王永年,名遐,男,四川仁寿人,生于1926年,2009年在成都病逝。1945年在成都拜张大千为师学画,入室5 载,得大师口授心传,打下良好基础,王永年是张大千先生弟子中年龄最小的1 个,也是张大千表扬得最多并寄以厚望的弟子,甚至可以说是张大千先生第1 个手把手教出来的先生 。擅长山水、花鸟、人物,作品风格清新隽逸,雅俗共赏。曾前后 在成都军区、广州军区院校、广州美院工作并从事美术创作。有作品参加全国、全军美展三届,获得好评,人民大会堂、天安门城楼等均有收藏其多幅作品。出版有大型画集《王永年》、《王永年书画集》、《丹青永年》等。
文革中蒙受 林彪集团迫害,离开军队停笔。平凡落实政策当前 ,曾在仁寿县文明 馆工作,1986年退休后定居北京。八、九十年代,有大量作品流向社会、进入展厅,获得各种奖项。近年有巨幅作品为北京人民大会堂、全国政协、天安门、天津平津战役纪念馆和周恩来、邓颖超纪念馆收藏,艺术事迹载入《中国当代美术家名人录》等多种典籍。生前为中国美术家协会会员,中国诗书画研讨 院研讨 员,中国老年书画会创作研讨 员,中国石涛艺术学会理事、四川巴蜀书画院顾问。
其得意门生有:邓由怀、陈沫吾、谢泰伟、刘起伏、汪晋权、秦学文、曾伟等等1 大批中青年实力派书画家,活跃于当今画坛。
1 早年生活(1926年3月到1944年12月)
王永年先生生于1926年3月24日,本籍 湖北麻城。祖上自王子宗于明洪武戊申元年(1368年)入川,初居资阳,避献忠之乱时迁居仁寿,迄今已二十余世。王永年先生原名王恩荣,1935年十岁时顶替本乡一名 名为王永年的辍先生 名额入汉英小学读书,1941年考入仁寿文宫中学,1943年毕业,1944年开始到成都谋生,前后 入会计补习班等单位工作,年底遇见原中学校长聂生明先生(聂生明当时已调任省财政厅工作,曾是张大千在求精中学读书时的英语教师),在聂生明的举荐 下,同年底,在兰尧衢先生的牡丹园拜张大千为师,开始了艺术生涯。
1944年12月拜张大千先生为师,成为了第1 个张大千没有收拜师礼的先生 。
正式的随侍笔砚是1945年春节以后 ,当时与张大千先生同住5 福村牡丹园,同年七月份迁居昭觉寺,期间在张大千先生的指点 下打下了良好的线描基础。1946年何海霞先生抵川,张大千先生迁居到郫县太和场钟家大院。在与何海霞共赴青城组稿、共赴内江为荷花通景屏备稿的过程中结下了浓厚的友谊,1947年,随张大千、杨孝慈赴康定,沿途写生,归来后负责组稿,何海霞编缉 ,张大千润色,集体完成了西康游屐册页并赠杨孝慈,1948年,王永年先生独立创作的机会也逐步 增多,有作品《天风海水》等参加上海同门书画展,此展的最后 本意是庆祝张大千先生的5 十华诞。1949年,陆续抵川的数十人同张大千一同 迁至金牛坝的税牛庵(别名 南园),时国内情势 动荡,张大千先生的数次画展皆不乐观,十月份张大千先生匆忙出国。至成都解放前,留在南园的除王永年先生外,另有何海霞、王学敏、叶名佩等,其它的裱工、画师、先生 等皆陆续离开。
5 年的丹青生涯,王永年先生不仅正式的步入了国画之门,而且成为了张大千表扬得最多的先生 ,也是寄以厚望的先生 ,甚至可以说是张大千先生第1 个手把手教出来的先生 。
自1949年10月到1950年12月期间,张大千先生从海外展转 捎回的钱逐渐 锐减,在估计张大千先生不会很快回国的情况下,加之成都的解放,终究 在1950年的12月初,与同学叶名佩一同 离开了南园,并?a href=https://www.meishu.com/baike/1/17/15733.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>黄鹂既氪ū本墓ね牛剂顺ご锸四甑木蒙摹?br />
1952年军区整编后,在军区文明 学校任教员、宣扬 干事。
1955年,东北 地区部队合编,任成都军区下辖的步兵豫备 学校政治教员;
1956年,任步兵学校宣扬 干事(始授少尉衔),同年5月与吴1 峰等赴川陕写生;
1958年,全国院校调整,步校迁桂林,隶属广州军区,仍担任宣扬 干事;
1959年到1965年,前后 发表了很多优秀作品,期间1 九六三年入广州美术学院进修,得到关山月、杨之光、黎雄才等帮助,艺事精进。
十八年的军人生涯,是王永年先生作为一名 从艺者的黄金时期,期间除了应对生活的繁琐,更有艺术方向的调整,作为一位 军旅画家他是无愧的,甚至是优秀的。
军旅生涯中虽以1 支画笔屡获殊荣,却终因不测 缘由 而致窘,返乡后又波及亲友及同门诸师兄,遂绝于艺事。后来接连两子的相继离世更是雪上加霜,而未及痛定,其妻又因故自缢于梨园。悲乎,天灾人祸饱熬煎 ,为欢何少苦何多。在叶浅予、何海霞、黄独峰等先生的鼓励与帮助下,慢慢的逐步 走出阴霾并重操画笔,时艺事尽折,数年的恢复时期中已不复有昔日劲健之姿。
5 遁世无闷(1979年至2009年)
自1979年到1987年,基本处于恢复时期,1987年后笔砚愈勤,1997年后努力 于张大千大风堂系列民间组织的筹办和各种慈善活动,并前后 为人民大会堂、全国政协、平津战役纪念馆、张大千纪念馆、周恩来纪念馆等单位创作作品,前后 加入石涛艺术研讨 会、中国美协、中国诗画研讨 院。2009年为纪念张大千先生诞辰110周年,在西安举办了茅台杯王永年个人书画展,出版有《王永年画集》,同年暑月半夜 时分,因病入成都温江区病院 。经群医极力而无挽,卒于凌晨六时三十分,享年八十四岁。
Wang Yongnian, the name fars, male, sichuan Ren Shouren, was born 1926, died of illness in Chengdu 2009. Magnify was done obeisance to in Chengdu 1945 1000 learn a picture for division, into room 5 carry, the Great Master dictates the heart is passed, lay next good foundations, wang Yongnian is magnify a the age in 1000 gentlemen child is the smallest, also be magnify 1000 be praised at most and send the child with great expectations, can saying even is magnify hand of the first handgrip teachs 1000 gentlemen the student that come out. Be good at landscape, painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, character, work style is pure and fresh Juan Yi, suit both refined and popular tastes. Ever was in beauty of school of Chengdu military region, Guangzhou military region, Guangzhou to the courtyard works and be engaged in art creating early or late. Work attends beauty of the whole nation, horse and foot to exhibit 3, obtain reputably, a tower over a city gate of people congress hall, Tian An Men all have collect its many work. Publish have large picture market " Wang Yongnian " , " collect of Wang Yongnian painting and calligraphy " , " painting always year " etc.
