赵大鹏(1943.3—)辽宁大连人。擅长水粉画。1966年毕业于地方 工艺美术学院装璜 系。人民美术出版社连环画册编辑室美术编辑。作品有《友谊长城》、《热烈庆祝中华人民共和国建国35周年》、《伤逝》等。
Zhao Dapeng (1943.3, ) Liaoning Dalian person. Be good at gouache. Was graduated from department of decorate of institute of central arts and crafts 1966. An album of paintings of interlink of people art publishing house edits room art. Work has " friendship Great Wall " , " celebrate People's Republic of China ardently to found a state 35 years " , " the injury dies " etc.