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沈左尧(1921~2007),别署沈行,号胜寒楼主。1921年出生于浙江海宁。中国科协研讨 员,中国老年书画研讨 会顾问,中国美术家协会会员。1944年以1 幅人像素描入选澳大利亚博物馆。1946年《和平》宣扬 画受联合国表彰,获教育部奖金。二十余年来,在国内外发表大量学术著作:《人民日报》海外版连载之《傅抱石青少年时代》及《大漠情·吴作人》等已出版单行本。又《吴作人纪念馆联》(556字)、《抱石公园联》(226字)等皆已刻石。近年出版《左尧印存》及《悼师集》。在浙江湖州师范学院建“沈左尧图书馆”于2003年竣工。并在8楼设“沈行楹联艺术馆”。
1921年3月生于浙江海宁。沈左尧先生自幼爱好诗文,1933年在他12岁时就开始在上海《时事新报》公开发表作品,13岁时对篆刻艺术发生兴味 ,此后研究 终身 。1937年抗日和平 爆发后,沈左尧先生随同济大学流亡昆明转学国立艺专,1942年他考入地方 大学艺术系,师从傅抱石徐悲鸿,求学期间他象海绵1 样汲取 大师之长,“学如不及,犹恐失之”,在大师们的悉心指点 下,沈左尧先生学艺精进,徐悲鸿称他的刻印“好古敏求,卓然不凡”,在校期间,沈左尧先生还组织了治印“阆社”和诗词“恒沙社”,切磋艺事,讨论印学,蔚为风气。1945年沈左尧先生从地方 大学毕业,开始了长达终身 的专职创作。1946年联合国举行《和平》宣扬 画比赛,国内独一 选中沈左尧先生的1 幅画送展,该画受到联合国表彰,并获当时中国教育部金奖。20世纪40年代陪都重庆街头流行的印花绸布有1 些也出自沈左尧先生的设计。1948年解放前夕,沈左尧先生受上海的中国交通大学之聘到唐山工学院建筑系任美术教员,1950年1月沈左尧先生调入地方 文明 部科普局任美术编辑,1956年任中国科协《知识就是力量》、《科学大众》等杂志美编,此间他发表大量绘画、装帧、插图、摄影及科普文章,并翻译出版了俄国柴可夫斯基的歌剧《叶夫根尼奥涅金》及美国高池基的《水彩风景画技法》等书籍。在科协期间,他的工作量之大是罕见的:他同时负责《知识就是力量》和《科学大众》两大杂志的封面设计、绘制和美编兼记者,还兼另外两个杂志的美编,此外尚需应付八方约稿。尽管工作非常紧张和劳碌,但沈左尧先生却倍感充实,以自始自终 的热情取得累累硕果,成为战役 在科普美术前线的尖兵,如上世纪50年代,《大众科学》、《大众医学》、《大众农业》三大杂志征求封面设计,沈左尧先生的三个设计均被采用并获1 等奖,他还曾获中国科普作家协会授予的“成绩突出的科普美术家”荣誉称号。
在文明 大革命期间,沈左尧先生受到很大的冲击,但他并未荒废时间,仍然 坚持艺术创作。从1973年起沈左尧先生开始从事工艺美术设计、发明新型铁画工作,他研制成功的“铁画”,设计的宫灯、屏风,深受外商欢迎,曾为国家创汇300多万美元,然而所有的作品上都没有标署过他的名字,对此他从不计较。1980年,沈左尧先生调入中国科普(创作)研讨 所并担任中国科普作协美术委员会副主任委员的职务,在新的工作岗位上他仍然 激情迸射,勤奋工作,取得了优良 成绩,1985年他被评为先进工作者。
