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孟刚 - 追梦的人——记青年画家孟刚先生

2022-03-11 17:38:37 3524




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山东淄博人,现居北京。毕业于天津美术学院国画硕士研讨 生班,受业于何家英霍春阳等教授,聘为助教。
现任《出山》杂志社主编,出山网美术总监,黄河文明 书画院副院长。深圳汉文明 传播无限 公司特聘画家,新加坡龙发国际无限 公司特聘画家,黄河文明 产业开发集团特推画家。
国画《和风 轻吹紫藤花》2011年入选由中国美协举办的“庆祝中国共产党成立九十周年全国书画展”并获三等奖。
2012作品参加由翰墨中国收藏家俱乐部、翰墨中国网、北京丹凤朝阳美术馆、明星传媒、新晨报美术报等单位联合主办的“六零七零实力派中国画名家约请 展”。

Introduction to the artist

Person of Shandong Zi rich, reside Beijing now. Be graduated from graduate student of Master of traditional Chinese painting of Tianjin academy of fine arts class, suffer course of study to wait for a professor at He Jiaying, Huo Chunyang, hire for assistant.
 Currently hold the post of" give mountain " magazine agency editor in chief, give inspector general of hill net art, assistant dean of courtyard of painting and calligraphy of Yellow River culture. Shenzhen Chinese culture transmits limited company to hire an artist especially, singapore dragon sends international limited company to hire an artist especially, industry of Yellow River culture develops a group to turn an artist especially.
 Traditional Chinese painting " Hua Yu " in birthday of commemorative grandson Zhongshan high-quality goods of painting and calligraphy of 140 years of China is exhibited in win outstanding award.
 Traditional Chinese painting " popular appear in one's dream of carry on one's shoulder " obtain Shandong province to be on the field of the hope, third class award is won in walking into traditional Chinese painting of socialistic new rural area to exhibit.
 Traditional Chinese painting, " girl " wait for 4 work selected Shandong province is dozenth new personality is made newly exhibit.
 Traditional Chinese painting " static night is thought of " nomination of home of famous painting and calligraphy of selected whole nation is exhibited.
 Traditional Chinese painting " Bai Yulan " attend " China affection " countrywide art exhibition.
 Traditional Chinese painting " court is deep " selected by Chinese beauty assist sponsorred 2007 souvenir " ecliptic week " nomination of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation is exhibited.
 Traditional Chinese painting " wistaria of gentle breeze tootle is beautiful " selected 2011 by Chinese beauty assist hold " congratulatory Chinese Communist establishs countrywide book art exhibition 90 years " win third class award.
Traditional Chinese painting " Qing Lian " attended 2011 " of far hill call -- first China double art exhibition of 100 commonweal book " be awarded " first China double home of 100 commonweal painting and calligraphy " title.
Was judged to be 21 centuries to be provided most 2012 collect value and appreciate the Chinese content of latent capacity draws 100.
2012 work " lily " attend salon of art of autumn of the 105th Paris to exhibit.
2012 work attend rich of article of the 4th Shandong to meet, hold successfully exhibit.
2012 work attend what by Dan Fengchao of net of China of club of collector of China of brush and ink, brush and ink, Beijing medium of in relief art gallery, star, Xin Chen signs up for the unit such as art newspaper to be sponsorred jointly " a person of academic or artistic distinction of picture of China of clique of 6070 actual strength invites exhibit " .
2012 publish " Chinese ink of picture world new power, water 70 hind " .
2012 publish by editor in chief of press of arts and crafts " collect of work of Chinese picture a person of academic or artistic distinction---Picture of strong figure of the first month is chosen "
The section was drawn to hold Meng Gang art exhibition in China on April 21, 2013.
Work by " art " " art signs up for " " Chinese painting and calligraphy " " newspaper of life of city high-quality goods " " traditional Chinese painting is classical " " art of an ancient name for China " " Baidu vocabulary entry " " net of Chinese distinguished personages " " net giving mountain " " art China " " , be collected by domestic and international friend, artistic orgnaization and art gallery.

