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卢中南-源于欧楷 诸家通释

 卢中南1985年至1987年在原北京师范学院教育系书法班学习,师从欧阳中石先生。1986年获“全国电视书法比赛”1 等奖,同年加入中国书法家协会。曾任中国书法家协会会员,中国古代 硬笔书法研讨 会副秘书长、中国书法家协会硬笔书法委员会副主任,中国钢笔书法大赛评委,全国中小先生 硬笔书写大赛评委,中华书画名家研讨 院顾问,享用 国务院政府特殊津贴。


 1986年,获全国第1 届电视书法比赛1 等奖。同年,作品入选《全国第二届书法篆刻展览》和《全国第二届中青年书法篆刻展览》。

1981年、1991年、2001年,入选全军第1 、第二、第三届书法篆刻展览,2001年获奖。

1987年,入选《古代 国际临书大展》。

1992年,入选中国书画研讨 院在日本举办的《中国古代 美术书法优秀作品展》。1998年,入选国家文明 部举办的《中日书法交流展》。




2005年11月,楷书作品入选中国美术馆当代名家书法提名展,其中1 副作品被收藏。

2006年,1 幅楷书作品被广东美术馆收藏。


2008年10月,楷书作品入选解放军美术书法研讨 院首届院展暨全军第四届书法展,担任书法作品评委。

2009年7月,应外交部约请 为中国驻美大使馆新馆创作楷书作品。


1983年,书写小楷《叶剑英诗词全集 》,邓小平同志题写书名。(人民文学出版社出版)。同年受到叶剑英同志的亲切接见。

1995年,应邀为国务院册封西藏第十1 世班禅书写汉文金册。


1999年,应邀为地方 军委办公大楼创作楷书作品。同年9月,为中南海怀仁堂江泽民同志办公室创作楷书作品。2001年1月,受到江泽民同志的亲切接见。






2006年至2008年,应邀为全国政协办公厅、地方 统战部、钓鱼台国宾馆创作楷书作品。为地方 军委、全国政协、外交部等领导人出访创作礼品。


次要 作品


1994年,编著《楷书基础入门》和《魏碑基础入门》(国际文明 出版公司出版)。


2004年,编写《中国书法名家研讨 ·卢中南》(解放军文艺出版社出版)。






著名军旅书法家卢中南,1.8米多的大个子,身材笔挺,戴1 副眼镜,1 派文人雅士的风范。虽然成名已久,却一向 平和低调。每每有人慕名来访,他总是沏1 壶清茶,畅谈军旅故事,细道翰墨人生。



1977年,因擅写楷书,他被从基层部队选调到军事博物馆设计处,专门从事展览说明文字的书写工作。其间,他有幸得到了启功欧阳中石李铎等书法前辈的指导 和勉励,更加坚定了学习楷书的决心。

卢中南学习书法,总是心胸 敬畏之感。他说,对经典、对读者、对历史,是不能“得罪”的,必须老老实实地学,认认真真地做。

古代优秀碑帖是中国书法艺术历史长河中的经典。每每临写,卢中南总是临深履薄,油然而生崇敬之情,不敢率性而为,生怕有背 祖先 法度。他尊读者为上帝,说:“书法必然 要得到社会大众的认可,不然就脱离群众了。”学习中,卢中南深深体会到历史的伟大和本身 的渺小。浩瀚历史如战鼓般,紧催他向前探寻书法艺术的步伐。敬畏加勤奋加悟性,使卢中南很早就展露了才华。1986年,他便获得由中国书法家协会和地方 电视台联合举办的全国电视书法比赛1 等奖。

风格是1 个书法家成熟的标志,是其性格 学养的自然流露;而风格的构成 ,又是1 个书法家文明 涵养 的积累和艺术研究 的结果。卢中南学楷书,以欧体为根基,博采众长为我所用,不论是颜体赵体,还是魏碑和 晋唐小楷,他都精心研习,并将其融汇到本身 的书法实践中。正如其恩师欧阳中石评价的那样:“细审中南手制,字字未必是欧,但整篇气息皆从欧出,诚然已得欧体之神髓。”创新是艺术的灵魂。书法艺术同样需求 不断创新发展,别出心裁 。卢中南对书法的创新有本身 的见解:“在书法艺术领域,创新就是开始,开始做与之前 不1 样的事情。谁都喜欢新的东西,但必然 是从过去的东西中走出来的,它既有新元素又有旧元素,不过是孰多孰少罢了!”基于这样的理念,卢中南在不断吸收魏晋人小楷、南北朝碑版和 唐人楷书元素的基础上,无意识 地融入了本身 独创的技法,由重视 结体转向重视 笔法的多变,由顺锋用笔转向藏露并用,由秀美而趋向雄强,由清秀而变厚重,使本身 的作品独具个性。他的作品既平易近人,雅俗共赏,又具艺术内涵和实用价值。特别 是近几年,他的作品又有了明显的渐变:少了些欧阳询的险峻,多了些虞世南的冲和、褚遂良的灵动、颜真卿的宽博、赵孟頫的萧洒 。

