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曾道中-深耕博览 厚积薄发

 曾道中自幼酷爱书法,贫寒的他四岁开始用笔蘸水,在墙上、地上勾勒他心目中的点和线,他看到祠堂的门楹字苍劲漂亮,他便在地板上用火炭仿写,牧牛时在河岸边的沙滩上以树枝代笔练字。1958年全民大闹钢铁,读小学三年级的他就被老师抽调参加写标语。因字写得好常常受到老师的表扬,在老师的表扬和鼓励下,他对书法艺术产生了兴味 。小学5 年级开始写对联,九岁开始写宣扬 标语。由于 家庭贫穷,他高中没毕业辍学在家务农。1965年村干部看他的身体长得健壮,又有文明 ,送他去参军。在是中人民解放军这间大学校里他得到锻炼,也学到了知识。前后 任过文明 教员、文书、《解放军日报》通讯员、主管宣扬 栏等工作等。1984年部队转业到地方5 华县中兴粮所,担任过企业领导。1997年,他离开单位专业研讨 书法艺术及努力 于书法教学。从1999年起,他创办青少年书法艺术班,并在梅州市开了1 间“山人翰墨斋”,用于书法爱好者交流墨宝和传艺授徒。

虽经历坎坷,然星转物换,春华秋实间他凭借手中的1 支毛笔,书写出人生的灿烂和辉煌。从小学到中学、从部队到地方,数十年如1 日坚持练毛笔字和研讨 书法。梅花香自苦寒来,曾道中先生今天的成就是他几十年勤学苦练的结晶。


 他最后 练习柳公权书体,后临各名家法帖,涉猎米芾王羲之、魏碑等碑帖,渐渐打下了坚实的基本功,经几十年的研究 和苦练,终究 自成1 体,构成 了本身 的艺术风格。他的写字方法不同凡响 ,指腕灵活,从容自然,作品1 气呵成,松紧恰到好处,分秒之间直抒胸臆,观看他写字,可说是1 种高雅的享用 。其楷书优美,气骨刚健、端庄平正、雍容大方、严谨洒脱为世人立极;草书飘逸,于理法中溶入性格 ,让人沉醉的即兴创作,表现出1 种极其浪漫的风格,骨力的刚健、笔法的精到、结构的严谨,堪为后人立法,当代少有出其右者。



 他的作品曾经获得过“全国第三届老中青少年文学作品联展”1 等奖、“21世纪中国艺术名家名作大展” 1 等奖、画圣杯画圣奖、“新世纪艺术大展”银奖、“纪念邓小平诞辰100周年书画大展”二等奖等全国大赛50多次。作品获奖并被主办单位收藏。作品入编《中国当代书画真迹》、《中国学者墨迹选》、《全国老干部诗词书画作品大观》、《世界华人艺术精品典藏》等50多部大型典集。他前后 吸收为中国书画协会会员、国际美术家联合会会员、东方中日书画协会会员、等10多个组织的会员。荣获中国著名书法艺术家、世界华人杰出艺术家,新世纪百杰书法艺术大师等殊荣。



2005年参加北京中华德艺双馨艺术家5 1 座谈会。



2007年10月12日在南京图书馆(总统府对面)隆重展出个人展。此次书展得到全国政协委员、世界华人书画家、收藏家联合会吴欢主席、原南京军区司令员向守志、中国书法家协会副主席言恭达、全国政协常委吴祖强、上将方祖岐等各级领导,著名企业家、文明 艺术家、社会名流等的热烈庆祝 ,亲临剪彩等。

Introduction in English

 Zeng daozhong was born in Wuhua County, Guangdong Province in March 1946. He is the vice president of Chinese famous calligrapher and painter Research Institute, member of Chinese Calligrapher Association, member of Chinese hard pen Calligrapher Association, member of International Artists Federation, member of Chinese and foreign celebrities Culture Research Association, senior researcher of Asia Pacific Economic Development Research Center, member of Jinling poetry calligraphy and painting art committee, director of World Chinese calligrapher and painter collectors Federation, etc.