Lin Biao group is sufferred to persecute in Culture Revolution, leave army to stop a pen. Ordinary after implementing policy, ever worked in house of culture of benevolence birthday county, beijing settles after retiring 1986. 8, 90 time, a large number of work flow to a society, enter an exhibition hall, win all sorts of award. Have in recent years gigantic a work make the same score ferry battle memorial hall and Zhou En to come for the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of hall of Beijing people congress, whole nation, Tian An Men, Tianjin, Deng Ying exceeds memorial hall to collect, artistic achievement loads " blue book of Chinese contemporary artist " wait for a variety of ancient codes and records. It is Chinese artist academician before one's death, researcher of academy of Chinese poem painting and calligraphy, chinese senile painting and calligraphy can write a researcher, chinese Shi Tao art learns adviser of courtyard of painting and calligraphy of Bashu of director, Sichuan.
Its favorite pupil has: Deng Youhuai, Chen Mei I, authority of Xie Taiwei, Liu Qifu, Wang Jin, Qin Xuewen, Ceng Wei is waited a moment one large quantities of in young actual strength sends home of painting and calligraphy, active at drawing altar now.
One one's early years lives (arrived in March 1926 in December 1944)
Mr Wang Yongnian was born on March 24, 1926, city of hemp of ancestral home Hubei. Ancestors from the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem of Hong Wu of princely Zong Yuming explain the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor (1368) enter plain, endowment this world is resided first, avoid display faithful Ren Shou of the change one's dwelling house when chaos, heretofore already more than 20 worlds. Flourish of favour of king of original name of Mr Wang Yongnian, took sb's place a discontinue one's studying that the name is Wang Yongnian gives birth to this countryside when 10 years old 1935 quota of people reads into Chinese-English elementary school, checked middle school of Ren Shouwen palace 1941, graduated 1943, began to fend to Chengdu 1944, work into the unit such as class of accounting take lessons after school or work early or late, the end of the year encounters president of primary middle school Mr Nie Shengming (Nie Shengming at that time already hall of transfer province finance works, ever was magnify the 1000 English teachers when the middle school that seek fine reads) , below Nie Shengming's recommend, by of the same age, thoroughfare in Lan Yao peony garden of the gentleman does obeisance to magnify 1000 for division, began artistic career.
2 gale are tasteful (arrived in December 1944 October 1949)
Did obeisance to magnify in December 1944 1000 gentlemen are division, became the first magnify the 1000 students that did not accept Bai Shili.
