徐川克,男,1959年出生,柳州人,1978年毕业于广西艺术学院美术师范系并留校任教,现为广西艺术学院副教授,硕士研讨 生导师,中国美术家协会广西分会会员,广西民族书画院高级书画师,大地水彩画研讨 会会员。
作品曾入选第八届全国美展,第六届全国水彩、水粉展,并在“中国的四季”画展获铜奖,“爱我中华”油画大展获银奖,作品前后 在日本、马来西亚、香港、台湾、广州举办画展,出版有《设计素描》,并在核心刊物发表多篇文章。
Xu Chuan is overcome, male, was born 1959, liuzhou person, was graduated from Guangxi art to academic art normal school is fastened and stay 1978 school teach, it is associate professor of Guangxi art college now, adviser of Master graduate student, member of branch of Guangxi of Chinese artist association, courtyard of Guangxi nation painting and calligraphy is advanced division of painting and calligraphy, member of earth aquarelle seminar.
Work ever selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited, watercolour of the 6th whole nation, soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes is exhibited, be in " Chinese the four seasons " art exhibition wins cupreous award, "Love my China " canvas exhibits the award that obtain silver greatly, work holds art exhibition in Japan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Guangzhou early or late, publish have " design sketch " , publish many article in core journal.