Zeng daozhong loved calligraphy since he was a child. At the age of four, he began to dip his pen into the water and sketch the dots and lines in his mind on the wall and the ground. When he saw the vigorous and beautiful characters in the door of the ancestral hall, he wrote them on the floor with charcoal imitation. When he was herding cattle, he practiced calligraphy on the beach beside the river bank with branches instead. In 1958, the whole nation made a big noise in iron and steel. The third grade of primary school sent him to write slogans. He is often praised by his teacher for his good handwriting. With his praise and encouragement, he became interested in calligraphy. Fifth grade primary school began to write couplets, nine years old began to write propaganda slogans. Because of the poverty of his family, he did not graduate from high school and dropped out of the household farm. In 1965, the village cadres saw that he was healthy and educated, and sent him to join the army. In the University of the Chinese people's Liberation Army, he was trained and learned knowledge. He has successively served as a cultural teacher, a document, a correspondent of the PLA Daily, and a director of propaganda column, etc. In 1984, the army was transferred to the local Zhongxing grain Institute of Wuhua County and served as the enterprise leader. In 1997, he left his unit to study calligraphy and devoted himself to calligraphy teaching. Since 1999, he has set up a calligraphy art class for young people, and opened a "Shanren Hanmo studio" in Meizhou City, which is used for calligraphy lovers to exchange calligraphy and teach students.


Although he has experienced ups and downs, but the stars change things, he wrote the brilliance and brilliance of life with a brush in his hand. From primary school to middle school, from the army to the local, we have been practicing calligraphy and studying calligraphy for decades. The plum blossom fragrance comes from the bitter cold. Mr. Zeng daozhong's achievements today are the result of decades of hard study and practice.


At first, he practiced Liu Gongquan's calligraphy, and then came to various famous calligraphies. He dabbled in Mi Fu, Wang Xizhi, Wei Bei and other inscriptions, and gradually gained solid basic skills. After decades of study and hard practice, he finally became an integral part and formed his own artistic style. His writing method is different. His wrists are flexible, calm and natural. His works are in perfect harmony, with just right tightness. It's a kind of elegant enjoyment to watch him write. Its regular script is beautiful, vigorous, dignified, elegant, rigorous and free for the world; the cursive script is elegant, melts into the temperament in the theory and law, and makes people indulge in the improvisation, showing a very romantic style. Its vigorous, excellent writing and rigorous structure are worthy of later generations' legislation, and there are few people on the right at present.


His calligraphy works are elegant and magnificent, which fully embodies Zeng Dao's understanding of the world and nature. In the traditional expression of "point and line", they reach the highest artistic conception.


His works have won more than 50 national competitions, including the first prize of "the third national old and middle-aged youth literature works joint exhibition", "the first prize of the 21st century Chinese famous artists' masterpiece Exhibition", "the Holy Grail painting Award", "the silver prize of the new century art exhibition", "the second prize of the calligraphy and painting exhibition commemorating the 100th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping's birth". The works won the prize and were collected by the organizer. His works have been included in more than 50 large-scale collections, including the authentic works of Chinese contemporary calligraphy and painting, the selected works of Chinese scholars' ink, the Grand View of poetry, calligraphy and painting works of the national veteran cadres, and the fine collections of Chinese art in the world. He has been a member of Chinese painting and Calligraphy Association, International Artists Federation, Oriental Chinese and Japanese painting and Calligraphy Association, and more than 10 organizations. He was honored as a famous Chinese calligraphy artist, an outstanding Chinese artist in the world, and a master of calligraphy art of Baijie in the new century.


Invited to attend the 7th World Chinese art exhibition in Hong Kong in 2003


In 2004, he participated in the forum of Chinese successful people and Baiye Talent Forum in Beijing. He wrote without hesitation in the Great Hall of the people. He was highly praised by the leaders of the party and the state, and collected the master's calligraphy one after another.


In 2005, he participated in the May 1st Symposium of Chinese artists of virtue and art in Beijing.


In 2006, he participated in the new year's Symposium of overseas Chinese, all walks of life and celebrities.


In 2006, he participated in the National Day Symposium. In the same year, he also participated in international calligraphy exchange activities such as Taiwan (world guest Association).


On October 12, 2007, a personal exhibition was solemnly displayed in Nanjing Library (opposite the presidential palace). The exhibition was warmly congratulated by Wu Huan, member of the CPPCC National Committee, chairman of the World Federation of Chinese Calligraphers and painters, Xiang Shouzhi, former commander of the Nanjing Military Region, Yan Gongda, vice chairman of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, Wu zuqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, general Fang Zuqi and other leaders at all levels, as well as famous entrepreneurs, cultural artists, celebrities, etc. and also attended the ribbon cutting.

