协以供终年 公开展出。
31、2017年11月,1 带1 路中华文明 走出去全球艺术巡展,中、马(马来西亚)两国艺术展,中国代表团为团长。
32、2018年4月18日,为纪念中日和平敌对 条约签订40周年,率上海书画家代表团参加第28回全日中国际美术大展,并向出席大展的前日本首相,对中日敌对 作出贡献的94岁高龄的村山富市赠送“长乐永康”书法作品。
33、2018年5月25日,在上海中国书法院新落成的“新虹艺术馆”,举办“海内外书法名家作品约请 展”, 展出10多个国家与地区140幅作品。8月中旬至市文联大厅和9月~11月陆家嘴上海金融信息中心巡展,并陪同上海市委常委、市委宣扬 部长周慧琳参观。
启功先生称其“其所编刊物,创始于书艺重兴之初,有筚路蓝缕之功历久而其绩弥盛”。1987年《书法》杂志十周年,时为上海市市长的江泽民同志题词庆祝 :“翰墨传情歌四化”。《1991年中国人物年鉴》称其为书法家,书法出版家,书法活动家。赞其书作“行笔苍莽酣厚,矫健流动,结字章法时出新意”。
1、善书各体、尤精行草。作品参加第1 至第十1 届书展、1 至八届全国中青展及海内外严重 书展。收录于作品集,被海内外百余家博物馆、美术馆、艺术馆、纪念馆收藏。
2、1977年在上海创办中国国内首家《书法》杂志并掌管 工作,前后 获首届华东六省1 市优秀期刊评比1 等奖、国家旧事 总署的“双效期刊奖”、2002年中国文联和中国书协联合颁发的首届报刊编辑出版“兰亭奖”。1986年获上海市文联首届书法艺术奖,2011年6月获中国书协成立三十周年有突出成就“荣誉奖”。2018年7月获上海百年大世界“艺术成就奖”。
3、2013年6月,应邀为北京人民大会堂和八1 (军委) 大楼主席办公室创作丈二及八尺郑板桥《咏竹》诗二首书法作品。
4、2003年应聘至北京,主编中国书法家协会《中国书法》杂志至2006年。《当代中国书法论文选1949-2008》大型丛书履行 副主编,后为《中国书坛纪事》1949-2007》大型丛书履行 主编。
5、2011年至2018年出版目录: 《中国当代书法名家·周志高书法集》(中英文版) 外文出版社、 《中国书法家作品集·周志高》(中英文版) 人民美术出版社、 《书画1 家·周志高家庭书画作品集》上海锦绣文章出版社、 《我与书法三十年·增订本》中国书店、 《百年丹青》(近古代 中国名家二十人) 中国文联出版社、 《当代画史·第三辑·书法卷·周志高》中国文联出版社、 《中国高等艺术院校教学范本·周志高书法精选》地方 美术学院出版(2016年版)、中国美术学院(2017年7月版)、清华大学版(2018年10月版)、《中国当代名家作品精选·周志高书法卷》12开线装本 中国古籍出版社,《当代中国书画大家——周志高》8开河北美术出版社((2017年3月版)、《书画巨匠——中国藏书精品集》。
Zhou Zhigao was born in January 1945 in Xinghua, Jiangsu Province. The first and second executive directors, the third, fifth and sixth directors of China Calligrapher's Association, senior judges of China Calligrapher's Association, founded Shanghai calligraphy magazine and served as executive editor in chief in 1977, planned and hosted "five firsts" major activities in China's calligraphy circle, known as "one of the founders of the revival of contemporary Chinese calligraphy law". In 2003, he was the editor in chief of Chinese calligraphy magazine of Chinese Calligraphy Association and the deputy director of editorial and publishing Committee of Chinese Calligraphy Association. At present, he is a special editorial board member of Chinese calligraphy magazine, a researcher of the calligraphy and Painting Institute of the Central Museum of culture and history, vice chairman of the professional committee of calligraphy and painting talents of the Chinese Talent Research Association of the Ministry of human resources and social security, a member of the Shanghai research Museum of culture and history, a part-time professor of Fudan University and Shanghai Normal University, the chairman and honorary chairman of the Shanghai Calligraphy Association, the president of the Shanghai Chinese Calligraphy Institute, and the vice chairman of the Shanghai Federation of culture and art.
1. 1979: the first mass calligraphy competition in China.
2. 1980: the first calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition in China.
3. 1981: the first National Symposium on philology.
4. 1983: the first national seal cutting draft evaluation.
5. 1987: National middle-aged and young people's competition of "learning from books".
6. In 1999, it planned to host the first Shanghai International calligrapher works invitation exhibition, which was held by 21 national calligraphers.
