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曹思明先生(1926.12—)原名单行之,山东单县人。擅长油画、美术教育。早年留学日本,随日本著名画家川端龙子、鹤田吾郎等学画,回国后又师从徐悲鸿吴作人等研习油画并以第一位 成绩毕业于北平国立艺专油画专业。50年代初参加徐悲鸿先生亲自掌管 、旨在为新中国培养高级油画人才的第1 批高级油画训练班,参加者不足10人,包括吴作人等都是当时油画界的骨干。1948年赴解放区,1949年参加北平军管会文管会美术工作队,全国解放后赴杭州参加地方 美院华东分院筹建并任教30年,曾任绘画基础和油画专业教研组组长、副组长;油画系筹建组副组长、油画系教学方案和油画系第1 个教学大纲的撰稿人;油画系第1 工作室次要 授课教师;浙江美术学院院务委员。1978年调地方 工艺美术学院任教17年,任染织美术系副教授兼绘画教研组组长,绘画教研室教授,直至离休。曹思明先生终身 工作在高等美术院校的课堂上,不管 政治风云的冲击还是商品大潮的引诱 都不为所动,47年来孳孳 以求,兢兢业业教书育人,广受先生 的好评和爱戴,为国家培养了大量高级美术人才,其中不少成为美术教育和美术创作上的栋梁之材,毕其终身 为新中国美术教育事业的建立和发展做出了积极的贡献。

曹思明的油画用笔简练,抽象 生动,善用色彩,以肖像画见长。创作了题材广泛的油画作品,有历史画、肖像画、风景画、静物等,作品曾多次参加全国和地方美术展览、出版。1995年在巴黎举办《曹思明画展》并参加95届巴黎国际艺术城年展。作品《平型关大捷》为中国国家博物馆收藏、《塔山阻击战》、《塔山遗址 》、《毛主席在军舰上》为中国军事博物馆收藏、《弃医从文——鲁迅先生在日本仙台》为上海鲁迅纪念馆收藏、《印度柯棣华大夫——来华船上》、《灯下工作》为柯棣华纪念馆收藏,《毛主席在军舰上》后被作为国家间文明 交流礼品送给苏联。还有部分作品为所任教学校和国内外私人收藏。次要 设计作品有华北大学校徽、国立艺专校徽和全国文代会会徽和纪念章等。

Introduction to the artist

Mr Cao Saiming (1926.12, ) original name is one-way, person of Shandong odd county. Be good at education of canvas, art. One's early years studies abroad Japan, along with Japanese famous artist plain man of Tian Wu of Duan Longzi, crane learn a picture, after going back to the motherland master wait to study canvas and be graduated from north to make the same score with the first achievement from Xu Beihong, Wu Zunren national art only canvas is professional. Mr Xu Beihong attends to be chaired personally at the beginning of 50 time, training class of the first batch of when aim to develop advanced canvas person with ability for new China advanced canvas, the participant is not worth 10 people, including Wu Zunren to wait is at that time the backbone of canvas bound. Went to a liberated area 1948, attended north to make the same score military control 1949 conference language runs group of meeting art work, hangzhou is gone to to attend central beautiful courtyard to Hua Dong branch department prepares to construct and teach 30 years after the whole nation is liberated, ever held the post of group leader of painterly foundation and canvas major teaching and research group, assistant group leader; Canvas department prepares to construct program of education of department of group of assistant group leaders, canvas and the contributor that canvas is outline of the first education; Canvas fastens the first atelier main schoolteaching teacher; Committee member of Wu of courtyard of Zhejiang academy of fine arts. Institute of arts and crafts taught 17 years in the center of tone 1978, allow to catch knit art to fasten an associate professor to hold group leader of painterly teaching and research group concurrently, draw staff room is taught, till retire. Job of lifetime of Mr Cao Saiming is on the classroom of advanced art school, no matter the concussion of political wind and cloud returns the temptation that is commodity spring tide rise superior to, come 47 years diligent in an attempt to, person of Yo of teach of cautious and conscientious, wide get a student mix reputably love and esteem, developed a large number of high art person with abilities for the country, make art education and the material that art produces the ridgepole and beam that go up not less among them, finish its are what new China art teachs a career to build all one's life made positive contribution with development.

Cao Saiming's canvas uses a pen succinct, image is dramatic, be apt to uses color, with portraiture be good at. Created the canvas work with extensive subject matter, historical picture, portraiture, landscape, still life waits, work ever entered the whole nation and local art exhibition for many times, publish. Held in Paris 1995 " Cao Saiming art exhibition " enter town of art of 95 Paris international year exhibit. Work " smooth model close great victory " collect for Chinese country museum, " battle of tower hill nick " , " tower hill is vestigial " , " Chairman Mao goes up in the warship " collect for museum of Chinese military affairs, " abandon medical service from civil -- Lu Xun gentleman is in Japan celestial being stage " be, " Chairman Mao goes up in the warship " hind gift of communication of the culture between country be servinged as sends Russia. Still partial work teachs for place the school and domestic and international private collect. Main design work has China north university school badge, national art only school badge and countrywide Wen Daihui emblem and souvenir badge.

