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林山 - “李宝林山水艺术恳谈会”发言摘录

2022-03-11 17:34:14 3580




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林山1 九六三年生于四川绵阳,1986年毕业于四川美术学院、获文学学士。现工作于绵阳市书画院、国家二级美术师、教授,中国美术家协会会员、中国国家博物馆画廊艺术指点 、中原书画研讨 院名誉院长、四川美术家协会水彩水粉画艺术委员会委员、绵阳市美术家协会副主席、绵阳市文联委员、绵阳市政协委员。
个展:1990年在德国慕尼黑市、累根斯堡市巡回展;1998年在“李有行纪念馆”举办画展。作品入选获奖:文明 部、中国美协《第九届全国美展》(油画)文明 部、中国文联《第十二届中国人口文明 奖》(油画)铜奖文明 部、中国美协《第二届全国少数民族美展》(油画)文明 部中国群文学会《全国群众书画大展》(油画)银奖文明 部中国对外艺展中心《西部国际书画展》(中国画)优秀奖教育部、中国美协《中国少儿美术教师美展》(版画)优秀奖外交部、中国国家博物馆《中日书画展》(中国画)优秀奖全国书画院协会《百年开端·全国书画院联展》(油画)优秀奖全国书画院协会《走进生活·第二届全国书画院联展》(中国画)百佳奖中国美协《第16届新人新作展》(版画)中国美协《第16届全国版画展》(版画)中国美协《跨实际全国山水画大展》(中国画)中国美协《纪念孔子全国美展》(中国画)中国美协《纪念“5.23”全国美展》(水彩画、版画)由四川美术出版社出版《林山油画集》、《林山水墨画集》,曾无数 百件作品发表于《光明日报》、《中国文明 报》、《文艺报》、《当代》、《中国水彩》、《美术大观》、《江苏画刊》、《四川画报》等专业报刊杂志。

Introduction to the artist

Lin Shan was born at Sichuan continous this world 1963, was graduated from Sichuan academy of fine arts 1986, obtain literary bachelor. Work now courtyard of painting and calligraphy of Yu Mianyang city, country division of 2 class art, professor, committee member of couplet of article of in relief city of vice-chairman of association of artist of in relief city of committee member of committee of art of gouache of watercolour of association of artist of dean of reputation of academy of painting and calligraphy of art director of gallery of museum of country of Chinese artist academician, China, Central Plains, Sichuan, continous, continous, continous is in relief committee member of city the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.
Exhibit: Was in Germany 1990 circuit of city of Munich city, tired root Si Bao is exhibited; Was in 1998 " Li Youhang memorial hall " hold art exhibition. Work is selected bear the palm: Culture ministry, China is beautiful assist " beauty of the 9th whole nation is exhibited " (canvas) couplet of article of culture ministry, China " dozenth a prize of Chinese mouth culture " (canvas) beauty of ministry of cupreous award culture, China assist " beauty of minority of the 2nd whole nation is exhibited " , ever hundreds work is published at " bright daily " , " Chinese culture signs up for " , " literary newspaper " , " now " , " Chinese watercolour " , " art grand sight " , " Jiangsu pictorial section of a newspaper " , " Sichuan pictorial " .

