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杨永弼,1984年毕业于鲁迅美术学院。辽宁美术家协会理事,辽宁省青年美术家协会理事,辽宁省油画研讨 会理事,锦州市美术家协会主席兼秘书长。作品曾参加全国第八届、第十届全国美展,曾参加全国各大博物馆、纪念馆、大型壁画、全景画、半景画创作,并多次在全国及省市美展中入选获奖。作品多次发表在《美术》、《人民日报》等报刊。现任职于锦州市文联,美术家协会。
1986——1990年,锦州市第1 师范学校美术教师。
1987年,油画《红色的记忆》参加锦州市第十届美展获1 等奖,作品发表在《人民日报》上。
1993年,在北京成功举办《三友油画展》,地方 电视台做了专题报道;
1994年,水彩配诗组画《黑土地》参加全国第八届美展并获辽宁省美展1 等奖,作品被台湾收藏家收藏。
油画《悠远 的地方》参加境外交流,在华盛顿展出;
油画《血战台儿庄》参加国际反法西斯胜利5 十周年画展,获特别奖;参加山东枣庄台儿庄纪念馆全景画《血战台儿庄》的创作。
1997年,参加广州柳州四十1 军军史馆半景画《塔山阻击战》创作。
油画《雪野》、《悠远 的歌》、《女儿心》参加在中国美术馆举办的锦州画院进京展,《雪野》发表在《美术》上。
2003年,油画《寻梦·家园》参加辽宁省美术作品展并获1 等奖。
参加《看不见的阵线 》5 省市画家联展。
2007年,油画《抗战的1 天来到了》在“庆祝中国人民解放军建军八十周年美术作品展览”获奖,中国美术馆收藏,作品发表在《美术》上;

Introduction to the artist

Yang Yongbi, was graduated from Lu Xun academy of fine arts 1984. Director of Liaoning artist association, liaoning saves director of young artist association, liaoning saves canvas seminar director, chairman of association of artist of city of bright and beautiful state holds secretary-general concurrently. Work ever entered the throughout the country the 8th, beauty of the 10th whole nation is exhibited, ceng Can adds the throughout the country creation of each big museum, memorial hall, large mural, panoramic picture, half scene picture, reach the beauty that visit town to exhibit in the whole nation for many times in selected bear the palm. Work is published in for many times " art " , " People's Daily " wait for the press. Currently hold the post ofcouplet of article of city of duty Yujin state, artist association.
1984 -- 1986, city of bright and beautiful state teacher of art of the 2nd training school.
1986 -- 1990, city of bright and beautiful state teacher of art of the first training school.
1990 -- painter of full-time of imperial art academy of Wen Lianjin state of city of bright and beautiful state.
1980, canvas work " go to school on the road " , attend Liaoning to save young beauty to exhibit, year only 17 years old, it is the writer with the youngest age.
1987, canvas " gules memory " attend the 10th beauty of city of bright and beautiful state to exhibit win first prize, work is published in " People's Daily " on.
1989, canvas " wild goose sound " attend Liaoning to save the United States to exhibit, work is published in " art grand sight " on.
1990, attend Liaoning province to experience life paint from life is exhibited.
1991, canvas " the earthy house of warm color " the communication outside attending to be opposite in what Taiwan holds is exhibited;
Canvas " stealthily autumn wind " attend Liaoning to save oily art exhibition, work is collected by Shenzhen collector.
1992, aquarelle " rain during springtime " attend China aquarelle is exhibited greatly and aquarelle of Hong Kong China is exhibited greatly.
1993, hold successfully in Beijing " 3 friendly canvas are exhibited " , the CCTV made special subject report;
Aquarelle " still be that autumn " , " when ice and snow melts " attend 93 China aquarelle is exhibited greatly and Hong Kong aquarelle is exhibited greatly.
1994, watercolour matchs poetic group to draw " blackland ground " attend the whole nation to the 8th beauty is exhibited and obtain Liaoning to save the United States to exhibit first prize, work is collected by Taiwan collector.
1995, aquarelle " of north of a place of strategic importance spring " attend 95 China aquarelle is exhibited greatly and aquarelle of Hong Kong China is exhibited greatly;
Canvas " distant place " attend the communication outside the condition, exhibit in Washington;
Canvas " bloody battle stage village " attend international to turn over fascist to win 50 years art exhibition, win special award; Enter stage of Shandong jujube village village memorial hall is panoramic picture " bloody battle stage village " creation.
1996, attend big Lian Jun half scene paints history house " the battle of new security personnel " creation.
1997, attend Guangzhou Liuzhou 41 army army half scene paints history house " battle of tower hill nick " creation.
1998, hold " Li river goes " individual drawing from nature is exhibited, work is published by Guangdong travel press " Li river goes " special single-page calendar;
Canvas " Xue Ye " , " distant song " , " daughter heart " the imperial art academy of bright and beautiful city that attends to be held in Chinese art gallery is exhibited into Beijing, " Xue Ye " publish in " art " on.
1999, canvas " do not forget childhood " attend 9 beauty of countrywide to exhibit Liaoning to exhibit an area to win outstanding award, work is published in " art grand sight " on
2000, the mural of creation " the light of civilization of distant westing corridor " display in museum of bright and beautiful city.
2001, attend Xi Baipo half scene draws memorial hall " battle of tower hill nick " creation.
2002, judge save honorary title of painter of book of 10 beautiful youth for Liaoning;
Enter memorial hall of Hei Heai Hui half scene is drawn " Jiang Dong tears of blood " creation.
2003, canvas " home of the · that find a dream " attend Liaoning to save art to work is exhibited and win first prize.
2004, work is selected work of art of the 10th whole nation is exhibited, " below malic tree " display in 40 army army history house.
2005, half scene draws Yang Zirong memorial hall of city of the Hai Lin that finish " battle of apricot tree collect " creation;
Jilin press is published " collect of Yang Yongbi literary sketch " .
2006, hold 6 painters such as Yang Yongbi to exhibit;
Attend " invisible battlefront " couplet of painter of 5 provinces city is exhibited.
2007, canvas " came one day of war of resistance against aggression " in " congratulatory the Chinese People's Liberation Army founds an army 80 years art work is exhibited " bear the palm, chinese art gallery is collected, work is published in " art " on;
Create and finish desolate army memorial hall half scene is drawn " the countryside August " .