1987年,沈左尧先生以耄耋之年从工作第1 线退上去 ,但却“离而不休”,继续倾心于他的艺术创作,并四处讲学和作文明 交流,他曾两次受邀访问台湾,1998年获台湾“全球中华文明 艺术薪传奖”之“中华文艺奖”。20年来他还在国内外报刊发表大量诗文,在《人民日报》(海外版)长篇连载《傅抱石的青少年时代》及《吴作人·大漠情》,现均已出版,比来 还出版诗词《悼师集》及《左尧印存》等书。
纵观沈左尧先生的终身 是艺术的终身 ,他才高艺绝,其艺术成就高山仰止,他擅诗、书、画、印、楹联,几乎在每个领域都有本身 独特的创风格 格和出色 建树。
在篆刻领域:沈左尧先生十岁出头学习篆刻,十六岁时创作的印,如今 海外特别 是日本文博界身价不菲。李可染先生称赞其“铁笔遒丽”,傅抱石则誉曰:“取法雅正,终有所归”,“其印殆出于天,谱中固可逐一 迹其所自来,而君之才艺足多处未可漠然视之也”。徐悲鸿亲自为他题词:“多才多艺,于绘事外尤精治印,好古敏求,努力 甚笃,其所成就 卓然不凡。”,后又陈之佛、乔大壮、傅抱石逐1 签名盖章表示赞同。上个世纪中叶,如郭沫若黄苗子丰子恺戴念慈吴良镛陈之佛李可染、茅以升等不少中国文明 界的名人都乐于使用沈左尧先生治的印。
在绘画领域:沈左尧先生青年时代考入当时的“地方 大学”,师从傅抱石、徐悲鸿、乔大壮、吴作人诸前辈学习绘画,习而大成。沈左尧先生的素描技巧高超,其观察能力、理解能力与表现技巧均在勤奋中磨练得炉火纯青。他目光锋利 、观察敏锐,能在瞬间精确 地捉住 人物的特点、精神面貌和姿势 表情。素描的线条流畅、概括凝练、精到,能够精确 传神,体现出天赋的悟性和举重若轻的驾驭能力。1944年还是先生 的沈左尧先生绘制的1 幅素描人像作品入选澳大利亚博物馆;六、七十年代,北京的公园、饭店等公共场所有许多毛泽东主席的巨幅画像也是沈左尧先生的创作。如今 ,他的许多作品都为国际友人和机构收藏。
在书法领域:沈左尧先生工于真、草、隶、篆,尤擅长 汉隶,作品皆以骨力雄壮 、气势饱满、凝重质朴、用笔骏爽取胜,隶书尤其 挺劲飞动、力透纸背。他曾和傅抱石先生等一同 磋商,并亲自将毛泽东主席题写的“江山如此多娇”放大到傅抱石、关山月为人民大会堂合作的巨幅“江山如此多娇”山水画上,这幅画被悬挂在人民大会堂的宴会厅。在沈左尧先生逝世前夕,他还不知疲倦地耗时1 个月创作出了世界上最大的1 幅《道德经》书法长卷,该作品共5300多个字,写在1 张张长2米、高5.1米的宣纸上,每张纸上书写133个字,共用了43张纸,整幅作品从用笔到谋篇布局,或粗犷豪放、气势磅礴,或端庄凝重、灵动秀美,勘为传世之作,沈左尧先生的不幸辞世与这次创作时积劳成疾不有关 系,真可谓为艺术而生,为艺术而死!