书法是书法家思想认识 、品德涵养 、创作理念的直接体现。西汉杨雄便有“书乃心画”之说。卢中南始终认为写字首先是做人,人品高者,1 点1 画,自有清雅刚正之气。为人耿直、古道热肠的他常说:“我个人的成长离不开党和军队的培养,身为共产党员、革命军人,绝不能为了1 点蝇头小利而不顾社会影响,做损害军队抽象 的事情。”作为全国政协委员、中国书协理事,他始终把全力以赴完成党、国家和军队赋予的重要书法创作任务,作为本身 的职责使命和最大荣誉,积极服务人民,服务部队。

天道酬勤。几十年来,卢中南1 门心思写楷书,咬定青山不放松,抒写军旅豪情,展现 人生风采,在楷书艺术创作上收获颇丰,前后 出版个人楷书专著《小楷唐诗三百首》《欧阳询楷书全集临本》《楷书教程》等各种字帖、教材等近百种,数十件作品被毛主席纪念堂、中南海、军委八1 大楼、外交部、统战部、中国美术馆、广东美术馆等单位收藏。

Introduction in English

 Lu Zhongnan, male, was born in Wuhan in December 1950, his ancestral home is Jiyuan, Henan Province. A famous calligrapher in China enjoys special government allowance from the State Council. He is now a director and member of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, vice director of the hard pen calligraphy Committee of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, member of the regular script Committee, member of the 10th and 11th CPPCC National Committee, director and research librarian of the design division of the Military Museum of the Chinese people's revolution, member of the Chinese Museum Society, and consultant of the Chinese calligrapher and painter Institute.


Lu Zhongnan studied in the calligraphy class of the former Department of education of Beijing Normal University from 1985 to 1987 under the guidance of Ouyang Zhongshi. In 1986, he won the first prize of the national TV calligraphy competition and joined the Chinese Calligrapher Association in the same year. He was once a member of China Calligrapher's Association, Deputy Secretary General of China modern hard pen calligraphy research association, deputy director of hard pen calligraphy Committee of China Calligrapher's Association, judge of China pen calligraphy competition, judge of China primary and secondary school students' hard pen writing competition, consultant of China famous calligrapher and painter Research Institute, and enjoyed special allowance from the government of the State Council.


In 1986, he won the first prize of the first national television calligraphy competition. In the same year, his works were selected into the second national calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition and the second national calligraphy and seal cutting Exhibition for young and middle-aged people.


In 1981, 1991 and 2001, he was selected into the first, second and third exhibition of calligraphy and seal cutting in the army, and won the prize in 2001.


In 1987, he was selected into modern international temporary book exhibition.


In 1992, he was selected into the excellent works exhibition of modern Chinese art and calligraphy held by the Chinese Academy of calligraphy and painting in Japan. In 1998, he was selected into the "Sino Japanese calligraphy exchange exhibition" held by the Ministry of culture.


In 2000, he visited Hong Kong as a member of the delegation of Chinese Calligraphers and painters, and his works were selected into the exhibition of Chinese contemporary fine arts and calligraphy held in Hong Kong.


In 2001, he was selected into the excellent works exhibition of members of China Calligrapher Association.


In December 2004, regular script works were selected in the calligraphy exhibition to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Palace Museum.


In November 2005, regular script works were selected into the contemporary calligraphy Nomination Exhibition of China Art Museum, and one of them was collected.


In 2006, a regular script work was collected by Guangdong Art Museum.


In 2007, regular script works were selected into the calligraphy exhibition of thousands of Chinese calligraphers.


In October 2008, regular script works were selected into the first exhibition of the PLA Academy of fine arts and calligraphy and the fourth calligraphy exhibition of the whole army, serving as the judge of calligraphy works.


In July 2009, at the invitation of the Ministry of foreign affairs, he created regular script works for the new embassy of the Chinese Embassy in the United States.


Creative activities


In 1983, he wrote Xiaokai Ye Jianying's poetry anthology, and Deng Xiaoping wrote the title of the book. (published by people's Literature Press). In the same year, he was warmly received by Comrade Ye Jianying.


In 1995, he was invited to write a gold volume in Chinese for Panchen, the 11th generation of Tibet, awarded by the State Council.


In 1996, some paragraphs of the Communist Manifesto were written for the forest of Steles in Yuhuatai Martyr Cemetery in Nanjing.


In 1999, he was invited to create regular script works for the office building of the Central Military Commission. In September of the same year, he created regular script works for Comrade Jiang Zemin's office in huairentang, Zhongnanhai. In January 2001, he was warmly received by Comrade Jiang Zemin.


In 2001, he was invited to create regular script works for Zhu Rongji's office and Zhongnanhai. In August of the same year, he was invited to create regular script works for the Chinese Embassy in the United States.


In October 2003, he was invited to write the full text of Deng Xiaoping's South tour speech for Siyuan square, Guang'an City, Sichuan Province.


In 2004, he was invited to create regular script works for the office of President Hu Jintao of Yuquanshan.


In 2004, he was invited to create regular script works for the National Defense University.


In 2005, he was invited to create regular script works for the office of Chairman Wu Bangguo of Yuquan mountain.


From 2006 to 2008, he was invited to create regular script works for the general office of the CPPCC National Committee, the United Front Department of the CPC Central Committee and Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. To create gifts for leaders of the Central Military Commission, the National Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference and the Ministry of foreign affairs.


In December 2008, he recorded the lecture on regular script techniques for Beijing Cable TV station.

