万栩,1963年生于天津,1987年毕业于天津美术学院,1996年结业于天津美术学院油画高级研修班。天津华夏文明 艺术研讨 院研讨 员、全国社会艺术水平考级考官、天津美术家协会会员、中国建筑学会室内分会会员、天津和平油画沙龙副会长。多年从事绘画创作及室内设计工作,作品多次参加全国及天津市美术作品展,并有获奖,有作品被机构及个人收藏。
2009油画《假日》入选“第十1 届全国美术作品展览”中华人民共和国文明 部中国文学艺术界联合会中国美术家协会
2012油画《夏日里的夜晚》中华人民共和国文明 司和浙江省文明 厅联合主办的“2012群星璀璨·全国群众美术、书法、摄影优秀作品展”中获金奖
2014油画《正午的阳光》入选“第十二届全国美术作品展览”中华人民共和国文明 部,中国文学艺术界联合会,中国美术家协会
Wan Xu, born in 1963 in Tianjin, graduated from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 1987 and graduated from the advanced oil painting workshop of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 1996. Researcher of Tianjin Huaxia Culture and Art Research Institute, examiner of national social art level, member of Tianjin Artists Association, member of interior branch of China Architecture society, and vice president of Tianjin peace oil painting salon. He has been engaged in painting creation and interior design for many years. His works have participated in national and Tianjin art works exhibitions for many times, and won awards. Some works have been collected by institutions and individuals.
"Spirit of the times - National Portrait oil painting exhibition" won the excellent award by China Artists Association
2008 oil painting sunshine in holiday "the second" spirit of the times "national oil painting works" was selected by China Artists Association
2009 oil painting "Ruixue" was selected to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and North Korea
2009 oil painting holiday was selected into the 11th National Art Exhibition of the people's Republic of China
2012 oil painting "night in summer", jointly sponsored by the Department of culture of the people's Republic of China and the Zhejiang Provincial Department of culture, won the gold medal in the "2012 bright stars · national mass art, calligraphy, photography excellent works exhibition"
2014 oil painting sunshine at noon was selected into the 12th national art works exhibition, Ministry of culture of the people's Republic of China, China Federation of literary and art circles, China Artists Association