在诗词领域:沈左尧先生十二岁便开始在报上发表诗文,他终身 强学博览、才储八斗,其旧体诗文功力深厚,他的诗既讲求格律又善用比兴,中国美术学院出版社和华宝斋联合出版的《悼师集》是他的代表作,此书是以沈左尧先生为悼念他的老师傅抱石所作诗词的手迹影印而成,师母罗时慧读后认为,如此深厚师生之情,古今无有。沈左尧先生幼年丧父,事师如父,跟随 终身 ,学习终身 ,研讨 终身 ,傅抱石亦待之如亲子。沈左尧悼师诗词38首,字字血泪,黄苗子读罢赋词曰:“此情千古难有。”
在楹联领域:沈左尧先生的楹联作品很多,他写的许多楹联均为即兴之作,才思敏捷,稍事沉吟,便可信手拈来,顷刻之间将对方名字嵌入联中,且妙语如珠,均为佳句,堪称1 绝。他的作品遍及全国风景名胜地,其中江西《抱石公园长联》、苏州《吴作人艺术馆长联》等均已刻石,而2002年正式出版的《左尧印存》,则为沈左尧先生七十年治印生涯之总结。
此外,沈左尧先生还在散文、翻译、摄影方面成就 颇深,他的文章很漂亮,风格雄壮 ,立意典雅旷达,文气沉稳酣畅,有韩柳遗风;沈左尧先生懂多国言语 ,能饱含激情地用俄语和德语朗诵诗歌;沈左尧先生数十年如1 日地痴迷摄影,早在新中国成立之际,沈左尧先生从江南奔赴北京,沿路看到人民为新中国诞生而欢庆的景观,拍了许多照片,在大连举办了个人摄影展。

Introduction to the artist

Shen Zunyao (1921~2007) , the Shenyang that fasten arrange goes, date gets the better of cold original poster. Was born in Zhejiang sea peace 1921. Chinese division assist researcher, seminar of Chinese senile painting and calligraphy is advisory, chinese artist academician. 1944 with sketch of a figure selected Australia museum. 1946 " peace " poster suffers U.N. to commend, win money award of Ministry of Education. Come more than 20 years, publishing a large number of composition domestic and internationally: " People's Daily " of overseas edition serialize " Fubao azurite boyhood " reach " Wu Zunren of · of big desert affection " wait to already published seperate edition. " Wu Zunren memorial hall couplet " (556 words) , " couplet of the park that hold stone in the arms " (226 words) wait to already all engraved stone. Publish in recent years " left Yao Yincun " reach " grieve division market " . Build in institute of normal school of Zhejiang lake state " Shen Zunyao library " 2003 complete. Set in 8 buildings " house of art of Shen Hangying couplet " .
Was born at Zhejiang sea peace in March 1921. From a child of Mr Shen Zunyao likes Shi Wen, began to be in Shanghai when he is 12 years old 1933 " current affairs signs up for newly " publish work publicly, interest produces to seal cutting art when 13 years old, after this studies lifetime. After the War of Resistance Against Japan erupted 1937, university of aid of be accompanying of Mr Shen Zunyao is exiled Kunming transfer is national art only, he studied central university art 1942 is, division holds stone, Xu Beihong in the arms from teach, what he absorbs a Great Master like sponge during attend school is long, "Learn to be like not as good as, still fear breaking " , in Great Masters coach wholeheartedly below, mr Shen Zunyao learns art essence to enter, xu Beihong weighs him quarter imprint " good Gu Min is begged, outstanding and uncommon " , during school, the gentleman still organized Shen Zunyao to treat imprint " Lang company " with poetic word " Heng Sha company " , thing of compare notes art, discuss imprint learn, colourful is an ethos. Mr Shen Zunyao graduated from the university central 1945, began to be as long as the full-time creation of lifetime. U.N. was held 1946 " peace " poster match, a picture of domestic exclusive pitch on Mr Shen Zunyao sends exhibit, this picture is commended by U.N. , win gold prize of ministry of Yo of the state religion in at that time. 40 time accompany 20 centuries the printing silken cloth of Chongqing street popularity has a few also the design of out Mr Shen Zunyao. Liberated eve 1948, the China that Mr Shen Zunyao suffers Shanghai hands in those who tell a college to hire Tang Shan engineering college to build a department to hold the post of art teacher, mr Shen Zunyao transferred into bureau of popular science of ministry of the culture central holds the post of art to edit in January 1950, held the post of Chinese division 1956 assist " knowledge is force " , " scientific masses " wait for magazine beauty to make up, here he publishs a large number of brushwork, binding and layout, illustration, photography and popular science article, translate the opera that published Russian Chaikefusiji " Xiefugenniaoniejin " reach the United States of Gao Chi radical " watercolour landscape ability law " wait for a book. Be in division assist during, of his workload is infrequent greatly: He is in charge of at the same time " knowledge is force " and " scientific masses " the cover design of two old recordses, scale and beauty are made up hold a reporter concurrently, the beauty that still holds additionally two magazines concurrently is made up, in addition still need to deal with all directions to make an appointment with draft. Although work extraordinary tension and work hard, but Mr Shen Zunyao however times sense is rich, with as always obtain great achievements of again and again enthusiasticly, become a battle to be in the pioneer of front of popular science art, as above century 50 time, " masses science " , " masses medicine " , " masses agriculture " 3 old recordses ask for cover design, 3 designs of Mr Shen Zunyao all are used and win first prize, he ever still obtained association of writer of Chinese popular science to award " the popular science artist with outstanding achievement " honorary title.
