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吴劲潮,汉族,1937年生于广东省东莞市,1960年毕业于广州美术学院油画系,并留该院附中任教。前后 曾任教于韶关教育学院美术系、华南师范大学艺术系、广州职工大学美术教育系,现为广州美术学院副教授(原基础技法教研室主任)。中国美术家协会会员,广东省美术家协会会员,广东省粉画会副会长,曾前后 举办个人油画展三次,其中《水乡寻梦》系列(30件)以萧洒 的笔调、真诚 的感情,抒情的韵致表现了“珠三角”水乡的隽永意境,受到广泛好评。作品曾入选全国、省、市美展,并在各报刊发表,历史画为国家纪念馆收藏、陈列。画作题材广泛,包括人物肖像、风景、静物、动物等,以绚丽与含蓄的色彩,壮阔而灵动的运笔着力寻求 形神兼备、意境深邃的内涵,画面饱含激情,富于感染力。
代表作有《奔腾》粉画,《角斗》,《乌拉斯台的凌晨 》(粉画),《凝住历史的辉煌》油画,《粮食》(油画),《岭南沃土不知冬》(油画)等。

Introduction to the artist

Wu Jin is wet, the Han nationality, unripe 1937 Yu Andong visits Dongguan town, was graduated from department of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts 1960, leave this courtyard attached middle school to teach. Ever taught to close faculty of pedagogic courtyard art, Hua Na at beautiful early or late art of university of worker of faculty of Normal University art, Guangzhou teachs a department, it is associate professor of Guangzhou academy of fine arts now (director of teaching and research section of law of original basis ability) . Chinese artist academician, guangdong saves artist academician, guangdong saves pink to draw meeting vice-chairman, ever held individual canvas to be exhibited 3 times early or late, among them " a region of rivers and lakes finds a dream " series (30) with cheesy tone, true love, lyric charm delivers performance " bead trigonometry " the meaningful artistic conception of a region of rivers and lakes, get extensive reputably. Work ever beauty of selected whole nation, province, city is exhibited, publish in each the press, historical picture is collected for national memorial hall, display. The picture makes subject matter extensive, include character effigies, scenery, still life, animal to wait, with flowery the colour with reservation, spirit of grand and clever body of pursuit of carry pen exert oneself has both, the connotation with abstruse artistic conception, the picture is full of passion, abound appeal.
Masterpiece has " gallop " powdery picture, " wrestle " , " corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs this the morning of the stage " (pink draws) , " coagulate of the history brilliant " canvas, " commissariat " (canvas) , " the fertile soil austral mountain does not know a winter " (canvas) etc.