7. November 2011: the 10th National Exhibition of calligraphy and seal cutting works (Shanghai exhibition area) was planned.
8. September to November 2013: planning and holding "Shanghai International Art Festival · the first Shanghai Calligraphy Art Festival", 25 international, national and city-wide exhibitions, competitions and forum activities participated by 20 countries and regions in 12 regions in 3 months.
9. On June 6, 2016, Shanghai Academy of Chinese calligraphy was established, and was employed as the first president of the Academy. At the same time, it signed a contract to open the board in Minhang.
11. In November 2017, he planned and hosted the 11th National Book Theory exchange meeting (sponsored by China Book Association).
Visit, exhibition and exchange:
1. In November 1987, he visited Japan as a consultant of the first Chinese women calligrapher delegation and Mr. Shen Peng, and participated in the book exhibition and exchange activities between the two countries.
2. In December 1989, at the invitation of Singapore Chinese Calligraphy Association, he held a personal calligraphy exhibition, lecture and publication works collection in Shicheng.
3. In May 1994, on the 20th anniversary of the sister cities of Shanghai and Osaka, the delegation of Shanghai Calligrapher Association visited Japan.
4. In January 1997 and June 1999, he went to South Korea to attend the world book exhibition and the world academic conference of book art.
5. In July 2000, the 100th anniversary of duoyunxuan in Shanghai was commemorated, and the delegation went to Singapore and Hong Kong to exhibit works and conduct academic exchanges.
6. In September 2005, he was invited to Japan to participate in the world famous calligrapher's calligraphy exhibition and conduct academic exchanges.
7. In October 2006, he was invited to attend the Frankfurt International Book Fair in Germany, visited Italy, France and other eight countries, and exhibited his calligraphy works in Florence, Italy.
8. In July 2007, the Chinese Art Museum in Beijing welcomed the invitation exhibition of Olympic calligraphy, and Su Dongpo's words "jiangchengzi, hunting in Mizhou" with eight foot walking grass and four screens were exhibited and collected.
9. On June 28, 2008, he participated in the Eighth International Calligraphy Exchange Exhibition held in Taimiao square of Beijing labor people's Cultural Palace.
10. In August 2008, at the invitation of the general office of the CPC Central Committee, he went to Beidaihe to create several pieces of calligraphy cloth for three consecutive years.
11. On July 6, 2008, thousands of Chinese Calligraphers entered the Olympic Stadium donation ceremony (held in the southeast square of the bird's Nest).
12. From January 19 to 22, 2010, in order to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland, a calligraphy and painting delegation headed by Liu Dawei, chairman of the China Artists Association and director of the Art Committee of the China Friendship Association Painting Academy visited Macao.
13. On May 7, 2010, calligraphy works participated in the national art exhibition of Shanghai World Expo.
14. From August 22 to 30, 2010, in order to commemorate the 38th anniversary of the restoration of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, he participated in a painting and calligraphy delegation led by Liu Dawei of the China Friendship Association Painting Academy and went to the Art Museum of the Japan China Friendship Association in Tokyo to hold an exhibition.
15. At the end of March 2011, a delegation from Shanghai calligrapher, painter and seal Carver to Australia visited Sydney, Melbourne and other cities.
16. From September 8 to 19, 2011, a Chinese painting and calligraphy world tour organized by China Federation of literary and art circles Association and the second Chinese painting and calligraphy delegation to the United States (the second time), led a delegation to San Francisco, New York and other six major cities in the East and west of the United States for exchange and exhibition.
17. In October 2011, the "Zhou Zhigao calligraphy Museum" was set up in the cultural center of Danan Town, Xinghua, Jiangsu Province, where over 20 pieces of various calligraphy works donated (including 2 pieces of zhanger giant) were exhibited over the years. The prize money was 500000 yuan, which was donated to the town government as a calligraphy Award Fund.
18. From June 10 to 21, 2012, he led a delegation to visit the United States and held the Shanghai calligraphy exhibition at the United Nations headquarters in New York.
19. From August 8 to 15, 2013, he led a delegation to Germany and Austria to hold Hamburg exhibition in Germany and Vienna exchange exhibition in Austria.
20. July 2014: led a delegation to France to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. The Shanghai calligraphy world tour has visited the United States, Japan, Germany, Austria and Italy successively. The exhibition was successfully held in Paris, where Lyon supported Deng Xiaoping's work study program and enhanced cultural exchanges between China and France.
21. In January 2014, he led a delegation to visit Cambodia and held an exhibition of excellent calligraphy works of Shanghai senior members in Phnom Penh.
22. In September 2014, he led a delegation to visit Russia, exhibited and exchanged in Moscow and St. Petersburg, to show Shanghai culture and calligraphy in the world's top ten mainstream countries. At the opening ceremony in Moscow.