During the Great Cultural Revolution, mr Shen Zunyao gets very big impact, but he is not bedraggled time, still hold to artistic creation. Since 1973 Mr Shen Zunyao begins to be engaged in new swage of design of arts and crafts, invention drawing the job, he develops a success " iron picture " , the palace lantern of the design, screen, welcome by the foreign trader, home Ceng Weiguo is achieved collect 300 much dollars, his name passes without mark arrange on all work however, to this he never dispute. 1980, mr Shen Zunyao transfers into Chinese popular science (creation) the institute holds the position of Chinese popular science to make assist the post of committee member of art council vice director, go up in new working post he still passionate spurt is shot, work conscientiously, obtained exceedingly good result, he was judged to be advanced worker 1985.
1987, mr Shen Zunyao is retreated from working forefront with the octogenarian, but however " leave and endlessly " , continue to admire his artistic creative work, discourse on an academic subject everywhere and make culture communication, he ever sufferred twice invite visit Taiwan, obtained Taiwan 1998 " firewood of art of global China culture passes award " " China is literary award " . Come 20 years he still publishs many Shi Wen in domestic and international the press, be in " People's Daily " (overseas edition) full length serialize " teenage times of Fu Baoshi " reach " affection of big desert of the · that make a person " , already all published now, still publish poetic statement recently " grieve division market " reach " left Yao Yincun " wait for a book.
The lifetime that reviews Mr Shen Zunyao is artistic lifetime, he ability Gao Yi absolutely, its art accomplishs a high mountain to admire stop, poem of his arrogate to oneself, book, picture, imprint, couplet hung on the columns of a hall, there are distinctive creation color and outstanding contribution in every domain almost.
In seal cutting domain: Mr Shen Zunyao learns seal cutting 10 years old odd, create when 16 years old imprint, abroad now especially social status of bound of Japanese article rich does not poor. Li Ke catchs a gentleman to praise its " stylus powerfuls beautiful " , teach holds Shi Zeyu in the arms to say: "V/LIT standard of take as one's model, return somewhat eventually " , "Its imprint almost stems from a day, the solid in chart but one by one slash its place is self-invited, and indifferently of cannot of full much point inspects gentleman's talent also " . Xu Beihong is his epigraph personally: "All-round, imprint at the You Jingzhi outside paint job, good Gu Min is begged, be dedicated to very earnest, its place attainment is outstanding and uncommon. " , hind stamp of autograph of one by one of Chen Zhi Buddha, Qiao Dazhuang, Fu Baoshi indicates approval. Last century middle period, the foam that be like Guo if, yellow young plant, Feng Zikai, Dai Nianci, Wu Liangyong, Chen Zhi Buddha, Li Ke is caught, the celebrity of many Chinese cultural circles such as Mao Yisheng is happy to use Shen Zunyao.
In painterly domain: Times of youth of Mr Shen Zunyao is taken an examination of at that time " the university central " , division holds all elder of stone, Xu Beihong, Qiao Dazhuang, Wu Zunren in the arms to learn brushwork from teach, review and become greatly. The sketch skill of Mr Shen Zunyao is excellent, its observation ability, savvy and expressional skill all are in assiduous in harden oneself gets high degree of professional proficiency. His look acumen of biting, observation, the character's characteristic, spiritual outlook and attitude expression can be captured well and truly in the instant. The line of sketch is fluent, wraparound concise, precise and penetrating, can accurate lifelike, the power of understanding that shows a talent and weight lifting are like body to control gently ability. The work of figure of a sketch that returned the scale of Mr Shen Zunyao that is a student 1944 is selected Australian museum; 6, seventies, the park of Beijing, restaurant public those who have a lot of Chairman Mao Zedong chairmans is gigantic a creation that the picture also is Mr Shen Zunyao. Now, a lot of his work are international friend and orgnaization to collect.
