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刘遂海(1950—)四川渠县人,生于重庆市。擅长油画。1969年下乡当知青,1971年在成都市百货公司从事商业美术设计,后毕业于四川教育学院美术系,进修结业于白俄罗斯国家艺术科学院,1994年调入成都大学任教。作品《牧牛图》入选首届中国油画展,《牛犊》入选全国水彩、水粉画展,《凉山的春天》被中国美术馆收藏。有作品百余件在《新华文摘》、《中国油画》、《中国收藏》、《收藏家》等刊物发表。现为成都大学美术学院教授、院长;四川省第十届、十1 届人大代表;成都市人民政府参事;中国美术家协会会员,四川省美术家协会理事。

Introduction to the artist

Liu satisfies the sea (1950, ) person of Sichuan canal county, be born at Chongqing city. Be good at canvas. Go to the countryside was become 1969 educated youth, commercial artistic design pursued in department store of the Chengdu City 1971, sichuan is graduated from to teach academic art after is, academy of sciences of art of country of Russia of Yu Bai of complete a course of attend in a advanced studies, transferred into Chengdu university teachs 1994. Work " Mu Niu pursues " selected first China oily art exhibition, " calf " art exhibition of watercolour of selected whole nation, soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes, " the spring of cool hill " be collected by Chinese art gallery. Have work more than 100 are in " new Hua Wenzhai " , " Chinese canvas " , " China is collected " , " collector " wait for a journal to publish. It is professor of Chengdu university academy of fine arts, dean now; Sichuan saves the 10th, delegates of 11 National People's Congress; Adviser of government of people of the Chengdu City; Chinese artist academician, sichuan saves artist association director.

