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1982——1993年在安徽师范大学言语 研讨 所工作,

1993年12月调至暨南大学文明 艺术中心,为该中心研讨 员,书法篆刻研讨 室主任,硕士生导师。

2005年合并于艺术学院,今为博士生导师,暨南大学书法研讨 所所长。

自幼爱好书画,受伯父顾振乐陶冶 ,但基本自学。行书初学《圣教序》,不得要领,舍难就易,转学赵孟頫,稍似形貌。

1967年得戴尧天指点 ,始学米芾,孳孳 以求,锲而不舍。复兼习苏黄,上溯二王。涵泳书卷,发扬文心,为传承古典书风之代表书家。渐达苍茫浑成之境。

自首届全国大先生 书法竞赛荣获1 等奖后为世注视 ,作品入选河南“国际书法展览”、全国第二届至第九届书法作品展览(第5 届获“全国奖”)等,并为全国中青展第二至第八届评委,和 行草、楹联等专项书展的评委。

精研书史及书学理论,参与中国书协举办的数届全国性书论会工作。担任《中国书法鉴赏大字典》编委,又为《中国书法》杂志特约编审。七卷本《中国书法史》中编著“宋辽金卷”,该套书获2003年文明 部艺术类图书1 等奖。为《中国书法全集》之蔡襄米芾、北宋名家诸卷编缉 ,二十年论文所萃之《抱瓮集》获全国第二届兰亭奖理论类1 等奖。

次要 成就

 熔裁宋、明,渐达苍茫浑成之境。精研米芾,博涉颜鲁公、苏东坡、黄山谷诸家,其书法自成1 格,以纯粹的帖学家法再现了古典之美。

他把北宋大书法家米芾的1 百多幅作品,考据排出前后 次序,开创学术界前所未有的先例。他更耗费近十年时间,将二百通宋人尺牍为主的书迹,1 共涉及1 百5 十多位书家,详实 考证,填补了学术界对对宋代政治史及文明 史研讨 的缺隙。














 曹宝麟精于书史、书论研讨 。自上世纪八十年代发表《宋徽宗<蔡行敕>考》1 文以来,不断 从事古代法帖的考证和宋代书法史的研讨 ,《读帖考斟》、《蒙诏帖非伪辩》、《赵佶书蔡行敕考》、《陆机平复帖商榷》、《颜真卿自书告身证讹》等文在《故宫院刊》、《书谱》、《书法研讨 》、《中国书法》等刊物发表。


代表著作为《抱瓮集》(曾荣获第三届中国兰亭奖理论1 等奖,文物出版社,2006年1月)、《中国书法全集·米芾卷》。


English Introduction

 Cao Baolin, male, Han nationality, born in May 1946 in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, is a famous calligrapher, calligraphy theorist and scholar in contemporary China. Professor, doctoral supervisor, director of the Calligraphy Research Institute of Jinan University, academic member of China Calligrapher Association, member of Canglang bookstore, vice chairman of international Calligrapher Association, and former vice chairman of Anhui Calligrapher Association. In 1969, he graduated from the Chemical Engineering Department of East China University of chemical technology. He graduated from Peking University in 1981 with a master's degree in ancient Chinese. In 1982, he won the first prize of the first national college students calligraphy competition, and since then, he has become a calligrapher. Participate in major exhibitions and theoretical discussions since the Renaissance of calligraphy. He has won the "National Award" of the fifth national calligraphy exhibition, the first prize of Lanting award, and the second prize (highest prize) of the excellent achievement award of Humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of education. He has published "baoweng collection", "history of Chinese calligraphy · song Liaojin volume", "Chinese calligraphy collection · Cai Xiang, Mi Fu volume", "Chinese calligraphy collection · famous scholar volume of Northern Song Dynasty", "Cao Baolin calligraphy selection", etc. Specialty and research direction: Research on the history of calligraphy, creation of calligraphy art and textual research on ancient inscriptions, etc.


Cao Baolin, male, Han nationality, was born in May 1946 in Jiading, Shanghai. He is a famous calligrapher, calligraphy theorist, scholar, academic member of Chinese Calligrapher Association, and member of Canglang bookstore.


In September 1964, he joined the Department of chemical machinery of East China University of chemical technology,


He joined the Chinese Department of Peking University in October 1978 and studied under Professor Wang Li.


In 1981, he received a master of Arts degree,


1982-1993 worked in the Language Research Institute of Anhui Normal University,


In December 1993, he was transferred to the culture and Art Center of Jinan University, where he was a researcher, director of calligraphy and seal cutting research office, and master's supervisor.


In 2005, he was merged in the art college. Now he is the doctoral supervisor and director of the Calligraphy Institute of Jinan University.


Since childhood, I like painting and calligraphy. I was influenced by my uncle Gu zhenle, but I learned by myself. At the beginning of Xingshu's study of the preface to the holy religion, there was no key point, so it was easy to give up. Zhao Mengfu was transferred to Xingshu, which was a little similar to his appearance.


In 1967, under the guidance of Dai Yaotian, he began to learn from Mi Fu. He worked hard and persevered. Fu and Xi Suhuang go back to the second king. Han Yong's book is a representative calligrapher who inherits the classical style of writing. Gradually reaching the boundless and muddy state.


Since winning the first prize in the first national college students calligraphy competition, his works have been selected into Henan "International Calligraphy Exhibition", the second to ninth national calligraphy works exhibition (the fifth won the "National Award"), and the judges of the second to the Eighth National Youth exhibition, as well as the special calligraphy exhibitions such as walking grass and couplets.


He studied Book History and Book Theory, and participated in several national book review conferences organized by China Book Association. He served as the editorial board member of the Great Dictionary of Chinese calligraphy appreciation and the special editor of the Chinese calligraphy magazine. In the seven volume history of Chinese calligraphy, "Song Liao Jin volume" was compiled, which won the first prize of art book of the Ministry of culture in 2003. He is the main writer of CAI Xiang, Mi Fu and the famous scholars of the Northern Song Dynasty in the complete works of Chinese calligraphy. The collection of baoweng, which was selected in his 20-year paper, won the first prize of the second Lanting prize in theory.

