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张仲亭 - 隽永洒脱,卓尔不群:采访中国书协

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张仲亭-承古韵开今风 成1 代名家

 1989年由济南市委宣扬 部调入济南市文联,前后 任秘书长、副主席、党组书记职.





2004年当选为山东省第5 届书协副主席;

2005年当选为中国书协5 届理事会理事;





2009年,第十1 届全国运动会开幕式“大碗幕”选用了他的书法《望岳》。

2013年,张仲亭先生重旧书 写20年前在泰山碧霞祠悬挂的对联,镌刻后重新悬挂在碧霞元君两旁。

2014年,济南市打造国家级A级景区,张仲亭先生题写了“天下第1 泉”,并注册成LOGO。



 其作品多入选严重 展览并获奖,前后 出版《张仲亭书济南七十二名泉诗》、《张仲亭书法作品集》、《张仲亭书法作品选》、《张仲亭书历代名人咏济南》、《张仲亭书论语》等书并经常在国内外举办个人书法展.其作品极具书卷气,且风格明显,深受社会各界的欢迎;特别是小楷作品受到广大书法爱好者和专家学者好评,被新华社、人民日报、光明日报、文汇报、大公报、竞报、艺术报、中国文明 报、中国经济导报等等媒体报道。作品作为国礼多次赠与国家领导人、外国元首及友人,并被多家国家级博物馆、展览馆等收藏。文轩画廊推荐书法家。

2001年,1 个偶然的机会,他从朋友处得到了明代山东按察司佥事晏璧所作《济南七十二泉诗》,如获珍宝 后,他在1 个10余米的长卷上,把72首诗全部写出来,1 经展出,好评如潮,市委领导大家赞美 ,宣扬 部建议结集出版,并专门为此举行了首发式。自此,张仲亭的书法和“泉文明 ”1 样,成为济南这个城市的“名片”。

2006年,他用小楷书写在60米长的长卷上写下《论语》,济南出版社于2008年4月正式出版了《张仲亭书论语》,有关部门在山东大厦举行首发式,此后有专家提出“张仲亭景象 ”,这就是书法艺术与区域文明 彼此 促进,无机 结合,以书法艺术之道传民族文明 之魂。

2007年,《张仲亭书论语》由济南出版社正式出版并在新华书店发行。引发 了网友和社会认识的广泛关注。

2008年,张仲亭奥运书法长卷“中华体育5 千年史诗卷”问世并在北京展出(58米小楷长卷).自7月30日,在北京清华大学图书馆召开旧事 发布会后,引发 了各界人士的强烈反响。还有张仲亭创作的楷书《北京奥运颂》将捐赠给瑞士洛桑国际奥林匹克博物馆收藏,《北京奥运颂》由小楷的情势 、以诗化的言语 ,对中国古代体育的历史渊源和中国人民对奥运的期盼进行了描述。

2009年,济南兰亭书法院成立了。张仲亭任院长,他聘请书法家李福增、吴耀为副院长,另外聘请了4名志趣相投的院士,要求必须是中国书协会员,热爱传统文明 ,有较深书法成就 和水平……兰亭书法院的成立又在社会上引发 轰动,张仲亭紧紧地把书法和传统文明 联系在一同 ,成就了本身 的1 番事业,打造了1 个独特的艺术品牌。

曲阜孔子博物院的彭庆涛教授与众多社会知名人士把张仲亭在艺术领域上所取得成就的成功历程称为“张仲亭景象 ”。

其书法杜甫诗《望岳》在张仲亭本人不知情的情况下被中华人民共和国第十1 届运动会开幕式地方 电视台主创团队选用,在全运会文艺表演《和谐盛世齐鲁情》第1 篇章《齐鲁魂》第1 节目《雄峙天地》碗幕视频中成功投放展现 。十1 运后,第十1 届全运会组委会和地方 电视台主创团队为其颁发了荣誉证书。


 他的书法以“小楷”见长,以小楷书写济南泉文明 入手。故有“他的书法和泉文明 1 样,成为济南这座城市的名片”之美誉;他的小楷,兼收传统小楷的正、真、规、范,糅合了“二王”行书的流利艳美,呈现着气息通透而趋向于动态的美感。

2009年,中华人民共和国第十1 届运动会开幕式巨型“大碗幕”展现 的杜甫诗《望岳》书法,就是出自张仲亭之手。这幅《望岳》同样成 了他的书法代表作。《人民日报》2017年7月20日第19版以“张仲亭:期待为经典插上翅膀”为题,张仲亭先生的艺术成就和为宣扬 中华传统文明 上所做出的贡献。张仲亭书写的道家对联“入真门秉真心参透真玄真自由 ,来妙理达妙境展开妙道妙神通”,在泰山碧霞祠碧霞元君两旁已悬挂20余年。

Introduction in English

 In 1989, he was transferred to Jinan Federation of literature and art from Propaganda Department of Jinan municipal Party committee


In 1994, he was elected chairman of the third book Association of Jinan;


In 1995, he was elected vice chairman of the 4th Shandong Book Association;


In 2001, he was elected as the representative of the Fourth National Book Congress;


In 2002, he was elected as the chairman of Jinan four times book Association;


In 2004, he was elected vice chairman of the fifth book Association of Shandong Province;


In 2005, he was elected director of the 5th council of China Book Association;


In 2010, he was elected as the Sixth Council member of China Calligrapher Association.


