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早在先生 时期,即参加进步先生 运动;1 九三六年毕业于四川艺专,以后 当过教员和四川科学仪器制造所的技术员。1 九三七年抗日和平 爆发,则在党的领导下从事抗日救亡工作;1 九三九年加入中国共产党,在成都搞地下工作。
1 九四零年到延安鲁艺学习兼任党务工作,此后历任延安抗大文明 教员、鲁艺研讨 生、内蒙文工团副团长、东北文工团团长、。《东北画报》美术研讨 室,北京旧事 摄影局美术研讨 室研讨 员,人美出版社创作室主任、黑龙江省文联副主席、中国美协黑龙江分会主席等职务。曾发表嫁衣等作品,和 1 些理论文章。暮年 从事中国美术史的编写工作,惜未完成而病故。

Introduction to the artist

Original name Zhang Fuxian, ever used a birthday, sichuan saves person of county of high mountain eyebrow. Chairman of branch of Heilongjiang of association of former China artist.
Be in early student period, join ascensive student campaign namely; Was graduated from Sichuan art 1936 only, teacher and Sichuan science instrument should pass to make the technician of place later. The War of Resistance Against Japan erupted 1937, be engaged in fighting work of day save the nation from extinction below the leader of the party; Joined a Chinese Communist 1939, underground is done to work in Chengdu.
To Yan'an Lu Yi study held party work part-time to work 1940, after this has successively held the posts of teacher of culture of Yan'an the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese Military and Political College, Lu Yi's graduate student, Neimengwen to be versed in colonel of regimental deputy regimental commander, northeast song and dance ensemble, . " northeast pictorial " art lab, researcher of lab of art of bureau of Beijing news photography, vice-chairman of couplet of article of director of room of creation of person beautiful press, Heilongjiang province, China is beautiful assist the post such as Heilongjiang branch chairman. Ever published marry the work such as the garment, and a few academic writingses. Old age is engaged in China of art history write the work, cherish is half-baked and die of illness.