Formal squire pen inkstone was 1945 after the Spring Festival, with magnify 1000 gentlemen live together at that time garden of peony of 5 blessing village, of the same age clear of change one's dwelling house became aware July temple, be in during magnify laid good line drawing foundation below the guidance of 1000 gentlemen. Mr He Haixia was touched 1946 plain, 1000 gentlemen change one's dwelling house goes to magnify Pi county too with courtyard of field bell home. In go to black town solicit contributions in all with He Haixia, go to in all inside the knot in the process that Jiang Weihe spends Tong Jingbing to stalk of grain fully issued grumous friendship, 1947, along with magnify 1000, poplar filial piety Ci Fukang is decided, on the way sketchy, solicit contributions is in charge of after returning, he Haixia is editorial, magnify 1000 embellish, collective was finished an album of paintings or calligraphy of Kang You shoes gives Yang Xiaoci on the west, 1948, the opportunity that Mr Wang Yongnian creates independently also is added gradually much, have work " day wind seawater " etc attend Shanghai to be exhibited with door painting and calligraphy, the original real intention that this exhibits is congratulatory magnify of 1000 gentlemen 50 China absurd. 1949, touch in succession plain tens of people with magnify 1001 change come the Shui Niuan of Taurus dam (the garden austral the name) , when domestic situation is queasy, magnify the neither of several art exhibition of 1000 gentlemen is hopeful, october portion magnify 1000 gentlemen haste goes abroad. Before be being liberated to Chengdu, stay in south of garden outside dividing Mr Wang Yongnian, additionally He Haixia, Wang Xuemin, Xie Mingpei waits, the back up of other all leaves labour, painter, student in succession.
Painting career of 5 years, mr Wang Yongnian entered the gate of traditional Chinese painting formally not only, and became magnify 1000 praises at most students, also be to send the student with great expectations, can saying even is magnify hand of the first handgrip teachs 1000 gentlemen the student that come out.
3 army horse brush and ink (arrived in December 1950 March 1968)
Arrive from October 1949 during December 1950, magnify progressively acute decreases the money that 1000 gentlemen return from abroad flounder take along sth to sb, below the circumstance that in estimation magnify 1000 gentlemen won't go back to the motherland very quickly, the liberation of together with Chengdu, be in eventually 1950 at the beginning of December, left together with classmate Xie Mingpei south field, take an examination of song and dance ensemble of plain north military region together, the army brigade career that began to be as long as 18 years.
1951 only then hold the position of plain north military region group leader of art of art train line.
1952 after military region reorganize, person in charge of something of teacher, conduct propaganda assumes in school of military region culture.
1955, southwest army closes make up, the teacher of politics of dogface provision school that holds the post of the administer below Chengdu military region;
1956, school of strategics assuming a condition publicizes a secretary in charge of sth (only then award second lieutenant to hold) , of the same age waited with Wu Yifeng in May go to paint from life of plain short for Shaanxi Province;
1957, creation night is felt attend the countrywide beauty that founds an army 30 years to exhibit;
1958, countrywide school is adjusted, guilin of pace school change, subject Guangzhou military region, still hold the position of propagandist a secretary in charge of sth;
Arrived 1959 1965, published a lot of outstanding work early or late, during joined take a refresher course of Guangzhou academy of fine arts 1963, get closing hill month, Yang Zhiguang, Li Xiong to just wait for a help, art affair essence of life is entered.
Military career of 18 years, it is Mr Wang Yongnian serves as from art person gold period, during besides what answer the life trival, have the adjustment of artistic direction more, regarding painter of an army brigade as him is feel no regret, it is outstanding even.
4000 frost 10 thousand snow (came in Feburary 1969 in May 1978)
In army brigade career although obtain special honour repeatedly with a paintbrush, send because of accident reason eventually however disconcerted, after returning country, affect relatives and friends is reached again be the same as an all senior fellow apprentice, then absolutely Yu Yi thing. Successional later two child dying in succession is one disaster after another more, and do not painful calm, its wife bang oneself because of reason again at the operatic circle. Bei, full torment of natural and man-made disaster, to why suffer from He Duo less happily. Grant in Xie Jian, of the gentleman such as He Haixia, Huang Dufeng encourage fall with the help, slowly walk out of haze to pay equal attention to gradually hold paintbrush, art thing all is folded when, refreshment of several years in period already not answer have in former days strong be good at appearance.
5 escape world is not had frowsty (came 1979 2009)
Arrive from 1979 1987, be in basically renew period, inkstone of the pen after 1987 heals diligent, what folk of series of 1000 gale hall organizes magnify devote oneself to to make preparations after 1997 with all sorts of beneficent activities, it is memorial hall of battle of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of people congress hall, whole nation, smooth ferry, magnify early or late 1000 memorial hall, Zhou En comes the unit such as memorial hall creates work, join beauty of seminar of stone billows art, China early or late assist, Chinese poem draws an academy. Was commemorative magnify 2009 1000 gentlemen birthday 110 years, art exhibition of book of Maotai cup Wang Yongnian's individual was held in Xi'an, publish have " Wang Yongnian draws volume " , time of night of confinement of heat of of the same age, enter hospital of area of Chengdu lukewarm river due to illness. Classics group cure does his utmost and do not have pull, soldier Yu Lingchen 6 when 30 minutes, die at the age of is 84 years old.