In calligraphy domain: Yu Zhen of labour of Mr Shen Zunyao, careless, be subordinate to, seal, grow Yu Hanli especially, work all with skeleton force powerful, imposing manner full, dignified get victory of bright of the plain, fine horse that use a pen, official script holds out interest to fly particularly move, force shows paper back. He ever waited to consult together with Mr Fu Baoshi, and personally inscribe of Chairman Mao Zedong " country is so many charming " those who magnify month of Fu Baoshi, Guan Shan is people congress hall to cooperate is gigantic " country is so many charming " on the landscape painting, this draws the banqueting hall of hall of congress of people be been in by suspension. Die in Mr Shen Zunyao eve, he cost creation of a month indefatigably still to give the biggest on the world " moral classics " calligraphy is long roll, this work in all 5300 many words, write in a piece of Zhang Chang 2 rice, tall on the 5.1 rice paper of rice, submit a written statement to a higher authority of every pieces of paper writes 133 words, common 43 pieces of paper, whole work from arrive with the pen plan a distribution, or straightforward bold and unconstrained, of great momentum, or clever and dignified dignified, elegant, collate is be handed down from ancient times make, the break down from constant overwork when be being created the sad decline world of Mr Shen Zunyao and this does not have nothing to do is, true it may be said is born for art, die for art!
In poetic word territory: Mr Shen Zunyao begins 12 years old to publish Shi Wen on the newspaper, he learns by force to read extensively all one's life, just store 8 bottles, its are old force of work of body poem article is deep, his poem already rules and forms of classical poem of be particular about be apt to is used than promoting, press of Chinese academy of fine arts and combination of China treasure fast publish " grieve division market " the masterpiece that is him, this book is the script photo-offset process that to grieve over with Mr Shen Zunyao his experienced worker embraces stone place to make poetic statement and into, after division mother Luo Shihui is read, think, the affection of so deep teachers and students, gu Jin is not had have. Father of funeral of childhood of Mr Shen Zunyao, work division is like father, follow lifetime, learn lifetime, study lifetime, if kiss,teach holds what Shi Yi waits for in the arms child. Word of poem of division of Shen Zunyao grieve 38, word word tears of blood, yellow young plant reads ode word to say: "Through the ages has this feeling hard. "Through the ages has this feeling hard..
In domain of couplet hung on the columns of a hall: The work of couplet hung on the columns of a hall of Mr Shen Zunyao is very much, a lot of couplet hung on the columns of a hall that he writes all are extemporization, creativeness is nimble, mutter to oneself a little, but have words, embed name of the other side between instantly in couplet, and pearls of wisdom, all be beautiful line, can weighs a special skill. His work pervades countrywide scenery name resort, among them Jiangxi " the park that hold stone in the arms grows couplet " , Suzhou " couplet of curator of Wu Zunren art " wait to already all engraved stone, and publish formally 2002 " left Yao Yincun " , treat 70 years for Mr Shen Zunyao imprint the summary of career.
In addition, mr Shen Zunyao still is in attainment of respect of essay, interpreter, photography is quite deep, his article is very beautiful, the style is powerful, conception elegance broad-minded, civil gas is composed merry and lively, have Han Liu Weifeng; Mr Shen Zunyao knows multilateral language, ground of can full of passion recites poetry with Russian and German; Mr Shen Zunyao tens of year consistent day ground is obsessed with photography, be in early during new China holds water, mr Shen Zunyao hurries off to Beijing from Changjiang Delta, along the road sees people is the landscape that new China is born and celebrates joyously, took a lot of pictures, individual photography was held to exhibit in Dalian.

