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胡作人,本籍 福建省泉州市。曾就读中国美术学院附中及广州美术学院附中,现任美术学院(香港)校友会理事、香港福建书画研讨 会理事、福建美术家协会会员、泉州鲤城区美术家协会顾问。父亲胡迈是新加坡华侨,1935年学成回国,创立泉州首家画室《相如画室》,以绘肖像为主,从小在这类 艺术环境的薰陶下,5 岁就对绘画产生了浓厚的兴味 ,并在父亲的指点 之下开始涂红抺绿。
1999年油画《福建土楼》入选“第九届全国美展”并为深圳荣寳斋无限 公司收藏。
1999年油画《喜泼吉祥水》参展“第九届全国美展”获优秀奖。现为香港香江国际无限 公司收藏。
1999年油画《赌王何鸿燊肖像》为什么 先生私人收藏。
2001年油画《早茶》及油画《荷塘芳艳》入选中国写生作品全集 。
2001世纪缤纷5 人西画展。
2010年香港福建书画研讨 会西画展
2011年香港福建书画研讨 会双年展。
2011年决定全退休,开始投入以闽南地区风土民俗为提材的1 糸列油画创作。

Introduction to the artist

Hu Zunren, ancestral home Fujian Province fontal state city. Ever read attached middle school of Chinese academy of fine arts and attached middle school of Guangzhou academy of fine arts, currently hold the post ofan academy of fine arts (Hong Kong) association of artist of the city zone of carp of city of academician of artist of director of alumni association director, seminar of painting and calligraphy of Hong Kong Fujian, Fujian, spring is advisory. Father moustache is stridden is Singapore overseas Chinese, learned to go back to the motherland 1935, found fontal city first atelier " picturesque room " , give priority to with draw effigies, fall in the edification of this kind of artistic environment as a child, 5 years old generated strong interest to brushwork, tu Gong begins under the guidance in father green.
6 watercolour work was chosen to send Germany and Indian ginseng to exhibit by the country 1956.
1961 " folk song sings happier more " New Year picture is published by publishing house of Shanghai people art.
On at the beginning of century 60-70 time first the work that after publishs in Fujian has New Year picture " except kill destroy ill, the land yields good harvests and the people enjoy good health " , New Year picture " eulogize Zhang Gaoqian " , New Year picture " draw Gan Quan to seize a bumper harvest " .
Created the member that comprise for New Year picture of Fujian people press 1963.
Resident 1978 Hong Kong, preexistence Hong Kong " 9 Hua Tang " picture of name of duplicate China ancient time, Jin and pursue canvas effigies job, after is opened " similar canvas company " , order for goods sells as far as to Euramerican each country.
Attended conference member of of Hong Kong art to exhibit 1995.
1996 " of 96 China painterly high-quality goods is seen meeting " work is favorred by audience of China and foreign countries, canvas " cicada Yi Yunv " for Hong Kong banker Mr Liao Liewu is collected.
1997 canvas " Chinese redbud signs up for spring return " in be Hong Kong, silver-colored collect is collected.
1997 canvas " parrot song carp and broccoli " selected " canvas of still life of the 2nd China is exhibited " .
Hong Kong celebrated recursive art work to exhibit 1997.
1999 canvas " Fujian ground floor " selected " beauty of the 9th whole nation is exhibited " it is fast of Shenzhen flourish limited company is collected.
1999 canvas " happy event sprinkle lucky water " ginseng exhibit " beauty of the 9th whole nation is exhibited " win outstanding award. Collect for limited company of international of Hong Kong sweet river now.
Charity of Hong Kong healthy express was exhibited 1999.
1999 canvas " bet effigies of Wang Hehong " why the gentleman is private collect.
2000 canvas " effigies of gent of Shi Ziqing peace and tranquility " collect to apply a gentleman.
Canvas Hong Kong knew a personage 2000 " forest image of Ms. Bei Yujia " for her private collect.
2001 canvas " early tea " reach canvas " pond of carry on one's shoulder fragrant colourful " anthology of selected China sketchy work.
Alumni association couplet of ﹚ of Hong Kong of ﹙ of Chinese academy of fine arts was exhibited 2000.
2001 centuries profusion 5 people on the west art exhibition.
2006 canvas " effigies of Wu Shumin of Mrs. Shi Ziqing " collect to use gentleman couple.
2006 " art meets Hangzhou west lake " reach 2007 " first art meet Wen Zhou " , has many canvas work to be mixed by the enterprise private collect.
2010 seminar of painting and calligraphy of Hong Kong Fujian on the west art exhibition
2011 seminar of painting and calligraphy of Hong Kong Fujian double year exhibit.
2011 canvas " when papaya is mature " attend " art of first international new idea double year exhibit " .
The decision is completely emeritus 2011, begin investment to be the one Mi that carries material to list canvas creation with folk-custom of clime of the area austral Fujian.