At the beginning of 2016, an exhibition of works of "a trip to the Avenue -- Zhang Zhongting's Classics of Chinese classics" was held in Beijing China Century Forum.


At the end of 2016, the exhibition of "wings for Classics -- Zhang Zhongting's works on Mao Zedong's Poems" was held in Beijing;


On July 20, 2017, people's Daily reported its calligraphy creation activities under the title of "Zhang Zhongting, looking forward to putting wings on the classics".


In 2009, the opening ceremony of the 11th National Games "big bowl screen" selected his calligraphy "Wangyue".


In 2013, Mr. Zhang Zhongting re wrote the couplet hanging in Bixia Temple of Mount Tai 20 years ago, and then hung on both sides of Bixia Yuanjun after being engraved.


In 2014, Jinan built a national class a scenic spot. Mr. Zhang Zhongting wrote "the best spring in the world" and registered it as a logo.


In 2017, the people's Government of Jinan city rebuilt Huayang palace, and Zhang Zhongting wrote the book of rebuilding Huayang palace, which was engraved with stones and erected in Huayang palace. In particular, in the construction of the holy land of Mount Nishan in 201, Zhang Zhongting wrote 25 calligraphy works, which were respectively placed in the main hall of Confucius University, the "benevolence hall" and the "Hall of music".


Most of his works have been selected into major exhibitions and won awards. He has published Zhang Zhongting's 72 spring poems in Jinan, Zhang Zhongting's collection of calligraphy works, Zhang Zhongting's selection of calligraphy works, Zhang Zhongting's chanting of Jinan by celebrities of all ages, Zhang Zhongting's Analects of calligraphy, etc. and he often holds personal calligraphy exhibitions at home and abroad. His works are very voluminous, with obvious style, and are greatly welcomed by all walks of life Welcome; in particular, Xiaokai's works are well received by calligraphy lovers, experts and scholars, and reported by Xinhua news agency, people's daily, Guangming Daily, Wenhui Daily, Ta Kung Pao, Jingbao, art daily, China culture daily, China Economic Herald and other media. As a national gift, the works have been donated to national leaders, foreign heads of state and friends for many times, and have been collected in many national museums and exhibition halls. Wenxuan Gallery recommends calligraphers.


In 2001, by chance, he got 72 spring poems of Jinan written by Yan Bi in Shandong Province of Ming Dynasty from his friend. After he got the treasure, he wrote all 72 poems on a long volume of more than 10 meters. Once on display, he was highly praised. The leaders of the municipal Party committee appreciated it. The Propaganda Department suggested that the poems should be collected and published, and the first hair style was specially held for this purpose. Since then, Zhang Zhongting's calligraphy, like "spring culture", has become the "business card" of Jinan.


In 2006, he wrote the Analects of Confucius on a 60 meter long volume in small regular script. In April 2008, Jinan Publishing House officially published the Analects of Zhang Zhongting's books. The relevant departments held the first launching ceremony in Shandong building. After that, some experts put forward the "Zhang Zhongting phenomenon", which is the mutual promotion and organic combination of calligraphy art and regional culture, so as to pass on the soul of national culture through calligraphy art.


In 2007, Zhang Zhongting's book Analects was officially published by Jinan publishing house and published in Xinhua bookstore. It has aroused wide attention of netizens and social cognition.


In 2008, Zhang Zhongting's Olympic calligraphy long volume "Chinese sports five thousand year epic volume" was published and displayed in Beijing (58 meter long volume in small regular script). Since July 30, a press conference was held in the library of Tsinghua University in Beijing, it has aroused strong repercussions from all walks of life. Zhang Zhongting's regular script "Ode to the Beijing Olympic Games" will be donated to the International Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland. The ode to the Beijing Olympic Games, in the form of small regular script and poetic language, describes the historical origin of ancient Chinese sports and the expectation of the Chinese people for the Olympic Games.


In 2009, Jinan Lanting Calligraphy Academy was established. Zhang Zhongting is the president. He employs calligraphers Li Fuzheng and Wu Yao as vice presidents. In addition, he employs four academicians with similar interests. They are required to be members of the Chinese Calligraphy Association, love traditional culture, and have deep calligraphy attainments and level The establishment of Lanting Calligraphy Academy caused a sensation in the society. Zhang Zhongting closely linked calligraphy with traditional culture, achieved his own career and created a unique art brand.


Professor Peng Qingtao of Qufu Confucius Museum and many famous people call Zhang Zhongting's success in the field of art "Zhang Zhongting phenomenon".


Wang Yue, a calligraphy poem written by Du Fu, was selected by the main creative team of CCTV at the opening ceremony of the 11th National Games of the people's Republic of China without Zhang Zhongting's knowledge. It was successfully displayed in the bowl screen video of the first program of Qilu soul, the first chapter of the art performance of harmonious and prosperous Qilu love, in the National Games. After the 11th National Games, the Organizing Committee of the 11th National Games and the creative team of CCTV awarded the honorary certificate.

